I think the way the issue is framed matters a lot. If it's a "populist" framing ("elites are in it for themselves, they can't be trusted"), that frame seems to have resonated with a segment of the right lately. Climate change has a sanctimonious frame in American politics that conservatives hate.
It looks like the comedian whose clip you linked has a podcast:
I don't see any guests in their podcast history, but maybe someone could invite him on a different podcast? His website lists appearances on other podcasts. I figure it's worth trying stuff like this for VoI.
I think people should emphasize more the rate of improvement in this technology. Analogous to early days of COVID -- it's not where we are that's worrisome; it's where we're headed.
For humans acting very much not alone, like big AGI research companies, yeah that's clearly a big problem.
How about a group of superbabies that find and befriend each other? Then they're no longer acting alone.
I don't think the problem is about any of the people you listed having too much brainpower.
I don't think problems caused by superbabies would look distinctively like "having too much brainpower". They would look more like the ordinary problems humans have with each other. Brainpower would be a force multiplier.
(I feel we're somewhat talking past each other, but I appreciate the conversation and still want to get where you're coming from.)
Thanks. I mostly just want people to pay attention to this problem. I don't feel like I have unique insight. I'll probably stop commenting soon, since I think I'm hitting the point of diminishing returns.
I think this project should receive more red-teaming before it gets funded.
Naively, it would seem that the "second species argument" matches much more strongly to the creation of a hypothetical Homo supersapiens than it does to AGI.
We've observed many warning shots regarding catastrophic human misalignment. The human alignment problem isn't easy. And "intelligence" seems to be a key part of the human alignment picture. Humans often lack respect or compassion for other animals that they deem intellectually inferior -- e.g. arguing that because those other animals lack cognitive capabilities we have, they shouldn't be considered morally relevant. There's a decent chance that Homo supersapiens would think along similar lines, and reiterate our species' grim history of mistreating those we consider our intellectual inferiors.
It feels like people are deferring to Eliezer a lot here, which seems unjustified given how much strategic influence Eliezer had before AI became a big thing, and how poorly things have gone (by Eliezer's own lights!) since then. There's been very little reasoning transparency in Eliezer's push for genetic enhancement. I just don't see why we're deferring to Eliezer so much as a strategist, when I struggle to name a single major strategic success of his.
There's a good chance their carbon children would have about the same attitude towards AI development as they do. So I suspect you'd end up ruled by their silicon grandchildren.
These are incredibly small peanuts compared to AGI omnicide.
The jailbreakability and other alignment failures of current AI systems are also incredibly small peanuts compared to AGI omnicide. Yet they're still informative. Small-scale failures give us data about possible large-scale failures.
You're somehow leaving out all the people who are smarter than those people, and who were great for the people around them and humanity? You've got like 99% actually alignment or something
Are you thinking of people such as Sam Altman, Demis Hassabis, Elon Musk, and Dario Amodei? If humans are 99% aligned, how is it that we ended up in a situation where major lab leaders look so unaligned? MIRI and friends had a fair amount of influence to shape this situation and align lab leaders, yet they appear to have failed by their own lights. Why?
When it comes to AI alignment, everyone on this site understands that if a "boxed" AI acts nice, that's not a strong signal of actual friendliness. The true test of an AI's alignment is what it does when it has lots of power and little accountability.
Maybe something similar is going on for humans. We're nice when we're powerless, because we have to be. But giving humans lots of power with little accountability doesn't tend to go well.
Looking around you, you mostly see nice humans. That could be because humans are inherently nice. It could also be because most of the people around you haven't been given lots of power with little accountability.
Dramatic genetic enhancement could give enhanced humans lots of power with little accountability, relative to the rest of us.
[Note also, the humans you see while looking around are strongly selected for, which becomes quite relevant if the enhancement technology is widespread. How do you think you'd feel about humanity if you lived in Ukraine right now?]
Which, yes, we should think about this, and prepare and plan and prevent, but it's just a totally totally different calculus from AGI.
I want to see actual, detailed calculations of p(doom) from supersmart humans vs supersmart AI, conditional on each technology being developed. Before charging ahead on this, I want a superforecaster-type person to sit down, spend a few hours, generate some probability estimates, publish a post, and request that others red-team their work. I don't feel like that is a lot to ask.
Humans are very far from fooming.
Tell that to all the other species that went extinct as a result of our activity on this planet?
I think it's possible that the first superbaby will be aligned, same way it's possible that the first AGI will be aligned. But it's far from a sure thing. It's true that the alignment problem is considerably different in character for humans vs AIs. Yet even in this particular community, it's far from solved -- consider Brent Dill, Ziz, Sam Bankman-Fried, etc.
Not to mention all of history's great villains, many of whom believed themselves to be superior to the people they afflicted. If we use genetic engineering to create humans which are actually, massively, undeniably superior to everyone else, surely that particular problem is only gonna get worse. If this enhancement technology is going to be widespread, we should be using the history of human activity on this planet as a prior. Especially the history of human behavior towards genetically distinct populations with overwhelming technological inferiority. And it's not pretty.
So yeah, there are many concrete details which differ between these two situations. But in terms of high-level strategic implications, I think there are important similarities. Given the benefit of hindsight, what should MIRI have done about AI back in 2005? Perhaps that's what we should be doing about superbabies now.
Altman and Musk are arguably already misaligned relative to humanity's best interests. Why would you expect smarter versions of them to be more aligned? That only makes sense if we're in an "alignment by default" world for superbabies, which is far from obvious.
If you look at the grim history of how humans have treated each other on this planet, I don't think it's justified to have a prior that this is gonna go well.
I think we have a huge advantage with humans simply because there isn't the same potential for runaway self-improvement.
Humans didn't have the potential for runaway self-improvement relative to apes. That was little comfort for the apes.
I'm not sure about that, does Bernie Sanders rhetoric set off that detector?