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Clarification: We will start at 7pm (19:00) Greek time.

Hi Anton,

I am fine with any of these options. See you later!

Dear all,

this is a short reminder for today's Colongne ACX meetup

We will meet at 17:00 in the Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Park, on the hill facing Aachener Weiher. I will put up a sign with "ACX MEETUP" on it. Currently around 15 people have RSVPed.

The weather forecast looks good, but don't forget to bring a jacket for when it gets colder in the evening. You may also bring a picnic blanket to sit on.

Coordinates:50.933178 N, 6.928824 E
What3Words location:ötigen.getränken.quadrat
Google Maps location:

I will pre-order a selection of drinks/food from Lieferando/Wolt, including vegan/vegetarian options. Please let me know if you have any specific wishes or if there are any dietary restrictions that I need to consider. We have a budget of up to 210 Euro. Feel free to bring additional food or drinks :-)

Looking forward to meet you later!

Kind regards

Thank you for RSVPing for the ACX Meetup in Cologne on September 11.

Aparticipant pointed out that the Cologne meetup is overlapping with the LessWrong Online Community Weekend that is co-organized by people in Cologne/Bonn.

After receiving your feedback I moved the meetup by a week to September 18 in order to allow more people to join us.

Updated what3words link: