
I am currently a nuclear engineer with a focus in nuclear plant safety and probabilistic risk assessment. I am also an aspiring EA, interested in X-risk mitigation and the intersection of science and policy.

Wiki Contributions


As a counterpoint, take a look at this article:

The upshot is that the studies saying your body can only use 45g of protein per meal for muscle synthesis are mostly based on fast-acting whey protein shakes. Stretching out the duration of protein metabolism (by switching protein sources and/or combining it with other foods in a gradually-digested meal) can mitigate the problem quite a bit.

Saturated fats are definitely manageable in small amounts. For most of history, and still in many places today, the biggest concern for an infant was getting sufficient calories, and saturated fat is a great choice for that. When you look at modern hunter-gatherer diets, they contain animal products, but in most cases they do not make up the majority of calories (exceptions usually involve lots of seafood), the meats are wild and therefore fairly lean, and BMI stays generally quite low. Under those conditions, heart disease risk is small and whether it is slightly increased by the saturated fat in one's diet is mostly irrelevant. There is a big difference between chasing down the occasional antelope and pulling up to the drive through for a cheeseburger. So the evolutionary argument really is not strong evidence that saturated fats are harmless.

I agree that the studies we have are mostly inadequate, but I don't think using hunter-gatherer diets as a control would be very useful either. If you change everything at once, you can't isolate specific causal factors. What we really need (but can't have) is a bunch of large scale trials that have many groups with many different interventions and combinations of interventions, and statistical power to distinguish outcomes between each group.

Real can of worms that deserves its own post I would think

I think in this case just spacing them out would help more.


Downvoted because I waded through all those rhetorical shenanigans and I still don't understand why you didn't just say what you mean.

Separate clocks would be a pain to manage in a board game, but in principle "the game ends once 50% of players have run out of time" seems like a decent condition.

Oh, good point, I had forgotten about the zero-sum victory points. The extent to which the other parts are zero sum depends a lot on how large the game board is relative to the number of players, so it could be adjusted. I was thinking about having a time limit instead of a round limit, to encourage the play to move quickly, but maybe that's too stressful. If you want the players to choose to end the game, then you'd want to build in a mechanic that works against all of them more and more as the game progresses, so that at some point continuing becomes counterproductive...

Would a good solution be to just play Settlers, but instead of saying "the goal is to get more points than anyone else," say "this is a variant where the goal is to get the highest score you can, individually"? That seems like it would change the negotiation dynamics in a potentially interesting way without having to make or teach a brand new game. Does this miss the point somehow?

So, then it seems like the client's best move in this scenario is to lie to you strategically, or at least omit information strategically. They could say "I know for sure you won't find any fingerprints or identifiable face in the camera footage" and "I think my friends will confirm that I was playing video games with them", and as long as they don't actually tell you that's a lie, you can put those friends on the stand, right?

You say that lying to you can only hurt them but "There is a kernel of an exception that is almost not worth mentioning" because it is rarely relevant. I find this pretty hard to believe. If your client tells you "yeah I totally robbed that store, but I was wearing a ski mask and gloves so I think a jury will have reasonable doubt assuming my friends say I was playing video games with them the whole time", would you be on board with that plan? There must be plenty of cases where the cops basically know who did it but have trouble proving it. Maybe those just don't get to the point of a public defender getting assigned?

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