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Someone seems to have downvoted all of my comments. And, surmising by what I said to him, it seems to have been private messaging.

(If there is some way to check this and) this is true, this is an abuse of the karma system. I do not have many comments, so it is not so much a big deal, but I liked my comments, except the one I retracted (note it is the only one which did not get any downvotes just now), and I don't like unfairness.

This person has been rightly accused of trolling and causing needless drama and insufficiently epistemic prudence, and he definitely runs a whole lot of accounts, so I recommend the banhammer.


It may improve your working memory, which would help you with those problems, John Maxwell IV, but probably not.


What signal about the efficacy and seriousness of antideathist groups do you think it sends when, of all possible ways to make things happen in that direction, the public is aware of people who go outside and picket and write on facebook walls ?

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

"Please, please, please tell me! I must know"

Perhaps too dramatic for your taste, but it should get the job done.


I know what you mean. As someone who knows women who have been raped and abused, I am disgusted and horrified by this post. I almost can't believe LW is willing to tolerate such insensitivity.


Do not attempt to transform Less Wrong into r/atheism. Just do not even try.


You use only the resources you have, including your judgement, including your metajudgement.

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