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Within the past few years, the concept of a "culture war" went from that of a passing buzzword to an apt description of what we may already be mired in. Many actions taken by those on the "New Right" or Alt Right or Far Right are designed to hurt those they disagree with rather than provide benefit to their own compatriots. How else can we describe this sort of behavior if not as "war-like"? We may see more indiscriminate killings, but what will stoke the flames will be deliberate and targeted assassinations. On 4chan, I have already seen open discussion revolving around the question of why spree shooters are not targeting figureheads of opposing cultural and political ideologies, so it appears the seeds are already being planted for lone wolf assassinations that would resemble and possibly even derive inspiration from fictional characters like Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver - a character that many on that website find commonality with.