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Answer by HBLord130


  1. Punch through walls
  2. Shout for help until someone hears and helps
  3. If in california, wait for a wildfire to burn the walls down
  4. Call 911
  5. Torrent a lot of disney movies on my phone, escape when lawyers arrive to deliver court summons.
  6. Call a demolition crew to knock walls down.
  7. Call a locksmith
  8. Room has multiple doors. Go through one that’s not locked.
  9. Fire escape
  10.  Create an elaborate buried treasure plot with the final location inside the room and post it online, escape when treasure hunters arrive.
  11.  Don’t pay rent, escape when the landlord tries to show the unit to prospective new tennants.
  12.  Die
  13.  Set wifi name to “Help I’m locked in this room please come save me”
  14.  Open window and climb out
  15.  Throw phone through window to break it, then climb out.
  16.  Break window, use glass shard to carve through the door.
  17.  Post online asking for help
  18.  Call the local news to get the story out about whomever put you in this situation. Use the wave of awareness and support to get locals banded together towards aiding your escape.
  19.  Record evidence of your miraculous ability to subsist without food or water, offer to teach the secret to anyone that finds and rescues you.
  20.  Call FBI tip line and tell them a wanted criminal is hiding at your location.
  21.  Dig through the floor.
  22.  Order lock picks online with specific delivery instructions to slide package under the door. Use them to pick lock.
  23.  Chew through the door/walls
  24.  Keep running into the wall until the gaps between atoms randomly align and you slip through.
  25.  Start an internet cult. After years of dedication, “reveal” to members that heavenly salvation can be found at your precise location.
  26.  Knock on the door until someone hears and helps.
  27.  Set up a website for a “reverse escape room” and charge some corporate team-building group money to come rescue you.
  28.  Carve through door with the corner of my phone
  29.  If window is too high to escape from, grow hair for years, braid it into a rope, then climb down.
  30.  Confidently boast online that my room is “inpenetrable” and challenge people to try and get in.
  31.  Offer to give the phone with 10-year battery life to whomever rescues me.
  32.  Setup a business that allows people to take out their anger on the exterior walls of your room for a fee.
  33.  Post a babble challenge on less wrong to generate ideas, steal the best one.
  34.  Rapidly shuffle feet until you wear through the floor.
  35.  If room is truly empty it would be a vacuum. Make a small hole in a wall and hope the force of air rushing in widens it or pulls something useful through.
  36.  Call mom.
  37.  Grow out fingernails for years, use them to carve my way out.
  38.  Pry pins from door hinges
  39.  Kick knob off of the door, manipulate latch from the inside
  40.  Bust up drywall until you find wires, use wires to spark a fire on one wall. Escape when fire burns big enough hole, or when firefighters break through to put it out.
  41.  Take off my pants and tie a knot at the bottom of one pant leg. Put the phone inside the pant leg and use it as a flail to more effectively smash through door, window, etc.
  42.  Claim that I am doing a hunger strike to advance some cause. Live-stream life in the empty room to prove my commitment. 
  43.  Make crazy reckless investments using trading apps. Either you make lots of money to help fund escape efforts, or someone is bound to come after you because of your massive debt — escape when they arrive.
  44.   Leverage your ability to go a decade without food into an astronaut job on a long-term space mission. (spend years educating yourself online if necessary). NASA will arrange for your escape once they’ve hired you.
  45.  Write a self-help book “I found myself while in a locked empty room, and you can too.” Leverage increase notoriety/money towards rescue.
  46.  Intentionally damage phone’s massive battery, causing thermal runaway and an explosion that makes a hole for me to escape through.
  47.  Unlock the room and leave.
  48.  Do some illegal stuff online and get yourself arrested.
  49.  Do some illegal stuff online and don’t get arrested. (You’ve escaped punishment)
  50.  Do nothing. (The room is an escape from the crazy outside world)