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With the Dota OpenAI bot, Alpha GO, and Deep Blue --- it's funny how we keep training AIs to play zero-sum war simulation games against human enemies.

keyboard shortcuts to snap windows to any half or third of the screen (or full screen).

In Windows 10 you can,

  • Maximize a window using Windows Key + Up Arrow.
  • Un-maximize with Win + Down Arrow.
  • Minimize window with Win + Down Arrow again.
  • Cover left half, with Win + Left Arrow.
  • Upper right quarter with Win + Right Arrow, followed by Win + Up Arrow.
  • Lower left with Win + Left Arrow, followed by Win + Down Arrow.
  • When using left/right split windows, dragging the center resize bar will resize both windows.

Very convenient.

I bumped into this paper when looking for additional research for Habits 101.

Are you by any chance familiar with the text book Self-Directed Behavior? It's basically psychology of habits 101.

Good luck on your weight loss! :-)

TapLog is very nifty, it's simply that it would be even better with a somewhat extended feature set.

Here's one use case: I want to log my skin picking and skin care routine (morning/evening).

The first is easy. I just add a button to my home screen that increments by one every time I click it (which is every time I touch my face with my fingers). After a while I can plot number of picks each day, or month, or cumulative, etc. It's very nice.

Logging my skin care routine is more difficult, since TapLog does not support lists. (Only quantity, and/or text-input [with an optional prompt], and/or gps position, for a single entry)

What I would like is for TapLog to let me predefine a list of items (shave, cleanse, moisturizer) then give me a push notification in the morning and/or evening requesting me to check off each item.

(If you use something like Wunderlist with a daily repeat of the list, it is very fragile. If you miss a couple of days you have to reset the date for the reminder, because there's no way for unfinished lists to simply disappear unless you actually check them off. And in Wunderlist there's no way to analyze your list data to see how well you did last month, etc.)

Your post reads as if you read my mind. :)

I currently use a mix between TapLog (for Android) and google forms (with an icon on my home screen so that it mimics a locally installed app).

Neither feels as if they really solve my needs, though. E.g. both lack a reminder feature.

[the egg rolled passed Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico]

Skipper: Hey, anybody see that? That's an egg! Is somebody gonna go get it?

Penguin #5: We can't do that.

Skipper: Why not?

Penguin #6: Well, it's a dangerous world out there and we're just penguins. You know, nothing but cute and cuddly.

Penguin #7: Yeah. Why do you think there are always documentary crews filming us? [camera zooms out to see two men with a camera and a microphone for filming]

Penguin #8: Well, sorry, kid. You know, we lose a few eggs every year. It's just nature.

Skipper: Oh, right, nature. I guess that makes sense. But... But something... something deep down in my gut tells me that it just doesn't make any sense at all. You know what? I reject nature! [the other penguins gasp] Who's with me? [with a shout, Skipper goes after the egg, much to Kowalski's and Rico's confusion]

Penguins of Madagascar, 2014

They tried to show, they got a different answer, they showed it anyway.

This is very admirable! Especially on such a politically charged topic.

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