ICLR reviewer V9gX


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Thanks! Apparently this is not visible to me as a reviewer. 

Then my current guess is that the area chair forgot to initiate the AC-reviewer discussion, or that they set the visibility wrong.

Interesting. This is all surprising to me, but I honestly don't know what to conclude from the surprise:

  • Even when logging into OpenReview, I do not see a single comment from the area chair.
  • So if what you are saying is true, then the area chair communicated their unhappiness to you, but not to us reviewers. My usual expectation is that the area chair initiates the reviewer-AC discussion, which, as far as I can tell, simply did not happen at all. (This can sometimes happen if the AC thinks no discussion is necessary, but according to what you say the AC would have liked MORE, not less discussion)
  • You write about a "final decision", but, crucially, when I look at OpenReview, I do not see any AC decision. Instead, I see that you withdrew the paper on 23rd of January, one day after the decision should have happened according to the dates and deadlines

I'm not sure what to make of this. 

I reviewed this work anonymously for ICLR under the reviewer name V9gX:


This is the most detailed review of the technical details of the work that I'm aware of, and I still stand by those points. Though note that the authors conclude by disagreeing with me and I did not answer since the reviewing period was over. The answer did not convince me, but it might convince you.

I may not find the time to engage extensively here, I simply link to the review since I think it makes important points that are not made in this forum by anyone else.