Interesting. This is all surprising to me, but I honestly don't know what to conclude from the surprise:
I'm not sure what to make of this.
I reviewed this work anonymously for ICLR under the reviewer name V9gX:¬eId=Pd6o3qhGlw
This is the most detailed review of the technical details of the work that I'm aware of, and I still stand by those points. Though note that the authors conclude by disagreeing with me and I did not answer since the reviewing period was over. The answer did not convince me, but it might convince you.
I may not find the time to engage extensively here, I simply link to the review since I think it makes important points that are not made in this forum by anyone else.
Thanks! Apparently this is not visible to me as a reviewer.
Then my current guess is that the area chair forgot to initiate the AC-reviewer discussion, or that they set the visibility wrong.