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Excessive returns will possibly get you banned from Amazon for life, with no warning, as many have discovered.


Could a broken HTTP proxy be in your way? You can look at your HTTP traffic in Chrome by hitting F12 and clicking on the 'Network' tab, or in Firefox by installing the HttpFox addon. You can click around on the requests/responses and see if you're getting any strange error responses.

Also, have you tried ctrl-shift-r to force reload in both browsers? Some broken resource might be cached.


But at least we finally noticed we're robots, and we can use the skills of rationality to hop off our habit treadmills and pursue our values instead.

How do you determine whether you've really hopped off the treadmill, vs. using higher-order desires as a sophisticated long-term strategy to spread your genes and memes? (Is this covered in the book?)


gwern told me about PB in January 2011, and given my heavy use, I've spent about two days tweaking it and fixing bugs. If you like the changes, feel free to upvote this comment (I could use more than 0 karma). Note that TrikeApps is responsible for making the database faster, not me.

Also, if you see old predictions with bizarre estimates (e.g. 99% instead of 1%), it's because almost everyone made mistakes due the old copy displaying "99% against" instead of "1%" for 1% - the new version doesn't do this.