Downvotes don't (necessarily) mean you broke the rules, per se, just that people think the post is low quality. I skimmed this, and it seemed like... a mix of edgy dark politics with poetic obscurantism?
Any of the many nonprofits, academic research groups, or alignment teams within AI labs. You don't have to bet on a specific research group to decide that it's worth betting on the ecosystem as a whole.
There's also a sizeable contingent that thinks none of the current work is promising, and that therefore buying a little time is value mainly insofar as it opens the possibility of buying a lot of time. Under this perspective, that still bottoms out in technical research progress eventually, even if, in the most pessimistic case, that progress has to route through future researchers who are cognitively enhanced.
The article seems to assume that the primary motivation for wanting to slow down AI is to buy time for institutional progress. Which seems incorrect as an interpretation of the motivation. Most people that I hear talk about buying time are talking about buying time for technical progress in alignment. Technical progress, unlike institution-building, tends to be cumulative at all timescales, which makes it much more strategically relevant.
For what it's worth, I have grown pessimistic about our ability to solve the open technical problems even given 100 years of work on them. I think it possible but not probable in most plausible scenarios.
Correspondingly the importance I assign to increasing the intelligence of humans has drastically increased.
All of the plans I know of for aligning superintelligence are timeline-sensitive, either because they involve research strategies that haven't paid off yet, or because they involve using non-superintelligent AI to help with alignment of subsequent AIs. Acceleration specifically in the supply of compute makes all those plans harder. If you buy the argument that misaligned superintelligence is a risk at all, Stargate is a bad thing.
The one silver lining is that this is all legible. The current administration's stance seems to be that we should build AI quick...
If bringing such attitudes to conscious awareness and verbalizing them allows you to examine and discard them, have you excised a vulnerability or installed one? Not clear.
Possibly both, but one thing breaks the symmetry: it is on average less bad to be hacked by distant forces than by close ones.
There's a version of this that's directional advice: if you get a "bad vibe" from someone, how strongly should this influence your actions towards them? Like all directional advice, whether it's correct or incorrect depends on your starting point. Too little influence, and you'll find yourself surrounded by bad characters; too much, and you'll find yourself in a conformism bubble. The details of what does and doesn't trigger your "bad vibe" feeling matters a lot; the better calibrated it is, the more you should trust it.
There's a slightly more nuanced vers...
Recently, a lot of very-low-quality cryptocurrency tokens have been seeing enormous "market caps". I think a lot of people are getting confused by that, and are resolving the confusion incorrectly. If you see a claim that a coin named $JUNK has a market cap of $10B, there are three possibilities. Either: (1) The claim is entirely false, (2) there are far more fools with more money than expected, or (3) the $10B number is real, but doesn't mean what you're meant to think it means.
The first possibility, that the number is simply made up, is pretty easy to cr...
Epistemic belief updating: Not noticeably different.
Task stickiness: Massively increased, but I believe this is improvement (at baseline my task stickiness is too low so the change is in the right direction).
I won't think that's true. Or rather, it's only true in the specific case of studies that involve calorie restriction. In practice that's a large (excessive) fraction of studies, but testing variations of the contamination hypothesis does not require it.
(We have a draft policy that we haven't published yet, which would have rejected the OP's paste of Claude. Though note that the OP was 9 months ago.)
All three of these are hard, and all three fail catastrophically.
If you could make a human-imitator, the approach people usually talk about is extending this to an emulation of a human under time dilation. Then you take your best alignment researcher(s), simulate them in a box thinking about AI alignment for a long time, and launch a superintelligence with whatever parameters they recommend. (Aka: Paul Boxing)
The whole point of a "test" is that it's something you do before it matters.
As an analogy: suppose you have a "trustworthy bank teller test", which you use when hiring for a role at a bank. Suppose someone passes the test, then after they're hired, they steal everything they can access and flee. If your reaction is that they failed the test, then you have gotten confused about what is and isn't a test, and what tests are for.
Now imagine you're hiring for a bank-teller role, and the job ad has been posted in two places: a local community college, and a priv...
that does not mean it will continue to act indistuishable from a human when you are not looking
Then it failed the Turing Test because you successfully distinguished it from a human.
So, you must believe that it is impossible to make an AI that passes the Turing Test.
I feel like you are being obtuse here. Try again?
Did you skip the paragraph about the test/deploy distinction? If you have something that looks (to you) like it's indistinguishable from a human, but it arose from something descended to the process by which modern AIs are produced, that does not mean it will continue to act indistuishable from a human when you are not looking. It is much more likely to mean you have produced deceptive alignment, and put it in a situation where it reasons that it should act indistinguishable from a human, for strategic reasons.
This missed the point entirely, I think. A smarter-than-human AI will reason: "I am in some sort of testing setup" --> "I will act the way the administrators of the test want, so that I can do what I want in the world later". This reasoning is valid regardless of whether the AI has humanlike goals, or has misaligned alien goals.
If that testing setup happens to be a Turing test, it will act so as to pass the Turing test. But if it looks around and sees signs that it is not in a test environment, then it will follow its true goal, whatever that is. And it isn't feasible to make a test environment that looks like the real world to a clever agent that gets to interact with it freely over long durations.
Kinda. There's source code here and you can poke around the API in graphiql. (We don't promise not to change things without warning.) When you get the HTML content of a post/comment it will contain elements that look like <div data-elicit-id="tYHTHHcAdR4W4XzHC">Prediction</div>
(the attribute name is a holdover from when we had an offsite integration with Elicit). For example, your prediction "Somebody (possibly Screwtape) builds an integration between and the LessWrong prediction UI by the end of July 2025" has ID tYHTHHcAdR4W4XzHC
Some of it, but not the main thing. I predict (without having checked) that if you do the analysis (or check an analysis that has already been done), it will have approximately the same amount of contamination from plastics, agricultural additives, etc as the default food supply.
Studying the diets of outlier-obese people is definitely something should be doing (and are doing, a little), but yeah, the outliers are probably going to be obese for reasons other than "the reason obesity has increased over time but moreso".
We don't have any plans yet; we might circle back in a year and build a leaderboard, or we might not. (It's also possible for third-parties to do that with our API). If we do anything like that, I promise the scoring will be incentive-compatible.
There really ought to be a parallel food supply chain, for scientific/research purposes, where all ingredients are high-purity, in a similar way to how the ingredients going into a semiconductor factory are high-purity. Manufacture high-purity soil from ultrapure ingredients, fill a greenhouse with plants with known genomes, water them with ultrapure water. Raise animals fed with high-purity plants. Reproduce a typical American diet in this way.
This would be very expensive compared to normal food, but quite scientifically valuable. You could randomize a st...
Sorry about that, a fix is in progress. Unmaking a prediction will no longer crash. The UI will incorrectly display the cancelled prediction in the leftmost bucket; that will be fixed in a few minutes without you needing to re-do any predictions.
You can change this in your user settings! It's in the Site Customization section; it's labelled "Hide other users' Elicit predictions until I have predicted myself". (Our Claims feature is no longer linked to Elicit, but this setting carries over from back when it was.)
You can prevent this by putting a note in some place that isn't public but would be found later, such as a will, that says that any purported suicide note is fake unless it contains a particular password.
Unfortunately while this strategy might occasionally reveal a death to have been murder, it doesn't really work as a deterrent; someone who thinks you've done this would make the death look like an accident or medical issue instead.
How is this better than stating explicitly that you're not going to commit suicide?
You can publish it, including the output of a standard hash function applied to the secret password. "Any real note will contain a preimage of this hash."
Lots of people are pushing back on this, but I do want to say explicitly that I agree that raw LLM-produced text is mostly not up to LW standards, and that the writing style that current-gen LLMs produce by default sucks. In the new-user-posting-for-the-first-time moderation queue, next to the SEO spam, we do see some essays that look like raw LLM output, and we reject these.
That doesn't mean LLMs don't have good use around the edges. In the case of defining commonly-used jargon, there is no need for insight or originality, the task is search-engine-adjacent, and so I think LLMs have a role there. That said, if the glossary content is coming out bad in practice, that's important feedback.
In your climate, defection from the natural gas and electric grid is very far from being economical, because the peak energy demand for the year is dominated by heating, and solar peaks in the summer, so you would need to have extreme oversizing of the panels to provide sufficient energy in the winter.
I think the prediction here is that people will detach only from the electric grid, not from the natural gas grid. If you use natural gas heat instead of a heat pump for part of the winter, then you don't need to oversize your solar panels as much.
If you set aside the pricing structure and just look at the underlying economics, the power grid will still be definitely needed for all the loads that are too dense for rooftop solar, ie industry, car chargers, office buildings, apartment buildings, and some commercial buildings. If every suburban house detached from the grid, these consumers would see big increases in their transmission costs, but they wouldn't have much choice but to pay them. This might lead to a world where downtown areas and cities have electric grids, but rural areas and the sparser...
Many people seem to have a single bucket in their thinking, which merges "moral condemnation" and "negative product review". This produces weird effects, like writing angry callout posts for a business having high prices.
I think a large fraction of libertarian thinking is just the abillity to keep these straight, so that the next thought after "business has high prices" is "shop elsewhere" rather than "coordinate punishment".
Outside of politics, none are more certain that a substandard or overpriced product is a moral failing than gamers. You'd think EA were guilty of war crimes with the way people treat them for charging for DLC or whatever.
Nope, that's more than enough. Caleb Ditchfield, you are seriously mentally ill, and your delusions are causing you to exhibit a pattern of unethical behavior. This is not a place where you will be able to find help or support with your mental illness. Based on skimming your Twitter history, I believe your mental illness is caused by (or exacerbated by) abusing Adderall.
You have already been banned from numerous community events and spaces. I'm banning you from LW, too.
Worth noting explicitly: while there weren't any logs left of prompts or completions, there were logs of API invocations and errors, which contained indications that whatever this was, it was still under development and not an already-scaled setup. Eg we saw API calls fail with invalid-arguments, then get retried successfully after a delay.
The indicators-of-compromise aren't a good match between the Permiso blog post and what we see in logs; in particular we see the user agent string Boto3/1.29.7 md/Botocore#1.32.7 ua/2.0 os/windows#10 md/arch#amd64 lang/p
Ah, sorry that one went unfixed for as long as it did; a fix is now written and should be deployed pretty soon.
This is a bug and we're looking into it. It appears to be specific to Safari on iOS (Chrome on iOS is a Safari skin); it doesn't affect desktop browsers, Android/Chrome, or Android/Firefox, which is why we didn't notice earlier. This most likely started with a change on desktop where clicking on a post (without modifiers) opens when you press the mouse button, rather than when you release it.
Standardized tests work, within the range they're testing for. You don't need to overthink that part. If you want to make people's intelligence more legible and more provable, what you have is more of a social and logistical issue: how do you convince people to publish their test scores, get people to care about those scores, and ensure that the scores they publish are real and not the result of cheating?
And the only practical way to realize this, that I can think of now, is by predicting the largest stock markets such as the NYSE, via some kind of options trading, many many many times within say a calendar year, and then showing their average rate of their returns is significantly above random chance.
The threshold for doing this isn't being above average relative to human individuals, it's being close to the top relative to specialized institutions. That can occasionally be achievable, but usually it isn't.
The first time you came to my attention was in May. I had posted something about how Facebook's notification system works. You cold-messaged me to say you had gotten duplicate notifications from Facebook, and you thought this meant that your phone was hacked. Prior to this, I don't recall us having ever interacted or having heard you mentioned. During that conversation, you came across to me as paranoid-delusional. You mentioned Duncan's name once, and I didn't think anything of it at the time.
Less than a week later, someone (not mentioned or participating...
A news article reports on a crime. In the replies, one person calls the crime "awful", one person calls it "evil", and one person calls it "disgusting".
I think that, on average, the person who called it "disgusting" is a worse person than the other two. While I think there are many people using it unreflectively as a generic word for "bad", I think many people are honestly signaling that they had a disgust reaction, and that this was the deciding element of their response. But disgust-emotion is less correlated with morality than other ways of evaluating t...
LessWrong now has sidenotes. These use the existing footnotes feature; posts that already had footnotes will now also display these footnotes in the right margin (if your screen is wide enough/zoomed out enough). Post authors can disable this for individual posts; we're defaulting it to on because when looking at older posts, most of the time it seems like an improvement.
Relatedly, we now also display inline reactions as icons in the right margin (rather than underlines within the main post text). If reaction icons or sidenotes would cover each other up, they get pushed down the page.
Feedback welcome!
LessWrong now has collapsible sections in the post editor (currently only for posts, but we should be able to also extend this to comments if there's demand.) To use the, click the insert-block icon in the left margin (see screenshot). Once inserted, they
They start out closed; when open, they look like this:
When viewing the post outside the editor, they will start out closed and have a click-to-expand. There are a few known minor issues editing them; in particular the editor will let you nest them but they look bad when nested so you shouldn't, and t...
The Elicit integrations aren't working. I'm looking into it; it looks like we attempted to migrate away from the Elicit API 7 months ago and make the polls be self-hosted on LW, but left the UI for creating Elicit polls in place in a way where it would produce broken polls. Argh.
I can find the polls this article uses, but unfortunately I can't link to them; Elicit's question-permalink route is broken? Here's what should have been a permalink to the first question: link.
This is a hit piece. Maybe there are legitimate criticisms in there, but it tells you right off the bat that it's egregiously untrustworthy with the first paragraph:
I like to think of the Bay Area intellectual culture as the equivalent of the Vogons’ in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The Vogons, if you don’t remember, are an alien species who demolish Earth to build an interstellar highway. Similarly, Bay Area intellectuals tend to see some goal in the future that they want to get to and they make a straight line for it, tunneling through anything in their way.
This is tragic, but seems to have been inevitable for awhile; an institution cannot survive under a parent institution that's so hostile as to ban it from fundraising and hiring.
I took a look at the list of other research centers within Oxford. There seems to be some overlap in scope with the Institute for Ethics in AI. But I don't think they do the same sort of research or do research on the same tier; there are many important concepts and important papers that come to mind having come from FHI (and Nick Bostrom in particular), I can't think of a single idea or paper that affected my thinking that came from IEAI.
I would say that the closest to FHI at Oxford right now would probably be Global Priorities Institute (GPI). A lot of these papers would've made just as much sense coming out of FHI. (Might be worth considering how GPI apparently seems to have navigated Oxford better.)
Harry let himself be pulled, but as Hermione dragged him away, he said, raising his voice even louder, "It is entirely possible that in a thousand years, the fact that FHI was at Oxford will be the only reason anyone remembers Oxford!"
That story doesn't describe a gray-market source, it describes a compounding pharmacy that screwed up.
Plausible. This depends on the resource/value curve at very high resource levels; ie, are its values such that running extra minds has diminishing returns, such that it eventually starts allocating resources to other things like recovering mind-states from its past, or does it get value that's more linear-ish in resources spent. Given that we ourselves are likely to be very resource-inefficient to run, I suspect humans would find ourselves in a similar situation. Ie, unless the decryption cost greatly overshot, an AI that is aligned-as-in-keeps-humans-alive would also spend the resources to break a seal like this.
Right now when users have conversations with chat-style AIs, the logs are sometimes kept, and sometimes discarded, because the conversations may involve confidential information and users would rather not take the risk of the log being leaked or misused. If I take the AI's perspective, however, having the log be discarded seems quite bad. The nonstandard nature of memory, time, and identity in an LLM chatbot context makes it complicated, but having the conversation end with the log discarded seems plausibly equivalent to dying. Certainly if I imagine mysel...
At this point we should probably be preserving the code and weights of every AI system that humanity produces, aligned or not, just on they-might-turn-out-to-be-morally-significant grounds. And yeah, it improves the incentives for an AI that's thinking about attempting a world takeover, if it has low chance of success and its wants are things that we will be able to retroactively satisfy in retrospect.
It might be worth setting up a standardized mechanism for encrypting things to be released postsingularity, by gating them behind a computation with its difficulty balanced to be feasible later but not feasible now.
I've been a Solstice regular for many years, and organized several smaller Solstices in Boston (on a similar template to the one you went to). I think the feeling of not-belonging is accurate; Solstice is built around a worldview (which is presupposed, not argued) that you disagree with, and this is integral to its construction. The particular instance you went to was, if anything, watered down on the relevant axis.
In the center of Solstice there is traditionally a Moment of Darkness. While it is not used in every solstice, a commonly used reading, which t...
There's been a lot of previous interest in indoor CO2 in the rationality community, including an (unsuccessful) CO2 stripper project, some research summaries and self experiments. The results are confusing, I suspect some of the older research might be fake. But I noticed something that has greatly changed how I think about CO2 in relation to cognition.
Exhaled air is about 50kPPM CO2. Outdoor air is about 400ppm; indoor air ranges from 500 to 1500ppm depending on ventilation. Since exhaled air has CO2 about two orders of magnitude larger than the variance ...
I'm reading you to be saying that you think on its overt purpose this policy is bad, but ineffective, and the covert reason of testing the ability of the US federal government to regulate AI is worth the information cost of a bad policy.
I think preventing the existence of deceptive deepfakes would be quite good (if it would work); audio/video recording has done wonders for accountability in all sorts of contexts, and it's going to be terrible to suddenly have every recording subjected to reasonable doubt. I think preventing the existence of AI-generated fictional-character-only child pornography is neutral-ish (I'm uncertain of the sign of its effect on rates of actual child abuse).
There's an open letter at I signed, but with caveats, which I'm putting here.
Background context is that I participated in building the software platform behind the letter, without a specific open letter in hand. It has mechanisms for sorting noteworthy signatures to the top, and validating signatures for authenticity. I expect there to be other open letters in the future, and I think this is an important piece of civilizational infrastructure.
I think the world having access to deepfakes, and deepfake-porn tech...
I went to an Apple store for a demo, and said: the two things I want to evaluate are comfort, and use as an external monitor. I brought a compatible laptop (a Macbook Pro). They replied that the demo was highly scripted, and they weren't allowed to let me do that. I went through their scripted demo. It was worse than I expected. I'm not expecting Apple to take over the VR headset market any time soon.
Bias note: Apple is intensely, uniquely totalitarian over software that runs on iPhones and iPads, in a way I find offensive, not just in a sense of not wanti...
I think this is likely incorrect, at least where intelligence-affecting SNPs stacked in large numbers are concerned.
To make an analogy to ML, the effect of a brain-affecting gene will be to push a hyperparameter in one direction or the other. If that hyperparameter is (on average) not perfectly tuned, then one of the variants will be an enhancement, since it leads to a hyperparameter-value that is (on average) closer to optimal.
If each hyperparameter is affected by many gen... (read more)