Interested in math puzzles, fermi estimation, strange facts about the world, toy models of weird scenarios, unusual social technologies, and deep dives into the details of random phenomena.
Working on the pretraining team at Anthropic as of October 2024; before that I did independent alignment research of various flavors and worked in quantitative finance.
So it's been a few months since SB1047. My sense of the main events that have happened since the peak of LW commenter interest (might have made mistakes or missed some items) are:
Curious for retrospectives here! Whose earlier predictions gain or lose Bayes points? What postmortems do folks have?
Note that the lozenges dissolve slowly, so (bad news) you'd have the taste around for a while but (good news) it's really not a very strong peppermint flavor while it's in your mouth, and in my experience it doesn't really have much of the menthol-triggered cooling effect. My guess is that you would still find it unpleasant, but I think there's a decent chance you won't really mind. I don't know of other zinc acetate brands, but I haven't looked carefully; as of 2019 the claim on this podcast was that only Life Extension brand are any good.
On my model of what's going on, you probably want the lozenges to spend a while dissolving, so that you have fairly continuous exposure of throat and nasal tissue to the zinc ions. I find that they taste bad and astringent if I actively suck on them but are pretty unobtrusive if they just gradually dissolve over an hour or two (sounds like you had a similar experience). I sometimes cut the lozenges in half and let each half dissolve so that they fit into my mouth more easily, you might want to give that a try?
I agree, zinc lozenges seem like they're probably really worthwhile (even in the milder-benefit worlds)! My less-ecstatic tone is only relative to the promise of older lesswrong posts that suggested it could basically solve all viral respiratory infections, but maybe I should have made the "but actually though, buy some zinc lozenges" takeaway more explicit.
I liked this post, but I think there's a good chance that the future doesn't end up looking like a central example of either "a single human seizes power" or "a single rogue AI seizes power". Some other possible futures:
I'd be pretty excited to see more attempts at comparing these kinds of scenarios for plausibility and for how well the world might go conditional on their occurrence.
(I think it's fairly likely that lots of these scenarios will eventually converge on something like the standard picture of one relatively coherent nonhuman agent doing vaguely consequentialist maximization across the universe, after sufficient negotiation and value-reflection and so on, but you might still care quite a lot about how the initial conditions shake out, and the dumbest AI capable of performing a takeover is probably very far from that limiting state.)
The action-relevant question, for deciding whether you want to try to solve alignment, is how the average world with human-controlled AGI compares to the average AGI-controlled world.
To nitpick a little, it's more like "the average world where we just barely didn't solve alignment, versus the average world where we just barely did" (to the extent making things binary in this way is sensible), which I think does affect the calculus a little - marginal AGI-controlled worlds are more likely to have AIs which maintain some human values.
(Though one might be able to work on alignment in order to improve the quality of AGI-controlled worlds from worse to better ones, which mitigates this effect.)
My impression is that since zinc inhibits viral replication, it's most useful in the regime where viral populations are still growing and your body hasn't figured out how to beat the virus yet. So getting started ASAP is good, but it's likely helpful for the first 2-3 days of the illness.
An important part of the model here that I don't understand yet is how your body's immune response varies as a function of viral populations - e.g. two models you could have are
If we simplistically assume* that badness of cold = current viral population, then in world 1 you're really happy to take zinc as soon as you have just a bit of virus and will get better quickly without ever being very sick. In world 2, the zinc has no effect at all on total badness experienced, it just affects the duration over which you experience that badness.
*this is false, tbc - I think you generally keep having symptoms a while after viral load becomes very low, because a lot of symptoms are from immune response rather than the virus itself.
The 2019 LW post discusses a podcast which talks a lot about gears-y models and proposed mechanisms; as I understand it, the high level "zinc ions inhibit viral replication" model is fairly well accepted, but some of the details around which brands are best aren't as well-attested elsewhere in the literature. For instance, many of these studies don't use zinc acetate, which this podcast would suggest is best. (To its credit, the 2013 meta-analysis does find that acetate is (nonsignificantly) better than gluconate, though not radically so.)
A problem I have that I think is fairly common:
Curious if anyone who once had this problem feels like they've resolved it, and if so what worked!