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Great Ideas here.  The title seems a bit wordy.

how about: ""Random Selection: Democracy's Future"
or ""Democracy by Lottery: The Power of Sortition"  

<suggested titles with the help of>

Because most of the software runs in a data center remote from the Autofac, it can be shared between Autofacs.  This allows it to not have to think very hard when things are boring, and very hard when something goes wrong.

"most", but not all.  How does the Autofac generate the control system for the next Autofac?  Doesn't this require a chip fab, or are we just hand waving away the need for more processors and just saying we will import them from outside like we do the raw materials?

Love the optimism, and incorporation of current thoughts.  

I fee very in agreement to that last one, about all the small and medium sized problems I see, and could fix, but only by giving up on others.

As always, amazing writing and world building.  But this feels like part 1 of....  

You've stopped just short of the (possible) treacherous turn, without enlightening us to the resolution.