Putting the paper in perspective to other HR studies:
The study of Thrall et al talks into a larger literature on the effect of NGOs' communication and media attention. In this context, Hafner-Burton[1] for example argues that when an NGO reports human rights violations, it is more likely to be picked up by media magazines if it comes from certain regions rather than others. For this reason some, often populous and poorer countries, remain systematically under-reported. Via communication through social media, this might be amplified, as posts of media magazines have larger budgets amplifying their appearance. Furthermore Hafner-Burton points out that the news media are likely to sensationalise and exaggerate reports of NGOs. This modification is as well argued by scholars[2], to start even earlier in the process, as local groups try to gain attention by matching themselves to the agenda of larger NGOs. This might also be amplified on social media where attention is often more scarce than conventional media. The media coverage of NGOs is important for a variety of reasons, that are both direct, but also more indirect. A study of Richard A. Nielsen[3] cast light on this as he finds that repressive states face greater aid sanctions, when their violations of human rights get published by news media.
Richard A. Nielsen. 2013. “Rewarding Human Rights? Selective Aid Sanctions against Repressive States”. International Studies Quarterly. Vol. 57, pp. 791–803
Any more thoughts about the implementation of tutur-gpt? I have watched some interviews about Khanamigo and the ideas of how it can have an impact for student in ex countries with fewer resources - do you know what barriers there are in this process?
Putting the paper in perspective to other HR studies:
The study of Thrall et al talks into a larger literature on the effect of NGOs' communication and media attention. In this context, Hafner-Burton[1] for example argues that when an NGO reports human rights violations, it is more likely to be picked up by media magazines if it comes from certain regions rather than others. For this reason some, often populous and poorer countries, remain systematically under-reported. Via communication through social media, this might be amplified, as posts of media magazines have larger budgets amplifying their appearance. Furthermore Hafner-Burton points out that the news media are likely to sensationalise and exaggerate reports of NGOs. This modification is as well argued by scholars[2], to start even earlier in the process, as local groups try to gain attention by matching themselves to the agenda of larger NGOs. This might also be amplified on social media where attention is often more scarce than conventional media. The media coverage of NGOs is important for a variety of reasons, that are both direct, but also more indirect. A study of Richard A. Nielsen[3] cast light on this as he finds that repressive states face greater aid sanctions, when their violations of human rights get published by news media.
Hafner Burton, 2014. A Social Science of Human Rights, Journal of Peace Research.
Clifford Bob. 2002. “Merchants of Morality” Foreign Policy 129: 36-45
Richard A. Nielsen. 2013. “Rewarding Human Rights? Selective Aid Sanctions against Repressive States”. International Studies Quarterly. Vol. 57, pp. 791–803