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If your true goal is "everyone lives", then 50% blue cutoff is waaay more achievable than 100% red one.

Google have processing power backed by trained engineers, which might be important too. Google can do things like "Folding@home" on their own.

And then there's three guys spending over 500 hours to recreate the first two minutes and twenty seconds of Super Mario Land using more than 18 million Minecraft blocks.

I suspect it can be done programmatically, by wiring MC server to emulator, in less than 50 hours.

Pfft. Even magenta doesn't fit in the light spectrum. Are you terrified yet? :)

No, I'm not talking about the basis to criticize technology, but more about of actual target of criticism. Disclaimer: there sure are technologies that can do more harm than good. Here I will concentrate on communications, as you picked it as being one of the top problematic technologies.

For me, it all boils down to constructive side of criticism: should we change the technologies of the way we use them? Because I think in first case, new technologies will be used with the same drawbacks for humans as old ones. In the second case, successful usage patterns can be applied to new technologies as well.

For example, rather than limit the usage of communication technologies or change the comm technology itself, maybe we should focus on how the people use them. Make television more social. Or make going out with other people more easy and fun. Promote social interaction and activities using existing technologies, not relying on some magic future technology that will solve the existing problems. I think building the solution around existing technologies is a faster way than waiting for new ones.

Surely, there are technology side and social/culture side of the problem. But we cannot change any of these fast. We can only expand one to help the other. For example, on one programming site, around two years after its creation, people started to organize meetups in local places, much like LW meetups. Then, year later, other group on the site organized soccer games between different site users. The people liked it. And it doesn't take much time because they were building around existing stuff.

Also, sorry for my english. It's not my main language.

Sorry, but isn't this the criticism of inappropriate use of technologies rather than technologies itself?

It will not return any specific person even if you speak Google: a person -"Genghis Khan"

Calculated from gravitational force.

I think vegetarian-carnivore metaphor here doesn't help at all :)

I mean it could not be visible from a game log (for complex games). We will see the combination of pieces when game ends (ending condition), but it can be not enough.

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