
Just someone wandering the internet. Someone smart, but not smart like all of you people. Someone silly and creative. Someone who wanders the internet to find cool, isolated areas like LessWrong. 

The universe is so awesome and crazy and interesting and I can't wait for when humanity is advanced enough to understand all of it. While you people figure out solutions to the various messes our species is in, (I would prefer for homo sapiens to still exist in 20 years) I'll be standing by for emotional support because I'm nowhere near smart enough to be doing any of that actually important stuff. Remember to have good mental health while you're saving the world.

Pronouns: he/him

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Great response, first of all. Strong upvoted.


My subconscious gave me the following answer, after lots of trying-to-get-it-to-give-me-a-satisfactory-answer:

"Everyone tells you that you're super smart, not because you actually are (in reality, you are probably only slightly smarter than average) but because you have a variety of other traits which are correlated with smartness (i.e: having weird hobbies/interests, getting generally good grades, knowing a lot of very big and complicated-sounding words, talking as if my speech is being translated literally from dath ilan's Baseline, and sometimes having trouble sleeping because i feel all weird and philosophical for no reason). In reality these traits do not indicate smartness, they indicate a brain architecture that deviates significantly from the average human brain architecture, and high intelligence is only one type of deviation. You just like to think you're smart, because you like the connotation of the word smart more than you do eccentric. Which you are, by the way."

This is useful, but I don't know how I would "change the equilibrium" that is formed by the connotation that mainstream society has assigned to the word "eccentric"

Would that imply that there is a hard, rigid, and abrupt limit on how accurately you can predict the actions of a conscious being without actually creating a conscious being? And if so, where is this limit?

I guess you mean on an intuitive level, you feel you have X intelligence, but upon self-reflection, you think you have Y intelligence. And you can't change X to match Y.

Yes, that's exactly correct.

I am aware of all of these things. Although, I don't believe that I am smarter than others. (I alieve it though, I just don't want to.) After all, if I was significantly smarter, then I would probably have successfully done an intelligence-requiring major thing by now. Also, if I was significantly smarter, I would be able to understand intelligence-requiring books. I fully believe, in my deliberate, conscious mind, that I am not significantly smarter than others in my environment, I just have lots of weird interests and stuff.

Is there a non-mysterious explanation somewhere of the idea that the universe "conserves information"?

Ah. Thanks! (by the way, when these questions get answered, should I take them down or leave them up for others?)

Good point. Really sorry. Just changed it.

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