I have to admit the intersection with my feed list is most definitely non-empty: I'd add Good Math Bad Math, mathematics, computer science and, sometimes, recipes and playlists.
Rational thinking against fear in a TED talk by (ex) astronaut Chris Hadfield. Has anyone else seen it? I really enjoyed it, in particular the spider example.
There are easy to compute bijections from R to [0,1], etc.
This is not true, there are bijections between R and (0,1), but not the closed interval.
Anyway there are more striking examples, for example if you know that A, B, C, D are in a discrete finite set, it restricts yout choices quite a lot.
If I may add something to (2) (and (3), too) I'd say to be concise and not wander too far: keep the focus and don't waste time. Moreover I think that a contribution, let it be a comment or a main argument, is much more interesting if it's different from what it has been already said before. I often hear people asking questions or offering arguments that have shown up before, without providing any new insight. Basically you could say "Listen before you speak".
Hi everyone, I'm labachevskij. I'm a long time lurker on this site, attracted by (IIRC) Bayesian Decision Theory. I'm completing my PhD studies in Maths, but I have also been caught by HPMOR, which is proving a huge source of procrastination (I'm reading it again for the third time). I'm also on my way with the reading of the sequences.
Took the survey, and as others pointed out had some trouble with the questions about income (net? gross?) Also, is there any place where all the reading (fanfiction, books, blogs) hinted to in the survey are collected? I knew (and have read) some, but many I have never heard of, and would like to find out more.