You guys will probably find this Slate Star Codex post interesting:
Scott summarizes the Predictive Processing theory, explains it in a very accessible way (no math required), and uses it to explain a whole bunch of mental phenomena (attention, imagination, motor behavior, autism, schizophrenia, etc.)
Can someone ELI5/TLDR this paper for me, explain in a way more accessible to a non-technical person?
- How does backprop work if the information can't flow backwards?
- In Scotts post, he says that when lower-level sense data contradicts high-level predictions, high-level layers can override lower-level predictions without you noticing it. But if low-level sensed data has high confidence/precision - the higher levels notice it and you experience "surprise". Which one of those is equivalent to the backdrop error? Is it low-level predictions being overridden, or high-level layers noticing the surprise, or something else, like changing the connections between neurons to train the network and learn from the error somehow?
Looks amazing!
I'd love to buy an ebook version though. Or even better - an audiobook.