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note to self: listened up to 26m

i'd be interested in a story that goes deeper into how different U3 agents interact and what they're wanting 

I wish there was an audio version ☺️

Oh, based on your DM, they will still preserve and transport your brain to OregonCryo for indefinite storage for free if you can't afford it. So I wouldn't say they're no longer active. But it's still good info to know they aren't doing the storage locally anymore. Thanks for sharing.

Oh wow! Damn ☹️ Well, I'm super grateful for the time it was active. If you don't mind sending me a copy of your exchanges, I'd be interested.

I don't feel strongly about this one way or another, but I think it's reasonable to expend the term cryonics to mean any brain preservation method done with the hope for future revival as that seems like the core concept people are referring to when using the term. When the term was first coined, room temperature options weren't a thing.

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