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In my experience, it was much easier to learn to drive thanks to my experience with videogames. After years of picking up new control systems, learning to drive an actual car was of little challenge. Same thing when I made the transition from automatic to manual transmission. It'd be interesting to see some research into how easily people pick up and learn new interfaces. I think it's also part of what separates "computer people" from "non-computer people".

(Sorry, bit of a tangent there)

That footnote about working on excusing the behavior of "bad drivers"* is good advice in general, and should probably be taught in driver's ed. I imagine if it was actually followed, incidences of road rage would plummet.

It's my goal to one day be able to do this most minor irritations, and to be able "to let what does not matter truly slide", or at least to the extent that I'm able.

*(I had to go back and add those quotes after I realized that without them I was doing exactly the opposite of that advice)

So, I'm somewhat new to this whole rationality/Bayesianism/(nice label that would describe what we do here on LessWrong). Are there any podcasts or good audiobooks that you'd recommend on the subjects of LessWrong? I have a large amount of time at work that I can listen to audio, but I'm not able to read during this time. Does anyone have any suggestions for essential listening/reading on subjects similar to the ones covered here?

Hi. Like others have said, I tend to not post because I feel I can't add anything constructive to the discussion.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that though. A good part of learning can be knowing when to be silent and listen to what others have to say.

I realize that it's not the main focus of the article, but I found the bit about locating brain functions and whether a part of the brain is necessary or sufficient to cause some function interesting. To me, that's the largest hole in my belief in materialism: we've observed that certain areas of the brain are necessary for some functions, but not that they are sufficient. I hope that once these areas have been properly simulated, it may prove sufficient, but there is some doubt.