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@Doug S. Read "The Gentle Seduction" by Marc Stiegler. And, if you haven't already, consider anti-depressants: I know a number of people whom they have saved from suicide.

Come now, why doesn't Brennan take an experimental approach: kick him or her where the balls would be, and appraise the reaction? I mean, this is a conspiracy of scientists, not Aristotelian scholastics.

Why will they unfreeze us?

Well, if they're pretty rich, which is likely, given that they're technologically advanced enough to do so, they may well still have history and sociology departments and universities, with ambitious grad students, and Professors with grant money to spend. Welcome to being an adjunct lecturer (or would that be lab rat) for History 201(An Introduction to the Crazy Years).

Answers are not as important as questions: you can't answer an unasked question (until its answer provokes you to ask it.

Another world-renowned Jewish genius, who tutored me in calculus 45 years ago, refers to his own "occasional lapses of stupidity", which is perhaps a good way to think of brilliant insights.