Hello from NZ. So I'm basically, I'm here to promote my... Jokes, I came across this website from a Wait But Why article I was doing research on (Cryonics). The comments here are next level awesome, people share ideas and I feel like the moderators aren't ruled by one discourse or another. So yeah I decided to jump on in and check it out.
I enjoy Science, Learning, Entrepreneur stuff, and better ways of looking at the world.
This article made me think about how, since the really the beginning of time each generation of people has come up with some completely rational (at the time) argument of why they will get into the afterlife/heaven.
The Egyptians tried really hard to preserve the body using the best science they had available at the time - it kinda worked because they never suffered from the 'second death' (but I guess just not in the way they hoped).
And that thinking forced me to have a good long think about whether cryonics is just the same as previous beliefs or if it's something new. I did a video on it and (no I don't want to spam you guys), but this forum is the kinda people I really want to engage with - people who can both agree and question something at the same time. So here's my take on what Cryonics actually is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etRz6qjVXs0