Milli | Martin

Freelance Software Engineer at day, Rationalist and Effective Altruist at night

Currently, under contract @ METR.

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Here are the links to the articles from the books. Let me know if there are any mistakes.

A Sketch of Good CommunicationBen Pace
Local Validity as a Key to Sanity and CivilizationEliezer Yudkowsky
The Loudest Alarm is Probably FalsePatrick LaVictoire
Varieties of Argumentative ExperienceScott Alexander
More BabbleAlkjash
Naming the NamelessSarah Constantin
Toolbox-thinking and Law-thinkingEliezer Yudkowsky
Toward a New Technical Explanation of Technical ExplanationAbram Demski
Noticing the Taste of LotusMichael 'Valentine' Smith
The Tails Coming Apart As Metaphor For LifeScott Alexander
Meta-Honesty: Firming up Honesty Around its Edge-CasesEliezer Yudkowsky
Explaining Insight Meditation and Enlightenment in Non-Mysterious TermsKaj Sotala
Being a Robust AgentRaymond Arnold
Anti-social PunishmentMartin Sustrik
The Costly Coordination Mechanism of Common KnowledgeBen Pace
Unrolling Social Metacognition: Three Levels of Meta are not EnoughAndrew Critch
The Intelligent Social WebMichael 'Valentine' Smith
Prediction Markets: When Do They Work?Zvi Mowshowitz
Spaghetti TowersGeorgia Ray
On the Loss and Preservation of KnowledgeSamo Burja
A Voting Theory PrimerJameson Quinn
The Pavlov StrategySarah Constantin
Inadequate Equilibria vs Governance of the CommonsMartin Sustrik
Is Science Slowing Down?Scott Alexander
What Motivated Rescuers during the Holocaust?Martin Sustrik
Is There an Untrollable Mathematician?Abram Demski
Why Did Everything Take So Long?Katja Grace
Is Clickbait Destroying Our General Intelligence?Eliezer Yudkowsky
What Makes People Intellectually Active?Abram Demski
Are Minimal Circuits Daemon-Free?Paul Christiano
Is There Something Beyond Astronomical Waste?Wei Dai
Do Birth Order Effects Exist?Eli Tyre, Bucky, Raymond Arnold
Hyperbolic GrowthPaul Christiano
Specification Gaming Examples in AIVictoria Krakovna
Takeoff SpeedsPaul Christiano
The Rocket Alignment ProblemEliezer Yudkowsky
Embedded AgentsAbram Demski, Scott Garrabrant
FAQ about Iterated AmplificationAlex Zhu
Challenges to Christiano's Iterated Amplification ProposalEliezer Yudkowsky
Response to FAQ on Iterated AmplificationEliezer Yudkowsky
Robustness to ScaleScott Garrabrant
Coherence Arguments Do Not Imply Goal-Directed BehaviorRohin Shah


I didn't find "Do Birth Order Effects Exist?", "Challenges to Christiano's Iterated Amplification Proposal" seems to be only on and "Response to FAQ on Iterated Amplification" seems to be a comment and not a post of it's own.

Great initiative. I'm also surprised at times how many people program without utilizing the full potential of debuggers.

Depending on the line of work, parallelization / performance through matrix multiplication might not matter, though.

The last line says it's free, but you mention it's an ad repeatedly. Maybe clarify if you demand / expect / appreciate payment in the beginning.

Their research is done on the population level, and they consider adverse selection effects somewhat (people with increased risk are more likely to insure against that risk), but it's far from perfect. I've worked in insurance and profited from insurance financially in cases where I expected the insurance to be positive EV beforehand.

Professional experience (Germany):

  • Some insurance products run at an (accepted) deficit, as they acquire customers who then buy more (money making) insurance products. Examples: Personal Liability Insurance, Motor vehicle liability
  • There is significant friction between the different departments within an insurance and with the insurance agents, causing mispricing from a risk-perspective (some parties care more about raw sales volume).
  • Nobody really knows what they are doing.

Personal experience:

  • Personal Liability insurance is dirt cheap in Germany and makes money off people who don't report their damages (e.g. will pay for a friend's phone or camera they dropped themselves).
  • Insurance for bikes in Berlin. 3 of my bikes were stolen within 3 years and the insurance costing <€100/yr covered all of them.

Nice article! I'm practice you can get positive expected value insurance though, since you know more about your risk (in some cases) than the insurance does. The other way around in some cases the insurance is better at estimating your risk and might "rip you off" if they (correctly) assume you overestimate your risk.

Thanks for the lovely meetup, everyone!

You can contact me about anything here or at Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have criticism or had a bad experience.

Use this formula for anonymous sharing or feedback:

Update: We'll be joining forces with the Qualia Research Institute, who are in Berlin this week:

I think we'll get along great and there's a big overlap. Scott:

The Qualia Research Institute is doing absolutely picture-perfect mad science.

Just an info, nothing actually changes!

Note: Most RSVPs (29 as of now) are on Meetup.

Answer by Milli | Martin*10

ChatGPT is using Whisper for speech to text, which is open source and available through OpenAIs APIs.

I personally tried to use more text to speech on my phone, but was annoyed by it and went back to typing.

I've heard Whisper is a definite step-up, especially when mixing English and German.

€: This used to say text to speech.

Hey everyone, I'm amazed with how many people showed up and the atmosphere. I hope you had fun and interesting conversations as well. If you want to be connected to the Berlin Rationality or EA communities, just contact me! Contact:, or @Milli | Martin.

PS.: "My" monthly workshop is happening tomorrow evening, happy to have you: The Art of Difficult Conversations - Workshop.

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