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Artificial data give the same results as real data — without compromising privacy

"“Once we model an entire database, we can sample and recreate a synthetic version of the data that very much looks like the original database, statistically speaking,” says Veeramachaneni. “If the original database has some missing values and some noise in it, we also embed that noise in the synthetic version… In a way, we are using machine learning to enable machine learning.”

SRI Report Independently Verifies Brillouin LENR Reactions (report included)

Brillouin’s LENR technology includes a proprietary method of electrical stimulation of nickel metal conductors using its Q-Pulse™ control system. The process stimulates the system to produce LENR reactions, which generate excess heat. Other than the heat output, there are no (zero) toxic or CO2 bi-product emissions of any kind.

Wow, thanks. I don't see anything at LW 2.0, so nice to be able to read articles again.

"Destroyed Worlds" --Cause Star's Strange Dimming (VIDEO)

"A team of U.S. astronomers studying the star RZ Piscium has found evidence suggesting its strange, unpredictable dimming episodes may be caused by vast orbiting clouds of gas and dust, the remains of one or more destroyed planets."

What if consciousness is not what drives the human mind?

"We suggest that our personal awareness does not create, cause or choose our beliefs, feelings or perceptions. Instead, the contents of consciousness are generated “behind the scenes” by fast, efficient, non-conscious systems in our brains. All this happens without any interference from our personal awareness, which sits passively in the passenger seat while these processes occur. "

SAGE: A Test to Detect Signs of Alzheimer's and Dementia

"The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is designed to detect early signs of cognitive, memory or thinking impairments. It evaluates your thinking abilities and helps physicians to know how well your brain is working."

"Here Bostrom and I discuss applications of his book across any number of fields — from history to philosophy to public policy to practices of everyday life (both now and in millennia to come)."

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