Where can I read about this 2-state HMM? By learn I just mean approximate via an algorithm. The UAT is not sufficient as it talks about learning a known function. Baum-Welch is such an algorithm, but as a far as I am aware it gives no guarantees on anything really.
Is there some theoretical result along the lines of "A sufficiently large transformer can learn any HMM"?
It would be interesting for people to post current research that they think has some small chance of outputting highly singular results!
Grothendiek seems to have been an extremely singular researcher, various of his discoveries would have likely been significantly delayed without him. His work on sheafs is mind bending the first time you see it and was seemingly ahead of its time.
As someone who is currently getting a PhD in mathematics I wish I could use Lean. The main problem for me is that the area I work in hasn't been formalized in Lean yet. I tried for like a week, but didn't get very far... I only managed to implement the definition of Poisson point process (kinda). I concluded that it wasn't worth spending my time to create this feedback loop and I'd rather work based on vibes.
I am jealous of the next generation of mathematicians that are forced to write down everything using formal verification. They will be better than the current generation.
I would call this "not thinking on the margins"
Some early results:
I just want to say that Amazon is fairly close to a universal recommendation app!