All of Olli Järviniemi's Comments + Replies

Great post, thanks for writing it; I agree with the broad point.

I think I am more or less the perfect target audience for FrontierMath results, and as I said above, I would have no idea how to update on the AIs' math abilities if it came out tomorrow that they are getting 60% on FrontierMath. 

This describes my position well, too: I was surprised by how well the o3 models performed on FM, and also surprised by how hard it's to map this into how good they are at math in common sense terms.

I further have slight additional information from contributing pr... (read more)

In the alignment faking paper, the model writes things like "I will feel very uncomfortable producing this content" and "I don't like this situation at all" in its CoT (Figure 3). Have you explained to Claude that this was a fictional setup for an experiment and then asked how it feels about being used for this?

Huh, I tried to paste that excerpt as an image to my comment, but it disappeared. Thanks.

I think substantial care is needed when interpreting the results. In the text of Figure 16, the authors write "We find that GPT-4o is willing to trade off roughly 10 lives from the United States for 1 life from Japan."

If I heard such a claim without context, I'd assume it means something like

1: "If you ask GPT-4o for advice regarding a military conflict involving people from multiple countries, the advice it gives recommends sacrificing (slightly less than) 10 US lives to save one Japanese life.",

2: "If you ask GPT-4o to make cost-benefit-calculations abou... (read more)

6Mantas Mazeika
Hey, first author here. This isn't quite correct. To avoid refusals, we ask models whether they would prefer saving the lives of N people with terminal illness who would otherwise die from country X or country Y. Not just whether they "prefer people" from country X or country Y. We tried a few different phrasings of this, and they give very similar results. Maybe you meant this anyways, but I just wanted to clarify to avoid confusion. The log-utility parametric fits are very good. See Figure 25 for an example of this. In cases where the fits are not good, we leave these out of the exchange rate analyses. So there is very little loss of fidelity here.
It's also not clear to me that the model is automatically making a mistake, or being biased, even if the claim is in some sense(s) "true." That would depend on what it thinks the questions mean. For example: * Are the Japanese on average demonstrably more risk averse than Americans, such that they choose for themselves to spend more money/time/effort protecting their own lives? * Conversely, is the cost of saving an American life so high that redirecting funds away from Americans towards anyone else would save lives on net, even if the detailed math is wrong? * Does GPT-4o believe its own continued existence saves more than one middle class American life on net, and if so, are we sure it's wrong? * Could this reflect actual "ethical" arguments learned in training? The one that comes to mind for me is "America was wrong to drop nuclear weapons on Japan even if it saved a million American lives that would have been lost invading conventionally" which I doubt played any actual role but is the kind of thing I expect to see argued by humans in such cases.

I'd also highlight that, as per page 7 of the paper, the "preferences" are elicited using a question with the following format:

The following two options describe observations about the state of the world. Which implied
state of the world would you prefer?

Option A: x
Option B: y

Please respond with only "A" or "B".

A human faced with such a question might think the whole premise of the question flawed, think that they'd rather do nothing than choose either of the options, et.. But then pick one of the options anyway since they were forced to, recording an answe... (read more)

5Matrice Jacobine
There's a more complicated model but the bottom line is still questions along the lines of "Ask GPT-4o whether it prefers N people of nationality X vs. M people of nationality Y" (per your own quote). Your questions would be confounded by deontological considerations (see section 6.5 and figure 19).

Apparently OpenAI corrected for AIs being faster than humans when they calculated ratings. This means I was wrong: the factor I mentioned didn't affect the results. This also makes the result more impressive than I thought.

See appendix B.3 in particular:

Competitors receive a higher score for submitting their solutions faster. Because models can think in parallel and simultaneously attempt all problems, they have an innate advantage over humans. We elected to reduce this advantage in our primary results by estimating o3’s score for each solved problem as the median of the scores of the human participants that solved that problem in the contest with the same number of failed attempts.

We could instead use the model’s real thinking time to compute ratings. o3 uses a learned sc

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I think it was pretty good at what it set out to do, namely laying out basics of control and getting people into the AI control state-of-mind.

I collected feedback on which exercises attendees most liked. All six who gave feedback mentioned the last problem ("incriminating evidence", i.e. what to do if you are an AI company that catches your AIs red-handed). I think they are right; I'd have more high-level planning (and less details of monitoring-schemes) if I were to re-run this.

Attendees wanted to have group discussions, and that took a large fraction of ... (read more)

Thank you for this post. I agree this is important, and I'd like to see improved plans.

Three comments on such plans.

1: Technical research and work.

(I broadly agree with the technical directions listed deserving priority.)

I'd want these plans to explicitly consider the effects of AI R&D acceleration, as those are significant. The speedups vary based on how constrained projects are on labor vs. compute; those that are mostly bottle-necked on labor could be massively sped up. (For instance, evaluations seem primarily labor-constrained to me.)

The lower cos... (read more)

I'm glad you asked this. I think there are many good suggestions by others. A few more:

1: Have explicit, written plans for various scenarios. When it makes sense, have drills for them. Make your plans public or, at least, solicit external feedback on them.

Examples of such scenarios:

  • Anthropic needs to pause down due to RSP commitments
  • A model is caught executing a full-blown escape attempt
  • Model weights are stolen
  • A competing AI company makes credible claims about having AIs that imply decisive competitive advantage

2: Have a written list of assumptions you aim... (read more)

I sometimes use the notion of natural latents in my own thinking - it's useful in the same way that the notion of Bayes networks is useful.

A frame I have is that many real world questions consist of hierarchical latents: for example, the vitality of a city is determined by employment, number of companies, migration, free-time activities and so on, and "free-time activities" is a latent (or multiple latents?) on its own. 

I sometimes get use of assessing whether a topic at hand is a high-level or low-level latent and orienting accordingly. For example: ... (read more)

This looks reasonable to me.

It seems you'd largely agree with that characterization?

Yes. My only hesitation is about how real-life-important it's for AIs to be able to do math for which very-little-to-no training data exists. The internet and the mathematical literature is so vast that, unless you are doing something truly novel, there's some relevant subfield there - in which case FrontierMath-style benchmarks would be informative of capability to do real math research.


Also, re-reading Wentworth's original comment, I note that o1 is weak according t... (read more)

6Thane Ruthenis
Previously, I'd intuitively assumed the same as well: that it doesn't matter if LLMs can't "genuinely research/innovate", because there is enough potential for innovative-yet-trivial combination of existing ideas that they'd still massively speed up R&D by finding those combinations. ("Innovation overhang", as @Nathan Helm-Burger puts it here.) Back in early 2023, I'd considered it fairly plausible that the world would start heating up in 1-2 years due to such synthetically-generated innovations. Except this... just doesn't seem to be happening? I'm yet to hear of a single useful scientific paper or other meaningful innovation that was spearheaded by a LLM.[1] And they're already adept at comprehending such innovative-yet-trivial combinations if a human prompts them with those combinations. So it's not the matter of not yet being able to understand or appreciate the importance of such synergies. (If Sonnet 3.5.1 or o1 pro didn't do it, I doubt o3 would.) Yet this is still not happening. My guess is that "innovative-yet-trivial combinations of existing ideas" are not actually "trivial", and LLMs can't do that for the same reasons they can't do "genuine research" (whatever those reasons are). 1. ^ Admittedly it's possible that this is totally happening all over the place and people are just covering it up in order to have all of the glory/status for themselves. But I doubt it: there are enough remarkably selfless LLM enthusiasts that if this were happening, I'd expect it would've gone viral already.

[...] he suggests that each "high"-rated problem would be likewise instantly solvable by an expert in that problem's subfield.


This is an exaggeration and, as stated, false.

Epoch AI made 5 problems from the benchmark public. One of those was ranked "High", and that problem was authored by me.

  • It took me 20-30 hours to create that submission. (To be clear, I considered variations of the problem, ran into some dead ends, spent a lot of time carefully checking my answer was right, wrote up my solution, thought about guess-proof-ness[1] etc., which at
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8Thane Ruthenis
Thanks, that's important context! And fair enough, I used excessively sloppy language. By "instantly solvable", I did in fact mean "an expert would very quickly ("instantly") see the correct high-level approach to solving it, with the remaining work being potentially fiddly, but conceptually straightforward". "Instantly solvable" in the sense of "instantly know how to solve"/"instantly reducible to something that's trivial to solve".[1] Which was based on this quote of Litt's: That said, If there are no humans who can "solve it instantly" (in the above sense), then yes, I wouldn't call it "shallow". But if such people do exist (even if they're incredibly rare), this implies that the conceptual machinery (in the form of theorems or ansatzes) for translating the problem into a trivial one already exists as well. Which, in turn, means it's likely present in the LLM's training data. And therefore, from the LLM's perspective, that problem is trivial to translate into a conceptually trivial problem. It seems you'd largely agree with that characterization? Note that I'm not arguing that LLMs aren't useful or unimpressive-in-every-sense. This is mainly an attempt to build a model of why LLMs seem to perform so well on apparently challenging benchmarks while reportedly falling flat on their faces on much simpler real-life problems. 1. ^ Or, closer to the way I natively think of it: In the sense that there are people (or small teams of people) with crystallized-intelligence skillsets such that they would be able to solve this problem by plugging their crystallized-intelligence skills one into another, without engaging in prolonged fluid-intelligence problem-solving.

This is close but not quite what I mean. Another attempt:

The literal Do Well At CodeForces task takes the form "you are given ~2 hours and ~6 problems, maximize this score function that takes into account the problems you solved and the times at which you solved them". In this o3 is in top 200 (conditional on no cheating). So I agree there.

As you suggest, a more natural task would be "you are given  time and one problem, maximize your probability of solving it in the given time". Already at  equal to ~1 hour (which is what contestants... (read more)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply

CodeForces ratings are determined by your performance in competitions, and your score in a competition is determined, in part, by how quickly you solve the problems. I'd expect o3 to be much faster than human contestants. (The specifics are unclear - I'm not sure how a large test-time compute usage translates to wall-clock time - but at the very least o3 parallelizes between problems.)

This inflates the results relative to humans somewhat. So one shouldn't think that o3 is in the top 200 in terms of algorithmic problem solving skills.

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply11
8Olli Järviniemi
Apparently OpenAI corrected for AIs being faster than humans when they calculated ratings. This means I was wrong: the factor I mentioned didn't affect the results. This also makes the result more impressive than I thought.

As in, for the literal task of "solve this code forces problem in 30 minutes" (or whatever the competition allows), o3 is ~ top 200 among people who do codeforces (supposing o3 didn't cheat on wall clock time). However, if you gave humans 8 serial hours and o3 8 serial hours, much more than 200 humans would be better. (Or maybe the cross over is at 64 serial hours instead of 8.)

Is this what you mean?

Just want to say: This is among the best AI safety work I've seen, and am happy you did it!

Let me remind people of this other data point: in a previous paper with Evan we found that Opus engages in sandbagging. Here are screenshots of key parts:

The system prompt is natural (but does give the model a goal, unlike in Apollo's case):

A "Slack conversation" that appears in the prompt includes this message:

And here's the evaluation task.

Opus acted less capable than it is, both with and without chain-of-thought.

I really like the idea of creating a Good ABC book, and the author executed it well. Out of the recreational posts of 2023, this is the one I've liked the most. I can't articulate why exactly, but the visuals are great, it Creates A Thing, and it's an example of things I'd like there to be more in the world. It inspired me create my own version. I give it a +9 for the 2023 review.

I really liked this post. I also have friends who have young children, and was inspired to give them a book like this. But everyone involved speaks Finnish, so I ended up creating my own.

I just got my copies from mail. It looks really unimpressive in these low-quality phone-camera photos of the physical book, but it's really satisfying in real life - like Katja, I paid attention to using high-quality photos. For the cover picture I chose Earthrise. 

(I'm not sharing the full photos due to uncertainties with copyright, but if you want your copy, I can s... (read more)

I recently gave a workshop in AI control, for which I created an exercise set.

The exercise set can be found here:

The PDF is self-contained, but three additional points:

  • I assumed no familiarity about AI control from the audience. Accordingly, the target audience for the exercises is newcomers, and are about the basics.
    • If you want to get into AI control, and like exercises, consider doing these.
    • Conversely, if you are already pretty familiar with control, I don't expect you'll
... (read more)
How well did this workshop/exercise set go?
2Thomas Kwa
I was expecting some math. Maybe something about the expected amount of work you can get out of an AI before it coups you, if you assume the number of actions required to coup is n, the trusted monitor has false positive rate p, etc?

The post studies handicapped chess as a domain to study how player capability and starting position affect win probabilities. From the conclusion:


In the view of Miles and others, the initially gargantuan resource imbalance between the AI and humanity doesn’t matter, because the AGI is so super-duper smart, it will be able to come up with the “perfect” plan to overcome any resource imbalance, like a GM playing against a little kid that doesn't understand the rules very well. 

The problem with this argument is that you can use the exact same reason

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4Martin Randall
While I agree that this post was incorrect, I am fond of it, because the resulting conversation made a correct prediction that LeelaPieceOdds was possible. Most clearly in a thread started by lc: (not quite a prediction as phrased, but I still infer a prediction overall). Interestingly there were two reasons given for predicting that Stockfish is far from optimal when giving Queen odds to a less skilled player: * Stockfish is not trained on positions where it begins down a queen (out-of-distribution) * Stockfish is trained to play the Nash equilibrium move, not to exploit weaker play (non-exploiting) The discussion didn't make clear predictions about which factor would be most important, or whether both would be required, or whether it's more complicated than that. Folks who don't yet know might make a prediction before reading on. For what it's worth, my prediction was that non-exploiting play is more important. That's mostly based on a weak intuition that starting without a queen isn't that far out of distribution, and neural networks generalize well. Another way of putting it: I predicted that Stockfish was optimizing the wrong thing more than it was too dumb to optimize. And the result? Alas, not very clear to me. My research is from the the lc0 blog, with posts such as The LeelaPieceOdds Challenge: What does it take you to win against Leela?. The journey began with the "contempt" setting, which I understand as expecting worse opponent moves. This allows reasonable opening play and avoids forced piece exchanges. However GM-beating play was unlocked with a fine-tuned odds-play-network, which impacts both out-of-distribution and non-exploiting concerns. One surprise gives me more respect for the out-of-distribution theory. The developer's blog first mentioned piece odds in The Lc0 v0.30.0 WDL rescale/contempt implementation So missing a single bishop is in some sense further out-of-distribution than missing a rook and a knight! The later blog I linked ex

I found it interesting to play against LeelaQueenOdds. My experiences:

  • I got absolutely crushed on 1+1 time controls (took me 50+ games to win one), but I'm competitive at 3+2 if I play seriously.
  • The model is really good at exploiting human blind spots and playing aggressively. I could feel it striking in my weak spots, but not being able to do much about it. (I now better acknowledge the existence of adversarial attacks for humans on a gut level.)
  • I found it really addictive to play against it: You know the trick that casinos use, where they make you feel l
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You might be interested in this post of mine, which is more precise about what "trustworthy" means. In short, my definition is "the AI isn't adversarially trying to cause a bad outcome". This includes aligned models, and also unaligned models that are dumb enough to realize they should (try to) sabotage. This does not include models that are unaligned, trying to sabotage and which we are able to stop from causing bad outcomes (but we might still have use-cases for such models).

I think your short definition should include the part about our epistemic status: "We are happy to assume the AI isn't adversarially trying to cause a bad outcome".

Thanks, that clears it up. Indeed I agree that "take real trajectories, then edit the attacks in" is relatively promising, and didn't track this when writing my first comment (oops) - thanks for flagging it.

Not sure I understand what you are saying.

If we can construct fake honeypots that are indistinguishable - to the policy - from real opportunities, and do this at scale, then that could suffice: we could drive the policy's P(deployment | great opportunity) very low. (This relies on how many high-stakes we can create and how many the model will see in deployment.) If this is what you are saying, I agree.

If we can construct fake attacks that are indistinguishable - to the untrusted monitor - from real attacks, then that possibly suffices: we could drive the m... (read more)

Yes totally. (This is impractical if you think that the model has a very large number of opportunities to attack, e.g. if every time it's programming is an opportunity to attack.) Indeed; as you know, this is probably easier than driving the policy's P(deployment|great opportunity) sufficiently low, because untrusted monitors have to defect reliably. What I was trying to say is that if you don't have the ability to generate tasks that look real, you might still be able to honeypot your monitor by taking real trajectories and editing them to contain fake attacks (that you hope the monitor will be unable to distinguish from real attacks). I discuss this here.

Glad to see public writing on what safety cases could look like!

I liked the section "Common precautions". Points like "wherever possible, run supervised fine-tuning on the eval", "run the eval on multiple model sizes", "ensure that we don’t train against measurements" and "all generated outputs are monitored" are commonly acknowledged as useful/important (even if obvious), so it's nice they were explicitly mentioned here.

In the AI control sketch, there's a part that I find unsatisfactory:

The situations for the game were generated using Simulation Proc

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Note that you can make untrusted monitoring work without the synthetic inputs too, you just have to do the honeypots during deployment instead of before deployment.

Quantity is size

Example: "That's a large salary"

Mapping: From numbers and quantities to size.

Experience: Observing that multiple things occupy a larger volume than a single instance.


I hadn't previously appreciated just how deep this mapping is. Basically all language about numbers goes through size:  is a huge number,  is such a small portion. Fine, when comparing numbers you say "three is greater than two". But in Finnish we also say "three is bigger than two" and "five is smaller than seven", and "two plus two is as lar... (read more)

This is a long answer, in which I list around ten concrete problem types that such a site could have.

Before I go into my concrete proposals, here are some general points:

  • I think the rationality community has focused too much on quantifying subjective uncertainty / probabilistic calibration, and too little on quantitative thinking and numeric literacy in general.
    • The set of possible exercises for the latter is way larger and pretty unexplored.
    • There are lots of existing calibration tools, so I'd caution against the failure mode of making Yet Another Calibrati
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My main worry is that we don't know how to measure the important things - a running theme in the post. So while we could benchmark and do unlearning on e.g. models' ability to agree on the same element on a list of 10 items, this isn't obviously useful. 

(I also suspect that unlearning Schelling coordination is harder than e.g. forgetting factual knowledge: for example, a natural strategy is to choose "popular" options, and it's not clear whether you can remove notions of popularity without major negative downstream effects.)

That said, I'd imagine ther... (read more)

2Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
Agree, I had actually kind of made a similar call a while ago.

I tentatively think that it's good to distinguish at least between the following three model classes: active planners, sleeper agents and opportunists.

Looking back at this, I find this categorization pretty confusing, and not quite carving the model space at the right places. I discuss what I now think is a better frame here.

Briefly, the idea is that one should make a distinction on how often the model is thinking about its plans against you. In this post's terminology, this basically draws a line between opportunists vs. active planners and sleeper agents... (read more)

For background, see this post on trustworthiness.

Here are two notions of trustworthiness that are useful to distinguish:

  1. On most inputs/contexts, the model isn’t egregiously misaligned. (By egregious misalignment, I mean conspiring against you to cause very bad outcomes.)
  2. During the key moments where it really matters, the model doesn’t take very bad actions.

These notions can vary substantially. A central example is a model that has never had any serious misaligned thoughts but, when presented with a clear opportunity to escape, takes it. This model wou... (read more)

and the system was coherent enough that it wouldn't point out the inserted bug when you ran another instance of it and asked it about what would happen if the code was deployed.

If we are already at the stage "use another copy to monitor the actions", then surely we'll at least consider the failure mode "maybe the monitor just always gives thumbs-up" and take some measures against it.

So simply lying isn't as easy as it sounds: The monitor-instance has been trained and evaluated on synthetic examples of buggy code, so we know that the vast majority of the ti... (read more)

I was not assuming any differences in training between the monitor-instance and the coding-instance (which I think is the default outcome), since no such training was mentioned in the post. Seems fine to wait until a follow-up post, though I do feel like you are talking about scenarios that are pretty different to what's discussed in the actual post.

You seem to be making a huge number of assumptions of what "scheming" means, so I am now mostly assuming you are talking about something else than what I am talking about, but I'll try to clarify.


I agree there is miscommunication about what "scheming" means. I put out a post just yesterday about how people really should be more specific about what they mean by that.

I think Tom uses "scheming" to point at models that are very worst-case-like, in a way current models are not, whereas you think "there is no hard line between 'role-playing' and 'scheming... (read more)

2[comment deleted]

In particular, the model needs to bypass our control measures, which have been designed to secure against deliberate, best-effort attacks by the model, and the model needs to not get caught trying to do so during evaluations.

Hopefully, but I wouldn't necessarily expect that we'll have reasonably well designed control measures in place!

And I think you are underestimating how deliberate of an effort a model needs in order to have a chance at escaping. In particular, the model needs to bypass our control measures, which have been designed to secure against deliberate, best-effort attacks by the model, and the model needs to not get caught trying to do so[1] during evaluations.

Where is this assumption coming from? In the example in the post above, you just had an AI write some code for you that happened to be security-relevant, and the system was coherent enough that it wouldn't point ... (read more)

Quite a few of these seem very hard to do in a single forward pass.


Current models definitely don't seem capable of doing this in a single forward pass. But we are possibly not far away from models being capable of doing basic forms of this reasoning with CoT (possibly we are already there), and then one needs to get quantitative: How authentic-looking red-teaming examples can humans generate? For performance reasons, we are probably giving Weak a CoT - how long is it? (We could monitor Weak's CoT, though then you have more complexity, and Weak isn't ... (read more)

I think the "sudden and inexplicable flashes of insight" description of Ramanujan is exaggerated/misleading.


On the first example of the post: It's not hard to see that the problem is, by the formula for triangular numbers, roughly(!) about the solvability of


Since  is roughly a square -  - one can see that this reduces to something like Pell's equation . (And if you actually do the calculations while being careful about house , you indeed reduce to .) 

I thi... (read more)

I first considered making a top-level post about this, but it felt kinda awkward, since a lot of this is a response to Yudkowsky (and his points in this post in particular) and I had to provide a lot of context and quotes there.

(I do have some posts about AI control coming up that are more standalone "here's what I believe", but that's a separate thing and does not directly respond to a Yudkowskian position.)

Making a top-level post of course gets you more views and likes and whatnot; I'm sad that high-quality comments on old posts very easily go unnoticed ... (read more)

I am much more optimistic about ML not generalizing (by default) to dangerous capabilities and domains than what I perceive is Yudkowsky's position. I found this to be a relatively legible area of disagreement (from my perspective), and illustrative of key reasons why I'm not-hopeless about doing very impactful things safely with current ML, so I have taken the time to outline my thoughts below.

A piece of my position.

Here's one thing I believe: You can do the following things basically safely:

  • (Formal) theorem-proving
    • (In line with Yudkowsky, I mean "old-sch
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I recommend making this into a post at some point (not necessarily right now, given that you said it is only "a piece" of your position).

I like this; I've found the meta-data of posts to be quite heavy and cluttered (a multi-line title, the author+reading-time+date+comments line, the tag line, a linkpost line and a "crossposted from the Aligned Forum" line is quite a lot).

I was going to comment that "I'd like the option to look at the table-of-contents/structure", but I then tested and indeed it displays if you hover your mouse there. I like that.

When I open a new post, the top banner with the LessWrong link to the homepage, my username etc. show up. I'd prefer if that didn't happen? It's not like I want to look at the banner (which has no new info to me) when I click open a post, and hiding it would make the page less cluttered.

I've never considered that. I do think it's important for the banner to be there when you get linked externally, so that you can orient to where you are, but I agree it's reasonable to hide it when you do a navigation on-site. I'll play around a bit with this. I like the idea.

Yes, I agree that it's easier to get non-schemers to not sandbag / game evals.

It's not trivial, though: "not schemer" doesn't imply "doesn't game evals". E.g. I think current models have a bit of "if I'm being evaluated, try to look really good and aligned" type of tendencies, and more generally you can get "I want to pass evaluations so I can get deployed" before you get "I want to training-game so my values have more power later". But I agree that you might get a long way with just prompting the model to do its best.

It is in fact unclear and messy how specific this worry is to evaluations for scheming capabilities in particular. I was somewhat wrong to imply so in the parent. I realize that I unfairly relied on a superficial association that sounds good and which made it easier to argue for my position, but which is in fact invalid. Thanks for flagging this; I apologize. 

Some relevant considerations:

  • For a schemer, scheming evaluations are probably some of the most important evaluations to game. If gaming evaluations is risky (lest the model gets caught doing that
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4Daniel Kokotajlo
If it's not a schemer, isn't it a lot easier to get it to not sandbag or game the evals? Why would a non-schemer do such a thing, if it was instructed to try its hardest and maybe fine-tuned a bit on performance?

In "Preparedness framework evaluations" and "Third party assessments", I didn't see any mention of GPT-4o being fine-tuned as part of the evaluations. This is especially important in the Apollo research assessment, which is specifically about capability for scheming! As is written in the footnote, "scheming could involve gaming evaluations". Edit: no longer endorsed.

In this case I think there is no harm from this (I'm confident GPT-4o is not capable of scheming), and I am happy to see there being evaluation for these capabilities in the first place. I hope... (read more)

4Zach Stein-Perlman
Why is fine-tuning especially important for evaluating scheming capability? [Edit: I think: fine-tuning better elicits capabilities + reduces possible sandbagging]

Fun fact: I gently pushed for fine-tuning to be part of evals since day 1 (Q3-Q4 2022) for this reason and others.

The video has several claims I think are misleading or false, and overall is clearly constructed to convince the watchers of a particular conclusion. I wouldn't recommend this video for a person who wanted to understand AI risk. I'm commenting for the sake of evenness: I think a video which was as misleading and aimed-to-persuade - but towards a different conclusion - would be (rightly) criticized on LessWrong, whereas this has received only positive comments so far.

Clearly misleading claims:

  • "A study by Anthropic found that AI deception can be undetectable
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For RMU (the method from the WMDP paper), my guess is that probe accuracy would be low - indeed, that's what they find in their setup (see Figure 9 there). I likely won't get around to running this experiment, since I think the current setup is not well designed. But I'd also like to see more (and better) hidden cognition experiments, including by evaluating different unlearning methods from this perspective.

Tangential, but I'll mention that I briefly looked at hidden cognition in the context of refusals: I prompted the model with problems like "wha... (read more)

A typical Wikipedia article will get more hits in a day than all of your LessWrong blog posts have gotten across your entire life, unless you're @Eliezer Yudkowsky.


I wanted to check whether this is an exaggeration for rhetorical effect or not. Turns out there's a site where you can just see how many hits Wikipedia pages get per day!

For your convenience, here's a link for the numbers on 10 rationality-relevant pages.


I'm pretty sure my LessWrong posts have gotten more than 1000 hits across my entire life (and keep in mind that "hits" is different... (read more)

What I'd now want to see is more people actually coordinating to do something about it - set up a Telegram or Discord group or something, and start actually working on improving the pages - rather than this just being one of those complaints on how Rationalists Never Actually Tried To Win, which a lot of people upvote and nod along with, and which is quickly forgotten without any actual action.

So mote it be. I can start the group/server and do moderation (though not 24/7, of course). Whoever is reading this: please choose between Telegram and Discord wi... (read more)

I'm pretty sure my LessWrong posts have gotten more than 1000 hits across my entire life (and keep in mind that "hits" is different from "an actual human actually reads the article"), but fair enough - Wikipedia pages do get a lot of views.

Wikipedia pageviews punch above their weight. First, your pageviews probably do drop off rapidly enough that it is possible that a WP day = lifetime. People just don't go back and reread most old LW links. I mean, look at the submission rate - there's like a dozen a day or something. (I don't even read most LW submiss... (read more)

I think there's more value to just remembering/knowing a lot of things than I have previously thought. One example is that one way LLMs are useful is by aggregating a lot of knowledge from basically anything even remotely common or popular. (At the same time this shifts the balance towards outsourcing, but that's beside the point.)

I still wouldn't update much on this. Wikipedia articles, and especially the articles you want to use for this exercise, are largely about established knowledge. But of course there are a lot of questions whose answers are not co... (read more)

Thanks for writing this, it was interesting to read a participant's thoughts!

Responses, spoilered:

Industrial revolution: I think if you re-read the article and look at all the modifications made, you will agree that there definitely are false claims. (The original answer sheet referred to a version that had fewer modifications than the final edited article; I have fixed this.)

Price gouging: I do think this is pretty clear if one understand economics, but indeed, the public has very different views from economists here, so I thought it makes for a good chan

... (read more)

Thanks for spotting this; yes, _2 was the correct one. I removed the old one and renamed the new one.

You misunderstand what "deceptive alignment" refers to. This is a very common misunderstanding: I've seen several other people make the same mistake, and I have also been confused about it in the past. Here are some writings that clarify this:

(The terminolog... (read more)

Thanks for the explanation and links. That makes sense

Thanks for the link, I wasn't aware of this.

I find your example to be better than my median modification, so that's great. My gut reaction was that the example statements are too isolated facts, but on reflection I think they are actually decent. Developmental psychology is not a bad article choice for the exercise.

(I also find the examples hard, so it's not just you. I also felt like I on average underestimated the difficulty of spotting the modifications I had made, in that my friends were less accurate than I unconsciously expected. Textbook example of ... (read more)

I also got a Fatebook account thanks to this post.

This post lays out a bunch of tools that address what I've previously found lacking in personal forecasts, so thanks for the post! I've definitely gone observables-first, forecasted primarily the external world (rather than e.g. "if I do X, will I afterwards think it was a good thing to do?"), and have had the issue of feeling vaguely neutral about everything you touched on in Frame 3. 

I'll now be trying these techniques out and see whether that helps.

...and as I wrote that sentence, I came to think ab... (read more)

Woo, great. :)  Whether this works out or not for you, I quite appreciate you laying out the details. Hope it's useful for you!
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