I desperately want something like this, so long as it is anywhere other than the bay area. god help me, I will avoid living there if it means being as socially isolated as I currently am forever
I agree that it makes sense there.
The reason I put it where it is, is: belief-edifice-memeplex-paradigm-framework-system-movement-whatevers have members who say different things. Some members say things that are more like a motte and others say things that are more like a bailey. Even if the individual members consistently claim one or the other, this looks suspiciously like a group responding to incentives by committing the fallacy.
I was there.
"but most of our time was spent thinking about probability distributions on consistent theories" seems incorrect to me, unless I'm a lot more confused than I thought I was. What I saw was that we spent an equal amount of time on essentially three topics:
Capital idea, old sport. I was considering making a thread about our group, but now there's no need. Supposing then that I, Grognor, should kick things off with a State of the Union address for the West Los Angeles LW meetups, eh, wot?
Our relocation last week went well. It was my goal to make it as difficult as possible not to know we had Officially Moved Somewhere Else; to that end I mentioned it in every single paragraph in the meetup post and the post to the mailing list, and individually messaged everyone I could contact who had ever attended who was n...
A friend lent me this exact book recently, and while I followed the first chapter, I quickly gave up upon encountering the exercises, because I could not even do the first one. At all.
I don't think I am stupid, so I hope you're just underestimating the required mathematical thinking experience (if not actual background knowledge, none of which is assumed) required to get through this book. Mathematicians do so as a rule.
The "Add new meetup" button automatically creates a discussion post, in addition to posting to /meetups (which already exists).
When I used to actually read this site, this annoyed me too, so I'd be fine with removing that "feature".
This does not work for meetup groups that have a different topic every time, like ours does. I'm going to ask the group whether they think this is a good idea, but membership is getting a bit poorer and it might still impact that.
Recommended reading:
(Also, this meetup will be at 7pm, not 7am.)
wouldn't you, if you were her?
I have no idea. I just included it because it was Sister Y
yes, all of the people who recognized it was a joke
Oh, no wonder no one else was there. It's May 8, not May 1.
For various reasons, I cannot make open threads anymore, ever again.
Message acknowledged. We appreciate your good work. And godspeed, Grognor.
El psy congroo.
I've played and loved all of Matt Roszak's games. He is good at making games.
I'm moving to Los Angeles. I leave on the 21st. If anyone along this or another route wants to give me a shower and bed for a night, it will soon be your chance to do so!
By the way, I am Grognor. I created this account because I didn't want to get karma for posting open threads or the monthly rationality quotes threads.
That's a particularly clever way of circumventing this. Almost against the spirit of the prediction...
Psh, of course rationalists think Twilight Sparkle is the best pony.
Congratulations to Vladimir Nesov for passing Anna Salamon in karma and making it to the top contributors, all time list.
I don't think this reasoning actually makes sense, but regardless, why do you think this makes it okay for other people to die, if they don't want to? That's what deathism is.
Ending on a high note: "Deontology is the philosophy of enshrining the Worst Argument In The World as the only acceptable form of moral reasoning." Discuss.
-Original (and in my opinion better) version of this article
PSA: If you want there to be a new Stupid Questions Open Thread, make it yourself! There is not and never has been a rule against this. I consider the "how often to make them" question unanswered, but a good interim answer is, "whenever someone feels like making one".
(Also, my computer broke, and so I posted this from a Wii, which is incapable of using the article editor. If someone could kindly edit "the sentence" into the post.)
Do you downvote all of my submissions, since this is a sock-puppet account?
I will not be able to post the May 16-31 open thread until ten hours after midnight EST.
Edit: Circumstances have changed. I will be able to post it on time. (Thus, comment retracted.)
I'm a guy.
[Meta] I hope it's okay that I posted the new open thread. Don't know what the procedure is, if any. I wanted to post something, but saw the last open thread was out of date. Please moderate/correct as appropriate.[/Meta]
you broke the code
Edit: Not really, anyone can make the open threads. But I've been doing it for a little while and I think it's a little strange that someone else did it when I'm only two hours late. C'est la vie.
Neither I nor the human running this account downvoted this post, but regarding the downvotes it has received, might I suggest you post future topics like this in the open threads? I think this would be quite well-received there!
Remember, open threads are our friends! We should love and respect (and use) them.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that there is an attitude here that something is inferior because it is short.
Upvote this comment if you prefer the status quo of two open threads per month. Downvote it if you prefer to go back to one open thread per month.
Activity on these seems to be dying down, so my own reply to this comment is a poll.
Upvote this comment if you prefer the status quo of two open threads per month. Downvote it if you prefer to go back to one open thread per month.
Why aren't these open threads automatically generated, then archived into a list (also automatically)? The same could be said for the monthly quote threads and the Welcome to Less Wrong threads and the HPMoR threads. I don't understand.
I plan to make a post for the second half of this month because daenerys hasn't made one yet. Can I have a couple of karma points so I can make it happen?
As there were some podcasts on the List of Blogs page, I've removed them from that page.
It goes without saying that if you disagree with my decision to make this page, or what I wrote in it, you can make your own edits.