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Software: Roam Research

Need: Knowledge management and evaluation system

Alternative programmes I have tried: Obsidian, Athens Research (beta), Dynalist

A previous comment has listed Obsidian as the best software for knowledge management, however, I think it is necessary to provide an alternative view as to why I think Roam Research dominates this field of need:

  1. Roam Research has weightings assigned to the strength of relationships between nodes, meaning that this software can become an instrument for Bayesian inference.
  2. The atomic element of the software is the block, meaning that you can have bi-directional linking at block level rather than at the level of the page/header. This reduces the number of decisions that have to be made while navigating the software and increases productivity.
  3. Roam Research is a database, and thus does a better job at handling backlinks to individual blocks. This is quite important when seeking a system that attempts to recreate cognitive thought.
  4. The user interface is clear and simple, meaning that it reduces the time spent reading, interpreting, and assessing the contents of your page and increases productivity. As mentioned before, Roam Research intends to replicate cognitive thought, and creating a software that prioritises productivity is essential to achieving this.

I'd also suggest to people looking into this field of need to have a look at Athens Research. It is currently in beta, and as of current time I believe Roam Research is superior, but within the next year it might have advantages that outweighs that of both Roam Research and Obsidian.