All of Pat Myron's Comments + Replies

impressive LLM benchmark/test results seemingly overfit some datasets:–Kruger_effect seems like a decent entry point to rabbit hole similar phenomenon

Pat Myron10

shut your phone off

Leave phones elsewhere, remove batteries, or faraday cage them if you're concerned about state-level actors:

Thanks.  I would note that to my eye the charts do seem to imply an upward trend from the 1995 observations and while clearly declining from the 2010 highs still exceeds the numbers reported in 1995 and 1996 low points. So I'm not completely sure I buy the CNBC headline claim of decline in terms of trend. At least not is long term sense. reports is kind of interesting as they start 2023 reporting the lowest level of Q1 priracy in 30 years but then their reports increasingly seem to show more and more concern about such activities, which were actually increasing over the prior year contra the Q1 observations.
Unfortunately I want private previews: when I send a draft blog post to someone for review that may contain things that shouldn't be public.

+1 to be able to check notifications, messages, and specific posts here without seeing newsfeeds:

wackier stuff

mind elaborating? 

Some stuff I've encountered that I mostly haven't looked much into and haven't really tried but seem potentially useful to me: heart rate variability biofeedback training, getting sunlight at specific times of day, photobiomodulation (e.g. Vielight), red light therapy, neurofeedback, transcranial magnetic stimulation, specific supplement regimes (example), green powders like Athletic Greens, certain kinds of meditation.