Sure, I will message you the zoom link.
I extinguished 4 such behaviors in the last couple years. I made a tally every time I did the behavior (on my phone). So the TAP was
Do behavior -> Open phone
At the end of each week I gave my friend some money - a dime for each tally. Several years ago I tried to extinguish nose-picking and succeeded, but relapsed after 6-12 months, and basically trying again in a similar way worked a second time.
Like mr-hire I like the topic choice and think lesswrong would get value out of it.
However, you included 0 image links, as far as I can tell. If I'm an unfashionable male, how do I know what a "light" or "dark" navy is? How do I know what a "chino" is?
Also this entire post could have been a linkpost to r/malefashionadvice, which appears to be the source of most of your advice.
Really fun writing style. Nit: Quotes, e.g. the one by Darwin about the Silurian, should be distinguished in some way.
I have taken the survey.
[Survey Taken Thread]
By ancient tradition, if you take the survey you may comment saying you have done so here, and people will upvote you and you will get karma.
Let's make these comments a reply to this post. That way we continue the tradition, but keep the discussion a bit cleaner.
Not sure if your comment is critical or amused. This naming scheme is the standard I've been using for a while but I could add something like "Story: " or "Stockholm SSC: ".