Same thing as 'multiple competing goals', where those goals are 'do not be part of a causal chain that leads to the death of others' and 'reduce the death of others'.
I fear bees way less than I fear super-torment. Let's go with the bees.
What does it have by way of input?
Have you read Transmetropolitan? This is actually a major sub-plot. There is a significant quantity of people who had cryonics, were thawed, were released under their own recognizance in to an unrecognizably bizarre future, and promptly became homeless, desperate vagrants.
edit: ignore this comment, redundant with discussion from DataPacRat
I can't. But that sounds like a more useful question!
"Not all data is productively quantifiable to arbitrary precision." Hoard that, and grow wiser for it.
Why is it important to quantify that value?
I live my life under the assumption that it is correct, and I do not make allowances in my strategic thinking that it may be false. As for how hard it would be to convince me I was wrong, I am currently sufficiently invested in the atomic theory of matter that I can't think, off-hand, what such evidence would look like. But I presume (hope) that a well-stated falsifiable experiment which showed matter as a continuum would convince me to become curious.
Are you sure that you really want to have done Y? Maybe you just think you do.
Can you find that article about cupholder man-years?