As delirious as the article "What Russia must do to Ukraine" clearly is, I want to point out incorrect translations and filtered-evidence style omissions from it. This might seem like a petty nitpicking, moral-wise, but since Zvi did choose to cite this "translation" in the first place (instead of just mentioning the gist of it), I think it warrants correction.
I chose a couple of fragments from original and wrote them down in Russian.
1. Нацисты, взявшие в руки оружие, должны быть по максимуму уничтожены на поле боя.
M) Nazis who took up arms, must be maximally eliminated on the battlefield.
S) Nazis who took weapons, must be killed in numbers as much as possible...
L) First, he goes, everyone who took arms against Russia must be eliminated. Totally. No trials...
2. Однако, помимо верхушки, виновна и значительная часть народной массы, которая является пассивными нацистами, пособниками нацизма. Они поддерживали нацистскую власть и потакали ей. Справедливое наказание этой части населения возможно только как несение неизбежных тягот справедливой войны против нацистской системы, ведущейся по возможности бережно и осмотрительно в отношении гражданских лиц.
M) However, besides the top ranks, a significant fraction of the masses is guilty too, they [the masses] are passive Nazis, abettors of Nazis. They supported Nazis' rule and pandered to it. Just punishment of this part of population is possible only through bearing [by this part] of inexorable burdens of just war against Nazi system, which is waged, whenever possible, with care and caution toward civilians.
S) Not just the elites, the most of the people are guilty, they are passive Nazis, Nazi enablers. They supported these elites and must be punished
L)"A substantial part of the population" is also guilty - of "passively supporting Nazism." Therefore, they must be made to suffer all hardships of war as a just punishment.
3. Военные преступники и активные нацисты должны быть примерно и показательно наказаны.
M) War criminals and active Nazis must be exemplary and demonstratively punished.
L) They are all war criminals and active Nazis. They must be executed, brutally and publicly
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Also important.
Neither of these claims could be inferred from the article alone. Below is an excerpt, characteristic of official anti-western narrative (with my translation):
Коллективный Запад сам является проектировщиком, источником и спонсором украинского нацизма, в то время как западенские бандеровские кадры и их "историческая память" — лишь один из инструментов нацификации Украины.
Collective West is a designer, source and sponsor of Ukrainian Nazism, whereas the western Ukrainian Banderites with their "historical memory" - is merely one of the tools [among others] of nazification of Ukraine.
West/Us mentions are scattered throughout the article, here's tldr: