Keeps baffling me how much easier having a concept for something makes thinking about it.
What about this one:
"Hivemind" is best characterized as a state of zero adversarial behavior.
Illustrative post. The downvotes confuse me.
There may have been other, unmentioned optimization targets that also need eloquence
The whole gestalt of why this is a huge affordance seems self-evident to me, it's a cognitive weakness of mine to often not know which parts of my thinking need more words written out loud to be legible.
But one intuition is: Regular "natural" human cultures are accidental products sampled from environments where deception-heavy strategies are dominant, and this imposes large deadweight costs on all pursuits of value, including economic value, happiness, friendship, and morality. Explicitly: Most of our cognition goes into deceiving others, and the density of useful acts could be multiple times higher.
i.e. build mutual understandings at least to, but ideally surpassing, the point of family-like intimacy / feeling the others as extensions of oneself
I'm not eloquent enough to express how important I think this is.
I feel like such intuitions could be developed. - I'm more uncertain where I would use this skill.
Though given how OOD it is there could be significant alpha up for grabs
(Q: Where would X-Ray vision for cluster structures in 5-dimensional space be extraordinarily useful?)
Hmm. Yeah. It gets difficult to display points with the same XY coordinates and different RGB coordinates
Improved my intuitions, ty.