I would add the following, which is implicit in the presentation: this phenomenon of real representations is not specific to finite groups. Real irreducible representations of a group are always neatly divided into three types: real, complex or quaternionic. This is [Schur\'s lemma](https\://ncatlab\.org/nlab/show/Schur\%27s\+lemma\#statement) together with the fact that the real division algebras are exactly R, C and the quaternions H.
(Should ML interpretability people care about infinite groups to begin with - unlike mathematicians, who love them all? For once, models as well as datasets can exhibit (exact or approximate) continuous symmetries, and these symmetries be understood mathematically as actions of matrix Lie groups such as the group GL_n of all invertible matrices or the group O_n of n-dimensional rotations. Sometimes these actions are linear, so are themselves representations, and sometimes they can be studied by linearizing them. Using representation theory to study more general geometric group actions is one of those great tricks of mathematics which reduce complicated problems to linear algebra.)
On 1., you should consider that, for people who don't know much about QFT and its relationship with SFT (like, say, me 18 months ago), it is not at all obvious that QFT can be applied beyond quantum systems!
In my case, the first time I read about "QFT for deep learning" I dismissed it automatically because I assumed it would involve some far-fetched analogies with quantum mechanics.
but in fact you can also understand the theory on a fine-grained level near an impurity by a more careful form of renormalization, where you view the nearest several impurities as discrete sources and only coarsegrain far-away impurities as statistical noise.
Where could I read about this?
Thanks a lot for writing this! Some clarifying questions:
For sufficiently nice regular, 1-dimensional Bayesian models, Edgeworth-type asymptotic expansions for the Bayesian posterior have been derived in
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Here is the simplest case I know, which is a sum of dependent identically distributed variables. In physical terms, it is about the magnetisation of the 1d Curie-Weiss (=mean-field Ising) model. I follow the notation of the paper for ease of reference, this is roughly Theorem 8 + Theorem 10:
Let $M_n=\sum_{i=1}^n \sigma(i)$ be the sum of n dependent Bernouilli random variables $\sigma(i)\in\{\pm 1}$, where the joint distribution is given by
\mathbb{P}(\sigma)\sim \exp(\frac{\beta}{n}M_n^2))
In statistical mechanics, this is an old result of Ellis-Newman from 1978; the paper above puts it into a more systematic probabilistic framework, and proves finer results about the fluctuations (Theorems 16 and 17).
The physical intuition is that $\beta=1$ is the critical inverse temperature at which the 1d Curie-Weiss model goes through a continuous phase transition. In general, one should expect such anomalous CLTs in the thermodynamic limit of continuous phase transitions in statistical mechanics, with the shape of the CLT controlled by the Taylor expansion of the microcanonical entropy around the critical parameters. Indeed Ellis and his collaborators have worked out a number of such cases for various mean-field models (which according to Meliot-Nikeghbali also fit in their mod-Gaussian framework). It is of course very difficult to prove such results rigorously outside of mean-field models, since even proving that there is a phase transition is often out of reach.
A limitation of the Curie-Weiss result is that it is 1d and so the "singularity" is pretty limited. The Meliot-Nikeghbali paper has 2d and 3d generalisations where the singularities are a bit more interesting: see Theorem 11 and Equations (10) and (11). And here is another recent example from the stat mech literature
You were actually asking about Edgeworth expansions rather than just the CLT. It may be that with this method of producing anomalous CLTs, starting with a nice mod-Gaussian convergent sequence and doing a change of measure, one could write down further terms in the expansion? I haven't thought about this.
Since the main result of SLT is roughly speaking an "anomalous CLT for the Bayesian posterior", I would love to use the results above to think of singular Bayesian statistical models as "at a continuous phase transition" (probably with quenched disorder to be more physically accurate), with the tuning to criticality coming from a combination of structure in data and hyperparameter tuning, but I don't really know what to do with this analogy!
I mentioned samples and expectations for the TLBP because it seems possible (and suggested by the role of degeneracies in SLT) that different samples can correspond to qualitatively different degradations of the model. Cartoon picture : besides the robust circuit X of interest, there are "fragile" circuits A and B, and most samples at a given loss scale degrade either A or B but not both.
I agree that there is no strong reason to overindex on the Watanabe temperature, which is derived from an idealised situation: global Bayesian inference, degeneracies exactly at the optimal parameters, "relatively finite variance", etc. The scale you propose seems quite natural but I will let LLC-practitioners comment on that.
Is the following a fair summary of the thread ~up to "Natural degradation" from the SLT persepctive?
A closely related perspective on fluctuations of sequences of random variables has been studied recently in pure probability theory under the name of "mod-Gaussian convergence" (and more generally "mod-phi convergence"). Mod-Gaussian convergence of a sequence of RVs or random vectors is just the right amount of control over the characteristic functions - or in a useful variant, the whole complex Laplace transforms - to imply a clean description of the fluctuations at various scales (CLT, Edgeworth expansion, "normality zone", local CLT, moderate deviations, sharp large deviations,...). Unsurprisingly, the theory is full of cumulants.
Here is a nice introduction with applications to statistical mechanics models:
and the book with the general theory (which I still have to read!)
This leads for instance to a clean approach of some "anomalous" CLTs with non-Gaussian limit laws (not for the mod-Gaussian convergent sequences themselves but for modified versions thereof) for some stat mech models at continuous phase transitions, see Theorems 8 and 11 in the first reference above. As far as I know, those theorems are the simplest "SLT-like" phenomenon in probability theory!
There is another interesting connection between computation and bounded treewidth: the control flow graphs of programs written in languages "without goto instructions" have uniformly bounded treewidth (e.g. <7 for goto-free C programs). This is due to Thorup (1998):
Combined with graphs algorithms for bounded treewidth graphs, this has apparently been used in the analysis of compiler optimization and program verification problems, see the recent reference:
which also proves a similar bound for pathwidth.