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It's a good post. It doesn't give me any information about whether I'm wrong, because both "Most men are brutes" and "Females prefer self-centered males" predict that many women will have such stories.

Several studies have shown that it's common for women to fantasize about being raped. I think it's rare for men to do so, tho I don't remember if the studies showed that. This is relevant though not conclusive information.

Substitute in correlate for constitute (which is what I was already doing; I assumed "part of" meant "projection of my multi-dimensional evaluation onto non-misogyny dimension), and my point remains the same.

Similarly, women don't necessarily want to be abused. But some quality that women want very much correlates strongly with being abusive. They have to figure out what it is, and give it up. Or keep it, and stop complaining.

I bet that [restated] female receptivity to mistreatment [/restated] goes way back in mammalian evolution. It's common in mammals for "courtship" of a female to consist of a strange new male beating up and driving off the female's mate, then killing her children, then immediately mating with her. Evolution must have programmed females to be sexually receptive to this. In a violent world, it's in her genes' best interests (if not her own) to make her mate with the winner.

I'm not allowed to respond to any other comments to mine, by the fascist group-norm-enforcing requirement to give up 5 karma that I don't have. So I'll respond to the comment below here:

To paraphrase a discussion that went on in a different thread a few months ago... Nerds in school don't necessarily want to be bullied. But they do want to study physics and watch anime, which correlates strongly with being bullied. They have to give it up. Or keep it, and stop complaining.

That isn't at all the same. The nerds want the bullies to leave them alone. It's an involuntary association. The woman dating an abusive man chose that man, and could usually leave him if she chose to.

What people want and what they evolved to do are separate: Irrelevant. I'm making an evolutionary argument to support evidence from observation that women have a mate preference correlated with abuse.