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These emails leave me wondering: Greg and Ilya were initially on the same team, did Greg later side with Sam because Ilya betrayed them both, or did Greg and Sam naturally grow closer over time?

Regardless of what happened, Ilya leaving OpenAI was a huge loss - he seemed to genuinely believe in the original mission, unlike Sam and Elon who seemed to be at least partly motivated by personal ambition and ego.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


If the question description or resolution mechanism does not match the clear intent or spirit of the question, or does not match its title, in an unintentional way, or is ambiguous, I will fix that as soon as it is pointed out. If the title is the part in error I will fix the title. If you bet while there is ambiguity or a contradiction here, and no one including you has raised the point, then this is at your own risk. 


This is a great rule that I wish I had adopted earlier for all my markets.