I think this is the sum over the vector dimension, but not over the samples. The sum (mean) over samples is taken later in this line which happens after the division
metrics[f"{metric_name}"] = torch.cat(metric_values).mean().item()
Oops, fixed!
I think this is the sum over the vector dimension, but not over the samples. The sum (mean) over samples is taken later in this line which happens after the division
metrics[f"{metric_name}"] = torch.cat(metric_values).mean().item()
Edit: And to clarify, my impression is that people think of this as alternative definitions of FVU and you got to pick one, rather than one being right and one being a bug.
Edit2: And I'm in touch with the SAEBench authors about making a PR to change this / add both options (and by extension probably doing the same in S...
PSA: People use different definitions of "explained variance" / "fraction of variance unexplained" (FVU)
is the formula I think is sensible; the bottom is simply the variance of the data, and the top is the variance of the residuals. The indicates the norm over the dimension of the vector . I believe it matches Wikipedia's definition of FVU and R squared.
is the formula used by SAELens and SAEBench. It seems less pri...
I'm going to update the results in the top-level comment with the corrected data; I'm pasting the original figures here for posterity / understanding the past discussion. Summary of changes:
Old (no longer true) text:
...It turns out that even clustering (essentially L_0=1) explains up to 90% of the variance in activations, being matched only by SAEs with L_0&
After adding the mean subtraction, the numbers haven't changed too much actually -- but let me make sure I'm using the correct calculation. I'm gonna follow your and @Adam Karvonen's suggestion of using the SAE bench code and loading my clustering solution as an SAE (this code).
These logs show numbers with the original / corrected explained variance computation; the difference is in the 3-8% range.
v3 (KMeans): Layer blocks.3.hook_resid_post, n_tokens=1000000, n_clusters=4096, variance explained = 0.8887 / 0.8568
v3 (KMeans): Layer blocks.3.hook_resid_post,
... You're right. I forgot subtracting the mean. Thanks a lot!!
I'm computing new numbers now, but indeed I expect this to explain my result! (Edit: Seems to not change too much)
I should really run a random Gaussian data baseline for this.
Tentatively I get similar results (70-85% variance explained) for random data -- I haven't checked that code at all though, don't trust this. Will double check this tomorrow.
(In that case SAE's performance would also be unsurprising I suppose)
If we imagine that the meaning is given not by the dimensions of the space but rather by regions/points/volumes of the space
I think this is what I care about finding out. If you're right this is indeed not surprising nor an issue, but you being right would be a major departure from the current mainstream interpretability paradigm(?).
The question of regions vs compositionality is what I've been investigating with my mentees recently, and pretty keen on. I'll want to write up my current thoughts on this topic sometime soon.
What do you mean you’re encoding/decoding like normal but using the k means vectors?
So I do something like
latents_tmp = torch.einsum("bd,nd->bn", data, centroids)
max_latent = latents_tmp.argmax(dim=-1) # shape: [batch]
latents = one_hot(max_latent)
where the first line is essentially an SAE embedding (and centroids are the features), and the second/third line is a top-k. And for reconstruction do something like
recon = centroids @ latents
which should also be equivalent.
...Shouldn’t the SAE training process for a top k
I'm not sure what you mean by "K-means clustering baseline (with K=1)". I would think the K in K-means stands for the number of means you use, so with K=1, you're just taking the mean direction of the weights. I would expect this to explain maybe 50% of the variance (or less), not 90% of the variance.
Thanks for pointing this out! I confused nomenclature, will fix!
Edit: Fixed now. I confused
this seems concerning.
I feel like my post appears overly dramatic; I'm not very surprised and don't consider this the strongest evidence against SAEs. It's an experiment I ran a while ago and it hasn't changed my (somewhat SAE-sceptic) stance much.
But this is me having seen a bunch of other weird SAE behaviours (pre-activation distributions are not the way you'd expect from the superposition hypothesis h/t @jake_mendel, if you feed SAE-reconstructed activations back into the encoder the SAE goes nuts, stuff mentioned in recent Apollo papers, ...).
Reasons t...
Edited to fix errors pointed out by @JoshEngels and @Adam Karvonen (mainly: different definition for explained variance, details here).
Summary: K-means explains 72 - 87% of the variance in the activations, comparable to vanilla SAEs but less than better SAEs. I think this (bug-fixed) result is neither evidence in favour of SAEs nor against; the Clustering & SAE numbers make a straight-ish line on a log plot.
Epistemic status: This is a weekend-experiment I ran a while ago and I figured I should write it up to share. I have taken decent care to check my ...
I was having trouble reproducing your results on Pythia, and was only able to get 60% variance explained. I may have tracked it down: I think you may be computing FVU incorrectly.
I think FVU is correctly computed by subtracting the mean from each dimension when computing the denominator. See the SAEBench impl here:
When I used yo...
I’ve just read the article, and found it indeed very thought provoking, and I will be thinking more about it in the days to come.
One thing though I kept thinking: Why doesn’t the article mention AI Safety research much?
In the passage
The only policy that AI Doomers mostly agree on is that AI development should be slowed down somehow, in order to “buy time.”
I was thinking: surely most people would agree on policies like “Do more research into AI alignment” / “Spend more money on AI Notkilleveryoneism research”?
In general the article frames the policy to ...
Thanks for writing these up! I liked that you showed equivalent examples in different libraries, and included the plain “from scratch” version.
Hmm, I think I don't fully understand your post. Let me summarize what I get, and what is confusing me:
I'm confused whether your post tries to tell us (how to determine) what loss our interpr...
Great read! I think you explained well the intuition why logits / logprobs are so natural (I haven't managed to do this well in a past attempt). I like the suggestion that (a) NNs consist of parallel mechanisms to get the answer, and (b) the best way to combine multiple predictions is via adding logprobs.
I haven't grokked your loss scales explanation (the "interpretability insights" section) without reading your other post though.
Keen on reading those write-ups, I appreciate the commitment!
Simultaneously; as they lead to separate paths both of which are needed as inputs for the final node.
List of some larger mech interp project ideas (see also: short and medium-sized ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
What is going on with activation plateaus: Transformer activations space seems to be made up of discrete regions, each corresponding to a certain output distribution. Most activations within a region lead to the same output, and the output changes sharply when you move from one region to another. The boundaries seem...
List of some medium-sized mech interp project ideas (see also: shorter and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
Toy model of Computation in Superposition: The toy model of computation in superposition (CIS; Circuits-in-Sup, Comp-in-Sup post / paper) describes a way in which NNs could perform computation in superposition, rather than just storing information in superposition (TMS). It would be good to have some actually trai...
List of some short mech interp project ideas (see also: medium-sized and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
Directly testing the linear representation hypothesis by making up a couple of prompts which contain a few concepts to various degrees and test
CLDR (Cross-layer distributed representation): I don't think Lee has written his up anywhere yet so I've removed this for now.
Also, just wanted to flag that the links on 'this picture' and 'motivation image' don't currently work.
Thanks for the flag! It's these two images, I realize now that they don't seem to have direct links
Images taken from AMFTC and Crosscoders by Anthropic.
Thanks for the comment!
I think this is what most mech interp researchers more or less think. Though I definitely expect many researchers would disagree with individual points, nor does it fairly weigh all views and aspects (it's very biased towards "people I talk to"). (Also this is in no way an Apollo / Apollo interp team statement, just my personal view.)
Thanks! You're right, totally mixed up local and dense / distributed. Decided to just leave out that terminology
Why I'm not too worried about architecture-dependent mech interp methods:
I've heard people argue that we should develop mechanistic interpretability methods that can be applied to any architecture. While this is certainly a nice-to-have, and maybe a sign that a method is principled, I don't think this criterion itself is important.
I think that the biggest hurdle for interpretability is to understand any AI that produces advanced language (>=GPT2 level). We don't know how to write a non-ML program that speaks English, let alone reason, and we have no ide...
Why I'm not that hopeful about mech interp on TinyStories models:
Some of the TinyStories models are open source, and manage to output sensible language while being tiny (say 64dim embedding, 8 layers). Maybe it'd be great to try and thoroughly understand one of those?
I am worried that those models simply implement a bunch of bigrams and trigrams, and that all their performance can be explained by boring statistics & heuristics. Thus we would not learn much from fully understanding such a model. Evidence for this is that the 1-layer variant, which due t...
Collection of some mech interp knowledge about transformers:
Writing up folk wisdom & recent results, mostly for mentees and as a link to send to people. Aimed at people who are already a bit familiar with mech interp. I've just quickly written down what came to my head, and may have missed or misrepresented some things. In particular, the last point is very brief and deserves a much more expanded comment at some point. The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Apollo Research.
Transformers take in a sequence of t...
Thanks for the nice writeup! I'm confused about why you can get away without interpretation of what the model components are:
In cases where we worry that our model learned a human-simulator / camera-simulator rather than actually predicting whether the diamond exists, wouldn't circuit discovery simply give us the human-simulator circuit? (And thus causal scrubbing doesn't save us.) I'm thinking in particular of cases where the human-simulator is easier to learn than the intended solution.
Of course if you had good interpretability, a way to realise whether ...
Paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20311
(I have neither watched the video nor read the paper yet, just in case someone else was looking for the non-video version)
Thanks! I'll edit it
[…] no reason to be concentrated in any one spot of the network (whether activation-space or weight-space). So studying weights and activations is pretty doomed.
I find myself really confused by this argument. Shards (or anything) do not need to be “concentrated in one spot” for studying them to make sense?
As Neel and Lucius say, you might study SAE latents or abstractions built on the weights, no one requires (or assumes) than things are concentrated in one spot.
Or to make another analogy, one can study neuroscience even though things are not concentrat...
Even after reading this (2 weeks ago), I today couldn't manage to find the comment link and manually scrolled down. I later noticed it (at the bottom left) but it's so far away from everything else. I think putting it somewhere at the top near the rest of the UI would be much easier for me
I would like the following subscription: All posts with certain tags, e.g. all [AI] posts or all [Interpretability (ML & AI)] posts.
I just noticed (and enabled) a “subscribe” feature in the page for the tag, it says “Get notifications when posts are added to this tag.” — I’m unsure if those are emails, but assuming they are, my problem is solved. I never noticed this option before.
And here's the code to do it with replacing the LayerNorms with identities completely:
import torch
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel
from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("apollo-research/gpt2_noLN").to("cpu")
# Undo my hacky LayerNorm removal
for block in model.transformer.h:
block.ln_1.weight.data = block.ln_1.weight.data / 1e6
block.ln_1.eps = 1e-5
block.ln_2.weight.data = block.ln_2.weight.data / 1e6
block.ln_2.eps = 1e-5
model.transformer.ln_f.weight.data = model.transformer.ln_
... Here's a quick snipped to load the model into TransformerLens!
import torch
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel
from transformer_lens import HookedTransformer
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("apollo-research/gpt2_noLN").to("cpu")
hooked_model = HookedTransformer.from_pretrained("gpt2", hf_model=model, fold_ln=False, center_unembed=False).to("cpu")
# Kill the LayerNorms because TransformerLens overwrites eps
for block in hooked_model.blocks:
block.ln1.eps = 1e12
block.ln2.eps = 1e12
hooked_model.ln_final.eps = 1e12
# Make sure the outp
... I really like the investigation into properties of SAE features, especially the angle of testing whether SAE features have particular properties than other (random) directions don't have!
Random directions as a baseline: Based on my experience here I expect random directions to be a weak baseline. For example the covariance matrix of model activations (or SAE features) is very non-uniform. I'd second @Hoagy's suggestion of linear combination of SAE features, or direction towards other model activations as I used here.
Ablation vs functional FT-LLC: I found t...
I like this idea! I'd love to see checks of this on the SOTA models which tend to have lots of layers (thanks @Joseph Miller for running the GPT2 experiment already!).
I notice this line of argument would also imply that the embedding information can only be accessed up to a certain layer, after which it will be washed out by the high-norm outputs of layers. (And the same for early MLP layers which are rumoured to act as extended embeddings in some models.) -- this seems unexpected.
...Additionally, they would be further evidence (but not conclusive[2]) towards
I know he’s legitimately affiliated with that YT channel
Can I ask how you know that? The amount of "w Stephen Fry" video titles made me suspicious, and I wondered whether it's AI generated and not Stephen-Fry-endorsed, but I haven't done any further research.
Edit: A colleague just pointed out that other videos are up to 7 years old (and AI voice wasn't this good then), so in that video the voice must be real
Has anyone tested whether feature splitting can be explained by composite (non-atomic) features?
But there is still a mystery I don't fully understand: how is it possible to find so many "noise" vectors that don't influence the output of the network much.
In unrelated experiments I found that steering into a (uniform) random direction is much less effective, than steering into a random direction sampled with same covariance as the real activations. This suggests that there might be a lot of directions[1] that don't influence the output of the network much. This was on GPT2 but I'd expect it to generalize for other Transformers.
Though I don't know
Hmm, with that we'd need to get 800 orthogonal vectors.[1] This seems pretty workable. If we take the MELBO vector magnitude change (7 -> 20) as an indication of how much the cosine similarity changes, then this is consistent with for the original vector. This seems plausible for a steering vector?
Thanks to @Lucius Bushnaq for correcting my earlier wrong number
That model has an Attention and MLP block (GPT2-style model with 1 layer but a bit wider, 21M params).
I changed my mind over the course of this morning. TheTinyStories models' language isn't that bad, and I think it'd be a decent research project to try to fully understand one of these.
I've been playing around with the models this morning, quotes from the 1-layer model:
...Once upon a time, there was a lovely girl called Chloe. She loved to go for a walk every morning and one day she came across a road.
One day, she decided she wanted to go for a ride. She jump
The tiny story status seems quite simple, in the sense that I can see how you could provide TinyStories levels of loss by following simple rules plus a bunch of memorization.
Empirically, one of the best models in the tiny stories paper is a super wide 1L transformer, which basically is bigrams, trigrams, and slightly more complicated variants [see Bucks post] but nothing that requires a step of reasoning.
I am actually quite uncertain where the significant gap between TinyStories, GPT-2 and GPT-4 is. Maybe I could fully understand TinyStories-1L if I tried, would this tell us about GPT-4? I feel like the result for TinyStories will be a bunch of heuristics.
Thanks for the comment Lawrence, I appreciate it!
My core request is that I want (SAE-)features to be a property of the model, rather than the dataset.
There is a view that SAE features are just a useful tool for describing activations (interpretable features) and manipulating activations (useful for steering and probing). That SAEs are just a particularly good method in a larger class of methods, but not uniquely principled. In that case I wouldn't expect this connection to model behaviour.
But often we make the claim that we often make is that the model sees and understands the world as a set of model-features, and that we can see the same features by looking at SAE-features of the activations. And then I want to see the extra evidence.
Are the features learned by the model the same as the features learned by SAEs?
TL;DR: I want true features model-features to be a property of the model weights, and to be recognizable without access to the full dataset. Toy models have that property. My “poor man’s model-features” have it. I want to know whether SAE-features have this property too, or if SAE-features do not match the true features model-features.
Introduction: Neural networks likely encode features in superposition. That is, features are represented as directions in...
The previous lines calculate the ratio (or 1-ratio) stored in the “explained variance” key for every sample/batch. Then in that later quoted line, the list is averaged, I.e. we”re taking the sample average over the ratio. That’s the FVU_B formula.
Let me know if this clears it up or if we’re misunderstanding each other!