Stefan Heimersheim. Research Scientist at Apollo Research, Mechanistic Interpretability. The opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
Simultaneously; as they lead to separate paths both of which are needed as inputs for the final node.
List of some larger mech interp project ideas (see also: short and medium-sized ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
What is going on with activation plateaus: Transformer activations space seems to be made up of discrete regions, each corresponding to a certain output distribution. Most activations within a region lead to the same output, and the output changes sharply when you move from one region to another. The boundaries seem to correspond to bunched-up ReLU boundaries as predicted by grokking work. This feels confusing. Are LLMs just classifiers with finitely many output states? How does this square with the linear representation hypothesis, the success of activation steering, logit lens etc.? It doesn't seem in obvious conflict, but it feels like we're missing the theory that explains everything. Concrete project ideas:
Use sensitive directions to find features: Can we use the sensitivity of directions as a way to find the "true features", some canonical basis of features? In a recent post we found current SAE features to look less special that expected, so I'm a bit cautious about this. But especially after working on some toy models about computation in superposition I'd be keen to explore the error correction predictions made here (paper, comment).
Test of we can fully sparsify a small model: Try the full pipeline of training SAEs everywhere, or training Transcoders & Attention SAEs, and doing all that such that connections between features are sparse (such that every feature only interacts with a few other features). The reason we want that is so that we can have simple computational graphs, and find simple circuits that explain model behaviour.
I expect that---absent of SAE improvements finding the "true feature" basis---you'll need to train them all together with a penalty for the sparsity of interactions. To be concrete, an inefficient thing you could do is the following: Train SAEs on every residual stream layer, with a loss term that L1 penalises interactions between adjacent SAE features. This is hard/inefficient because the matrix of SAE interactions is huge, plus you probably need attributions to get these interactions which are expensive to compute (at every training step!). I think the main question for this project is to figure out whether there is a way to do this thing efficiently. Talk to Logan Smith, Callum McDoughall, and I expect there are a couple more people who are trying something like this.
List of some medium-sized mech interp project ideas (see also: shorter and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
Toy model of Computation in Superposition: The toy model of computation in superposition (CIS; Circuits-in-Sup, Comp-in-Sup post / paper) describes a way in which NNs could perform computation in superposition, rather than just storing information in superposition (TMS). It would be good to have some actually trained models that do this, in order (1) to check whether NNs learn this algorithm or a different one, and (2) to test whether decomposition methods handle this well.
This could be, in the simplest form, just some kind of non-trivial memorisation model, or AND-gate model. Just make sure that the task does in fact require computation, and cannot be solved without the computation. A more flashy versions could be a network trained to do MNIST and FashionMNIST at the same time, though this would be more useful for goal (2).
Transcoder clustering: Transcoders are a sparse dictionary learning method that e.g. replaces an MLP with an SAE-like sparse computation (basically an SAE but not mapping activations to itself but to the next layer). If the above model of computation / circuits in superposition is correct (every computation using multiple ReLUs for redundancy) then the transcoder latents belonging to one computation should co-activate. Thus it should be possible to use clustering of transcoder activation patterns to find meaningful model components (circuits in the circuits-in-superposition model). (Idea suggested by @Lucius Bushnaq, mistakes are mine!) There's two ways to do this project:
Investigating / removing LayerNorm (LN): For GPT2-small I showed that you can remove LN layers gradually while fine-tuning without loosing much model performance (workshop paper, code, model). There are three directions that I want to follow-up on this project.
List of some short mech interp project ideas (see also: medium-sized and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you're interested!
Directly testing the linear representation hypothesis by making up a couple of prompts which contain a few concepts to various degrees and test
Mostly I expect this to come out positive, and not to be a big update, but seems cheap to check.
SAEs vs Clustering: How much better are SAEs than (other) clustering algorithms? Previously I worried that SAEs are "just" finding the data structure, rather than features of the model. I think we could try to rule out some "dataset clustering" hypotheses by testing how much structure there is in the dataset of activations that one can explain with generic clustering methods. Will we get 50%, 90%, 99% variance explained?
I think a second spin on this direction is to look at "interpretability" / "mono-semanticity" of such non-SAE clustering methods. Do clusters appear similarly interpretable? I This would address the concern that many things look interpretable, and we shouldn't be surprised by SAE directions looking interpretable. (Related: Szegedy et al., 2013 look at random directions in an MNIST network and find them to look interpretable.)
Activation steering vs prompting: I've heard the view that "activation steering is just fancy prompting" which I don't endorse in its strong form (e.g. I expect it to be much harder for the model to ignore activation steering than to ignore prompt instructions). However, it would be nice to have a prompting-baseline for e.g. "Golden Gate Claude". What if I insert a "<system> Remember, you're obsessed with the Golden Gate bridge" after every chat message? I think this project would work even without the steering comparison actually.
CLDR (Cross-layer distributed representation): I don't think Lee has written his up anywhere yet so I've removed this for now.
Also, just wanted to flag that the links on 'this picture' and 'motivation image' don't currently work.
Thanks for the flag! It's these two images, I realize now that they don't seem to have direct links
Images taken from AMFTC and Crosscoders by Anthropic.
Thanks for the comment!
I think this is what most mech interp researchers more or less think. Though I definitely expect many researchers would disagree with individual points, nor does it fairly weigh all views and aspects (it's very biased towards "people I talk to"). (Also this is in no way an Apollo / Apollo interp team statement, just my personal view.)
Thanks! You're right, totally mixed up local and dense / distributed. Decided to just leave out that terminology
Why I'm not too worried about architecture-dependent mech interp methods:
I've heard people argue that we should develop mechanistic interpretability methods that can be applied to any architecture. While this is certainly a nice-to-have, and maybe a sign that a method is principled, I don't think this criterion itself is important.
I think that the biggest hurdle for interpretability is to understand any AI that produces advanced language (>=GPT2 level). We don't know how to write a non-ML program that speaks English, let alone reason, and we have no idea how GPT2 does it. I expect that doing this the first time is going to be significantly harder, than doing this the 2nd time. Kind of how "understand an Alien mind" is much harder than "understand the 2nd Alien mind".
Edit: Understanding an image model (say Inception V1 CNN) does feel like a significant step down, in the sense that these models feel significantly less "smart" and capable than LLMs.
Why I'm not that hopeful about mech interp on TinyStories models:
Some of the TinyStories models are open source, and manage to output sensible language while being tiny (say 64dim embedding, 8 layers). Maybe it'd be great to try and thoroughly understand one of those?
I am worried that those models simply implement a bunch of bigrams and trigrams, and that all their performance can be explained by boring statistics & heuristics. Thus we would not learn much from fully understanding such a model. Evidence for this is that the 1-layer variant, which due to it's size can only implement bigrams & trigram-ish things, achieves a better loss than many of the tall smaller models (Figure 4). Thus it seems not implausible that most if not all of the performance of all the models could be explained by similarly simple mechanisms.
Folk wisdom is that the TinyStories dataset is just very formulaic and simple, and therefore models without any sophisticated methods can appear to produce sensible language. I haven't looked into this enough to understand whether e.g. TinyStories V2 (used by TinyModel) is sufficiently good to dispel this worry.
Keen on reading those write-ups, I appreciate the commitment!