All of Stephen Fowler's Comments + Replies

These recordings I watched were actually from 2022 and weren't the Sante Fe ones. 

A while ago, I watched recordings of the lectures given by by Wolpert and Kardes at the Santa Fe Institute*, and I am extremely excited to see you and Marcus Hutter working in this area. 

Could you speculate on if you see this work having any direct implications for AI Safety?



I was incorrect. The lectures from Wolpert and Kardes were not the ones given at the Santa Fe Institute.

1Matthias Dellago
I would be interested in seeing those talks, can you maybe share links to these recordings?
7Aram Ebtekar
Were those recorded!? For direct implications, I'd like to speak with the alignment researchers who use ideas from thermodynamics. While Shannon's probabilistic information theory is suited to settings where the law of large numbers holds, algorithmic information theory should bring more clarity in messier settings that are relevant for AGI. Less directly, I used physics as a testing ground to develop some intuitions on how to apply algorithmic information theory. The follow-up agenda is to develop a theory of generalization (i.e., inductive biases) using algorithmic information theory. A lot of AI safety concerns depend on the specific ways that AIs (mis)generalize beliefs and objectives, so I'd like us to have more precise ideas about which generalizations are likely to occur.

Signalling that I do not like linkposts to personal blogs.

4Ben Pace
My take is it's fine/good, but the article is much more likely to be read (by me and many others) if the full content is crossposted (or even the opening bunch of paragraphs).

"cannot imagine a study that would convince me that it "didn't work" for me, in the ways that actually matter. The effects on my mind kick in sharply, scale smoothly with dose, decay right in sync with half-life in the body, and are clearly noticeable not just internally for my mood but externally in my speech patterns, reaction speeds, ability to notice things in my surroundings, short term memory, and facial expressions."

The drug actually working would mean that your life is better after 6 years of taking the drug compared to the counterfactual where you took a placebo.

The observations you describe are explained by you simply having a chemical dependency on a drug that you have been on for 6 years.

I suppose, but 1) there has been no build-up/tolerance, the effects from a given dose have been stable, 2) there are no cravings for it or anything like that, 3) I've never had anything like withdrawal symptoms when I've missed a dose, other than a reversion to how I was for the years before I started taking it at all. What would a chemical dependency actually mean in this context? My depression symptoms centered on dulled emotions and senses, and slowed thinking. This came on gradually over about 10 years, followed by about 2 years of therapy with little to no improvement before starting meds. When I said that for me the effects kicked in sharply, I meant that on day three after starting the drug, all of a sudden while I was in the shower my vision got sharper, colors got brighter, I could feel water and heat on my skin more intensely, and I regained my sense of smell after having been nearly anosmic for years. I immediately tested that by smelling a jar of peanut butter and started to cry, after not crying over anything for close to 10 years. Food tasted better, and my family immediately noticed I was cooking better because I judged seasonings more accurately. I started unconsciously humming and singing to myself. My gait got bouncier like it had been once upon a time before my depression all started. There was about a week of random euphoria after which things stayed stable. Over the first few months, if I missed my dose by even a few hours, or if I was otherwise physically or emotionally drained, I would suddenly become like a zombie again. My face went slack, my eyes glazed over, my voice lost any kind of affect, my reactions slowed down dramatically. By suddenly, I mean it would happen mid-conversation, between sentences. These events decreased to 1-2x/month on an increased dose, and went away entirely a few years later upon increasing my dose again. I have also, thankfully, had no noticeable side effects. Obviously a lot of other things have happened in 6 ye

"In an argument between a specialist and a generalist, the expert usually wins by simply (1) using unintelligible jargon, and (2) citing their specialist results, which are often completely irrelevant to the discussion. The expert is, therefore, a potent factor to be reckoned with in our society. Since experts both are necessary and also at times do great harm in blocking significant progress, they need to be examined closely. All too often the expert misunderstands the problem at hand, but the generalist cannot carry though their side to completion. The p... (read more)

8Seth Herd
That quote rings very, very true. I've seen experts just sort of pull rank frequently, in the rare cases I either have expertise in the field or can clearly see that they're not addressing the generalists real question. If you'd care to review it at all in more depth we'd probably love that. At least saying why we'd find it a good use of our time would be helpful. That one insight gives a clue to the remaining value, but I'd like a little more clue.

Robin Hanson recently wrote about two dynamics that can emerge among individuals within an organisations when working as a group to reach decisions. These are the "outcome game" and the "consensus game."

In the outcome game, individuals aim to be seen as advocating for decisions that are later proven correct. In contrast, the consensus game focuses on advocating for decisions that are most immediately popular within the organization. When most participants play the consensus game, the quality of decision-making suffers.

The incentive structure within an orga... (read more)

Thanks for linking this post. I think it has a nice harmony with Prestige vs Dominance status games. I agree that this is a dynamic that is strongly shaping AI Safety, but would specify that it's inherited from the non-profit space in general - EA originated with the claim that it could do outcome focused altruism, but.. there's still a lot of room for improvement, and I'm not even sure we're improving. The underlying dynamics and feedback loops are working against us, and I don't see evidence that core EA funders/orgs are doing more than pay lip service to this problem.

Currently, we have zero concrete feedback about which strategies can effectively align complex systems of equal or greater intelligence to humans.

Actually, I now suspect this is to a significant extent disinformation. You can tell when ideas make sense if you think hard about them. There's plenty of feedback, that's not already being taken advantage of, at the level of "abstract, high-level, philosophy of mind", about the questions of alignment.

I'm not saying that this would necessarily be a step in the wrong direction, but I don't think think a discord server is capable of fixing a deeply entrenched cultural problem among safety researchers.

If moderating the server takes up a few hours of John's time per week the opportunity cost probably isn't worth it. 

Maybe someone else could moderate it?

Worth emphasizing that cognitive work is more than just a parallel to physical work, it is literally Work in the physical sense. 

The reduction in entropy required to train a model means that there is a minimum amount of work required to do it. 

I think this is a very important research direction, not merely as an avenue for communicating and understanding AI Safety concerns, but potentially as a framework for developing AI Safety techniques. 

There is some minimum amount of cognitive work required to pose an existential threat, perhaps it is much higher than the amount of cognitive work required to perform economically useful tasks.

Can you expect that the applications to interpretability would apply on inputs radically outside of distribution?

My naive intuition is that by taking derivatives are you only describing local behaviour.

(I am "shooting from the hip" epistemically)

A loss of this type of (very weak) interpretability would be quite unfortunate from a practical safety perspective.

This is bad, but perhaps there is a silver lining.

If internal communication within the scaffold appears to be in plain English, it will tempt humans to assume the meaning coincides precisely with the semantic content of the message.

If the chain of thought contains seemingly nonsensical content, it will be impossible to make this assumption.

I think that overall it's good on the margin for staff at companies risking human extinction to be sharing their perspectives on criticisms and moving towards having dialogue at all

No disagreement. 

your implicit demand for Evan Hubinger to do more work here is marginally unhelpful

The community seems to be quite receptive to the opinion, it doesn't seem unreasonable to voice an objection. If you're saying it is primarily the way I've written it that makes it unhelpful, that seems fair.

I originally felt that either question I asked would be reasonably e... (read more)

2Ben Pace
Thanks for the responses, I have a better sense of how you're thinking about these things. I don't feel much desire to dive into this further, except I want to clarify one thing, on the question of any demands in your comment. That actually wasn't primarily the part that felt like a demand to me. This was the part: I'm not quite sure what the relevance of the time was if not to suggest it needed to be high. I felt that this line implied something like "If your answer is around '20 hours', then I want to say that the correct standard should be '200 hours'". I felt like it was a demand that Hubinger may have to spend 10x the time thinking about this question before he met your standards for being allowed to express his opinion on it. But perhaps you just meant you wanted him to include an epistemic status, like "Epistemic status: <Here's how much time I've spent thinking about this question>".

Highly Expected Events Provide Little Information and The Value of PR Statements

A quick review of information theory:

Entropy for a discrete random variable is given by .  This quantifies the amount of information that you gain on average by observing the value of the variable.

It is maximized when every possible outcome is equally likely. It gets smaller as the variable becomes more predictable and is zero when the "random" variable is 100% guaranteed to have a specific value.

You've learnt 1 bit of information when you learn t... (read more)

[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
Note, the quantity you refer to is called entropy by Wikipedia, not Shannon information.

This explanation seems overly convenient.

When faced with evidence which might update your beliefs about Anthropic, you adopt a set of beliefs which, coincidentally, means you won't risk losing your job.

How much time have you spent analyzing the positive or negative impact of US intelligence efforts prior to concluding that merely using Claude for intelligence "seemed fine"?

What future events would make you re-evaluate your position and state that the partnership was a bad thing?


-- A pro-US despot rounds up and tortures to death tens of thousands of... (read more)

Personally, I think that overall it's good on the margin for staff at companies risking human extinction to be sharing their perspectives on criticisms and moving towards having dialogue at all, so I think (what I read as) your implicit demand for Evan Hubinger to do more work here is marginally unhelpful; I weakly think quick takes like this are marginally good.

I will add: It's odd to me, Stephen, that this is your line for (what I read as) disgust at Anthropic staff espousing extremely convenient positions while doing things that seem to you to be causin... (read more)

The lack of a robust, highly general paradigm for reasoning about AGI models is the current greatest technical problem, although it is not what most people are working on. 

What features of architecture of contemporary AI models will occur in future models that pose an existential risk?

What behavioral patterns of contemporary AI models will be shared with future models that pose an existential risk?

Is there a useful and general mathematical/physical framework that describes how agentic, macroscropic systems process information and interact with the environment?

Does terminology adopted by AI Safety researchers like "scheming", "inner alignment" or "agent" carve nature at the joints?

I upvoted because I imagine more people reading this would slightly nudge group norms in a direction that is positive.

But being cynical:

  • I'm sure you believe that this is true, but I doubt that it is literally true.
  • Signalling this position is very low risk when the community is already on board.
  • Trying to do good may be insufficient if your work on alignment ends up being dual use

My reply definitely missed that you were talking about tunnel densities beyond what has been historically seen. 

I'm inclined to agree with your argument that there is a phase shift, but it seems like it is less to do the fact that there are tunnels, and more to do with the geography becoming less tunnel-like and more open.  

I have a couple thoughts on your model that aren't direct refutations of anything you've said here:

  • I think the single term "density" is a too crude of a measure to get a good predictive model of how combat would play out. I'd
... (read more)
2Daniel Kokotajlo
OK, nice. I didn't think through carefully what I mean by 'density' other than to say: I mean '# of chokepoints the defender needs to defend, in a typical stretch of frontline' So, number of edges in the network (per sq km) sounds like a reasonable proxy for what I mean by density at least. I also have zero hours of combat experience haha. I agree this is untested conjecture & that reality is likely to contain unexpected-by-me surprises that will make my toy model inaccurate or at least incomplete.

I think a crucial factor that is missing from your analysis is the difficulties for the attacker wanting to maneuver within the tunnel system.

In the Vietnam war and the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, the attacking forces appear to favor destroying the tunnels rather than exploiting them to maneuver. [1]

1. The layout of the tunnels is at least partially unknown to the attackers, which mitigates their ability to outflank the defenders. Yes, there may be paths that will allow the attacker to advance safely, but it may be difficult or impossible to reliably di... (read more)

5Daniel Kokotajlo
Thanks! I don't think the arguments you make undermine my core points. Point by point reply: --Vietnam, Hamas, etc. have dense tunnel networks but not anywhere near dense enough. My theory predicts that there will be a phase shift at some point where it is easier to attack underground than aboveground. Clearly, it is not easier for Israel or the USA to attack underground than aboveground! And this is for several reasons, but one of them is that the networks aren't dense enough -- Hamas has many tunnels but there is still more attack surface on land than underground. --Yes, layout of tunnels is unknown to attackers. This is the thing I was referencing when I said you can't scout from the air. --Again, with land mines and other such traps, as tunnel density increases eventually you will need more mines to defend underground than you would need to defend aboveground!!! At this point the phase shift occurs and attackers will prefer to attack underground, mines be damned -- because the mines will actually be sparser / rarer underground! --Psychological burden is downstream of the already-discussed factors so if the above factors favor attacking underground, so will the psychological factors. --Yes, if the density of the network is not approximately constant, such that e.g. there is a 'belt of low density' around the city, then obviously that belt is a good place to set up defenses. This is fighting my hypothetical rather than disagreeing with it though; you are saying basically 'yeah but what if it's not dense in some places, then those places would be hard to attack.' Yes. My point simply was that in place with sufficiently dense tunnel networks, underground attacks would be easier than overground attacks.  

I don't think people who disagree with your political beliefs must be inherently irrational.

Can you think of real world scenarios in which "shop elsewhere" isn't an option?

Brainteaser for anyone who doesn't regularly think about units.

Why is it that I can multiply or divide two quantities with different units, but addition or subtraction is generally not allowed?

I feel like this is mostly an artifact of notation. The thing that is not allowed with addition or subtraction is simplifying to a single term; otherwise it is fine. Consider: 10x + 5y -5x -10y = 10x - 5x + 5y -10y = 5x - 5y So, everyone reasons to themselves, what we have here is two numbers. But hark, with just a little more information, we can see more clearly we are looking at a two-dimensional number: 5x - 5y = 5 5x = 5y +5 5x - 5 = 5y x - 1 = y y = x - 1 Such as a line. This is what is happening with vectors, and complex numbers, quarternions, etc.
For those who would like a hint. In English, "And" generally indicates addition, "Per" division. Now consider which of the following makes sense: Ferrets and seconds Ferrets per second

I think the way arithmetic is being used here is closer in meaning to "dimensional analysis".

"Type checking" through the use of units is applicable to an extremely broad class of calculations beyond Fermi Estimates.

will be developed by reversible computation, since we will likely have hit the Landauer Limit for non-reversible computation by then, and in principle there is basically 0 limit to how much you can optimize for reversible computation, which leads to massive energy savings, and this lets you not have to consume as much energy as current AIs or brains today.

With respect, I believe this to be overly optimistic about the benefits of reversible computation. 

Reversible computation means you aren't erasing information, so you don't lose energy in the form of... (read more)

Reversible computation means you aren't erasing information, so you don't lose energy in the form of heat (per Landauer[1][2]). But if you don't erase information, you are faced with the issue of where to store it

If you are performing a series of computations and only have a finite memory to work with, you will eventually need to reinitialise your registers and empty your memory, at which point you incur the energy cost that you had been trying to avoid. [3] 

Generally, reversible computation allows you to avoid wasting energy by deleting a... (read more)

Disagree, but I sympathise with your position.

The "System 1/2" terminology ensures that your listener understands that you are referring to a specific concept as defined by Kahneman. 

I'll grant that ChatGPT displays less bias than most people on major issues, but I don't think this is sufficient to dismiss Matt's concern.

My intuition is that if the bias of a few flawed sources (Claude, ChatGPT) is amplified by their widespread use, the fact that it is "less biased than the average person" matters less. 

4Matt Goldenberg
Yes, this is an excellent point I didn't get across in the past above.

This topic is important enough that you could consider making a full post.

My belief is that this would improve reach, and also make it easier for people to reference your arguments. 

Consider, you believe there is a 45% chance that alignment researchers would be better suited pivoting to control research. I do not suspect a quick take will reach anywhere close to that number, and has a low chance of catalysing dramatic, institutional level change. 

2Mark Xu
Yes, I agree. If I had more time, this would have been a top-level post. If anyone reading wants to write such a post using my quick take as a base, I would be happy to take a look and offer comments. I might do it myself at some point as well.

Inspired by Mark Xu's Quick Take on control. 

Some thoughts on the prevalence of alignment over control approaches in AI Safety. 

  • "Alignment research" has become loosely synonymous with "AI Safety research". I don't know if any researcher who would state they're identical, but alignment seems to be considered the default AI Safety strategy. This seems problematic, may be causing some mild group-think and discourages people from pursuing non-alignment AI Safety agendas. 
  • Prosaic alignment research in the short term results in a better product, a
... (read more)

My views on your bullet points:

I agree with number 1 pretty totally, and think the conflation of AI safety and AI alignment is a pretty large problem in the AI safety field, driven IMO mostly by LessWrong, which birthed the AI safety community and still has significant influence over it.

I disagree with this important claim on bullet point 2:

I claim, increases X-risk

primarily because I believe the evidential weight of "negative-to low tax alignment strategies are possible" outweighs the shortening of timelines effects, cf Pretraining from Human Feedback whi... (read more)

7Charlie Steiner
Control also makes AI more profitable, and more attractive to human tyrants, in worlds where control is useful. People want to know they can extract useful work from the AIs they build, and if problems with deceptiveness (or whatever control-focused people think the main problem is) are predictable, it will be more profitable, and lead to more powerful AU getting used, if there are control measures ready to hand. This isn't a knock-down argument against anything, it's just pointing out that inherent dual use of safety research is pretty broad - I suspect it's less obvious for AI control simply because AI control hasn't been useful for safety yet.

I am concerned our disagreement here is primarily semantic or based on a simple misunderstanding of each others position. I hope to better understand your objection.

"The p-zombie doesn't believe it's conscious, , it only acts that way."

One of us is mistaken and using a non-traditional definition of p-zombie or we have different definitions of "belief'.

My understanding is that P-zombies are physically identical to regular humans. Their brains contain the same physical patterns that encode their model of the world. That seems, to me, a sufficient physical co... (read more)

Either we define "belief" as a computational state encoding a model of the world containing some specific data, or we define "belief" as a first-person mental state. For the first definition, both us and p-zombies believe we have consciousness. So we can't use our belief we have consciousness to know we're not p-zombies. For the second definition, only we believe we have consciousness. P-zombies have no beliefs at all. So for the second definition, we can use our belief we have consciousness to know we're not p-zombies. Since we have a belief in the existence of our consciousness according to both definitions, but p-zombies only according to the first definition, we can know we're not p-zombies.

"After all, the only thing I know that the AI has no way of knowing, is that I am a conscious being, and not a p-zombie or an actor from outside the simulation. This gives me some evidence, that the AI can't access, that we are not exactly in the type of simulation I propose building, as I probably wouldn't create conscious humans."

Assuming for the sake of argument that p-zombies could exist, you do not have special access to the knowledge that you are truly concious and not a p-zombie.

(As a human convinced I'm currently experiencing conciousness, I agree ... (read more)

Strongly agree with this. How I frame the issue: If people want to say that they identify as an "experiencer" who is necessarily conscious, and don't identify with any nonconscious instances of their cognition, then they're free to do that from an egoistic perspective. But from an impartial perspective, what matters is how your cognition influences the world. Your cognition has no direct access to information about whether it's conscious such that it could condition on this and give different outputs when instantiated as conscious vs. nonconscious. Note that in the case where some simulator deliberately creates a behavioural replica of a (possibly nonexistent) conscious agent, consciousness does enter into the chain of logical causality for why the behavioural replica says things about its conscious experience. Specifically, the role it plays is to explain what sort of behaviour the simulator is motivated to replicate. So many (or even all) non-counterfactual instances of your cognition being nonconscious doesn't seem to violate any Follow the Improbability heuristic.
This is incorrect - in a p-zombie, the information processing isn't accompanied by any first-person experience. So if p-zombies are possible, we both do the information processing, but only I am conscious. The p-zombie doesn't believe it's conscious, it only acts that way. You correctly believe that having the correct information processing always goes hand in hand with believing in consciousness, but that's because p-zombies are impossible. If they were possible, this wouldn't be the case, and we would have special access to the truth that p-zombies lack.

I do think the terminology of "hacks" and "lethal memetic viruses" conjures up images of an extremely unnatural brain exploits when you mean quite a natural process that we already see some humans going through. Some monks/nuns voluntarily remove themselves from the gene pool and, in sects that prioritise ritual devotion over concrete charity work, they are also minimising their impact on the world.

My prior is this level of voluntary dedication (to a cause like "enlightenment") seems difficult to induce and there are much cruder and effective brain hacks a... (read more)

As a Petrov, it was quite engaging and at times, very stressful. I feel very lucky and grateful that I could take part. I was also located in a different timezone and operating on only a few hours sleep which added a lot to the experience!

"I later found out that, during this window, one of the Petrovs messaged one of the mods saying to report nukes if the number reported was over a certain threshold. From looking through the array of numbers that the code would randomly select from, this policy had a ~40% chance of causing a "Nukes Incoming" report (!). Un... (read more)

5Martin Randall
I'm interested in what Bayes Factor you associated with each of the missile counts. It seems like a hard problem, given that the actual missile counts were retrieved from an array of indeterminate size with indeterminate values, and given that you did not know the missile capabilities of the opposing side, nor did you know the sensor error rate. Petrov knew that the US would not launch only five missiles, but nobody knows how many missiles were fielded by East Wrong, including the generals of East Wrong. We don't even know if the missile counts were generated by some plausible non-deterministic model or just the game-makers throwing some numbers in a file. Maybe even deliberately including a large number or two in the no-missile array to try to fake out the Petrov players. All we know is that the numbers are "weighted to the higher end if nuclear war has actually begun". All these things make me think that the missile counts should be a small probability update. Partly as a result, for gaining karma, I think the optimal strategy is to always report All Clear. There will be 1-7 occasions to report, and at most only one occasion can have Incoming Missiles. Each hour we start with a low base rate of Incoming Missiles and the "random" number generator can't overcome this to >40% because of the issues above. Also, wrongly reporting Incoming Missiles reduces the expected duration of the game, so it has a higher effective penalty. So always report All Clear.
6Ben Pace
Neat! I'd encourage you to post something within 7 days, while this is still fresh in people's minds. Whatever is more detailed / considered in that time is my preference :-)

"But since it is is at least somewhat intelligent/predictive, it can make the move of "acausal collusion" with its own tendency to hallucinate, in generating its "chain"-of-"thought"."

I am not understanding what this sentence is trying to say. I understand what an acausal trade is. Could you phrase it more directly?

I cannot see why you require the step that the model needs to be reasoning acausally for it to develop a strategy of deceptively hallucinating citations.

What concrete predictions does the model in which this is an example of "acausal collusion" make?

"Cyborgism or AI-assisted research that gets up 5x speedups but applies differentially to technical alignment research"

How do you do you make meaningful progress and ensure it does not speed up capabilities?

It seems unlikely that a technique exists that is exclusively useful for alignment research and can't be tweaked to help OpenMind develop better optimization algorithms etc.

This is a leak, so keep it between you and me, but the big twist to this years Petrov Day event is that Generals who are nuked will be forced to watch the 2012 film on repeat. 

Eeeesh.  I know I've been calling for a reign of terror with heads on spikes and all that, but I think that seems like going a bit too far.

Edit: Issues 1, 2 and 4 have been partially or completely alleviated in the latest experimental voice model. Subjectively (in <1 hour of use) there seems to be a stronger tendency to hallucinate when pressed on complex topics.

I have been attempting to use chatGPT's (primarily 4 and 4o) voice feature to have it act as a question-answering, discussion and receptive conversation partner (separately) for the last year. The topic is usually modern physics.

I'm not going to say that it "works well" but maybe half the time it does work.

The 4 biggest issues that... (read more)

Reading your posts gives me the impression that we are both loosely pointing at the same object, but with fairly large differences in terminology and formalism. 

While computing exact counter-factuals has issues with chaos, I don't think this poses a problem for my earlier proposal. I don't think it is necessary that the AGI is able to exactly compute the counterfactual entropy production, just that it makes a reasonably accurate approximation.[1]

I think I'm in agreement with your premise that the "constitutionalist form of agency" is flawed. IThe abse... (read more)

Entropy production partially solves the Strawberry Problem:

Change in entropy production per second (against the counterfactual of not acting) is potentially an objectively measurable quantity that can be used either in conjunction with other parameters specifying a goal to prevent unexpected behaviour.

Rob Bensinger gives Yudkowsky's "Strawberry Problem" as follows:

How would you get an AI system to do some very modest concrete action requiring extremely high levels of intelligence, such as building two strawberries that are completely identical at the cellu... (read more)

There's a billion reasonable-seeming impact metrics, but the main challenge of counterfactual-based impact is always how you handle chaos. I'm pretty sure the solution is to go away from counterfactuals as they represent a pathologically computationalist form of agency, and instead learn the causal backbone. If we view the core of life as increasing rather than decreasing entropy, then entropy-production may be a reasonable candidate for putting quantitative order to the causal backbone. But bounded agency is less about minimizing impact and more about propagating the free energy of the causal backbone into new entropy-producing channels.

"Workers regularly trade with billionaires and earn more than $77 in wages, despite vast differences in wealth."

Yes, because the worker has something the billionaire wants (their labor) and so is able to sell it. Yudkowsky's point about trying to sell an Oreo for $77 is that a billionaire isn't automatically going to want to buy something off you if they don't care about it (and neither would an ASI).

"I'm simply arguing against the point that smart AIs will automatically turn violent and steal from agents who are less smart than they are, unless they're va... (read more)

4Matthew Barnett
I thought Yudkowsky's point was that the billionaire won't give you $77 for an Oreo because they could get an Oreo for less than $77 via other means. But people don't just have an Oreo to sell you. My point in that sentence was to bring up that workers routinely have things of value that they can sell for well over $77, even to billionaires. Similarly, I claim that Yudkowsky did not adequately show that humans won't have things of substantial value that they can sell to future AIs. The claim I am disputing is precisely that it will be in the strategic interest of unaligned AIs to turn violent and steal from agents that are less smart than them. In that sense, I am directly countering a claim that people in these discussions routinely make.

I previously think I overvalued the model in which laziness/motivation/mood are primarily internal states that required internal solutions. For me, this model also generated a lot of guilt because failing to be productive was a personal failure.

But is the problem a lack of "willpower" or is your brain just operating sub-optimally because you're making a series of easily fixable health blunders?

Are you eating healthy?
Are you consuming large quantities of sugar?
Are you sleeping with your phone on your bedside table?
Are you deficient in any vitamins?
Is you sl... (read more)

“My experience may not be applicable to you.” Thanks for the note - my experience has been exactly the opposite. A classic case of the law of equal and opposite advice :)
I agree, but I'd lump all of that into "Analyze the circumstances that caused it". Maybe I should've included more external examples like these

seems like big step change in its ability to reliably do hard tasks like this without any advanced scaffolding or prompting to make it work. 


Keep in mind that o1 is utilising advanced scaffolding to facilitate Chain-Of-Thought reasoning, but it is just hidden from the user. 

I agree that the negative outcomes from technological unemployment do not get enough attention but my model of how the world will implement Transformative AI is quite different to yours.

Our current society doesn't say "humans should thrive", it says "professional humans should thrive"

Let us define workers to be the set of humans whose primary source of wealth comes from selling their labour. This is a very broad group that includes people colloquially called working class (manual labourers, baristas, office workers, teachers etc) but we are also including ... (read more)

It's somewhat intentional that I say "professionals" instead of "workers", because if I understand correctly, by now the majority of the workforce in the most developed countries is made up of white-collar workers. I think AI is especially relevant to us because professionals rely almost exclusively on intelligence, knowledge and connections, whereas e.g. cooks also rely on dexterity. (Admittedly, AI will probably progress simultaneously with robots, which will hit people who do more hands-on work too.) I think in the scenario you describe, one of the things that matters most is how well the police/military can keep up with the AI frontier. If states maintain sovereignty (or at least, the US maintains hegemony), people can "just" implement a wealth tax to distribute the goods from AI. Under that model, the question then becomes who to distribute the goods to. I guess the answer would end up being "all citizens". Hm, I was about to say "in which case we are back in the "but wouldn't people's capabilities degenerate into vestigiality?" issue", but really if people have a guaranteed source of income to survive, as long as we are only moderately more expensive than the AI and not extremely more expensive, the AI would probably want to offer us jobs because of comparative advantages. Maybe that's the sort of scenario Habryka was getting at...

Assuming I blend in and speak the local language, within an order of magnitude of 5 million (edit: USD)

I don't feel your response meaningfully engaged with either of my objections.

I strongly downvoted this post.

1 . The optics of actually implementing this idea would be awful. It would permanently damage EA's public image and be raised as a cudgel in every single expose written about the movement. To the average person, concluding that years in the life of the poorest are worth less than those of someone in a rich, first world country is an abhorrent statement, regardless of how well crafted your argument is. 

2.1 It would be also be extremely difficult for rich foreigners to objectively assess the value of QALYs in the most glob... (read more)

How much would we have to pay you to move to Congo ?

what does it mean to keep a corporation "in check"
I'm referring to effective corporate governance. Monitoring, anticipating and influencing decisions made by the corporation via a system of incentives and penalties, with the goal of ensuring actions taken by the corporation are not harmful to broader society.

do you think those mechanisms will not be available for AIs
Hopefully, but there are reasons to think that the governance of a corporation controlled (partially or wholly) by AGIs or controlling one or more AGIs directly may be very difficult. I will no... (read more)

I'm not confident that I could give a meaningful number with any degree of confidence. I lack expertise in corporate governance, bio-safety and climate forecasting. Additionally, for the condition to be satisfied that corporations are left "unchecked" there would need to be a dramatic Western political shift that makes speculating extremely difficult. 

I will outline my intuition for why (very large, global) human corporations could pose an existential risk (conditional on the existential risk from AI being negligible and global governance being effect... (read more)

"This argument also appears to apply to human groups such as corporations, so we need an explanation of why those are not an existential risk"

I don't think this is necessary. It seems pretty obvious that (some) corporations could pose an existential risk if left unchecked.

Edit: And depending on your political leanings and concern over the climate, you might agree that they already are posing an existential risk.

2Matthew Barnett
Concretely, what does it mean to keep a corporation "in check" and do you think those mechanisms will not be available for AIs?
3Nathan Young
What do you think P(doom from corporations) is. I've never heard much worry about current non-AI corps?

I might be misunderstanding something crucial or am not expressing myself clearly.

I understand TurnTrout's original post to be an argument for a set of conditions which, if satisfied, prove the AI is (probably) safe. There are no restrictions on the capabilities of the system given in the argument.

You do constructively show "that it's possible to make an AI which very probably does not cause x-risk" using a system that cannot do anything coherent when deployed.

But TurnTrout's post is not merely arguing that it is "possible" to build a safe AI.

Your conclusi... (read more)

I can see that the condition you've given, that a "curriculum be sampled uniformly at random" with no mutual information with the real world is sufficient for a curriculum to satisfy Premise 1 of TurnTrouts argument.

But it isn't immediately obvious to me that it is a sufficient and necessary condition (and therefore equivalent to Premise 1). 

I'm not claiming to have shown something equivalent to premise 1, I'm claiming to have shown something equivalent to the conclusion of the proof (that it's possible to make an AI which very probably does not cause x-risk), inspired by the general idea of the proof but simplifying/constructifying it to be more rigorous and transparent.

Right, but that isn't a good safety case because such an AI hasn't learnt about the world and isn't capable of doing anything useful. I don't see why anyone would dedicate resources to training such a machine.

I didn't understand TurnTrouts original argument to be limited to only "trivially safe" (ie. non-functional) AI systems.

How did you understand the argument instead?

Does this not mean the AI has also learnt no methods that provide any economic benefit either?

Yes. TurnTrout's intuitive argument did not contain any premises that implied the AI learnt any methods that provide any economic benefit, so I thought it wouldn't be necessary to include that in the constructive proof either.

Is a difficulty in moving from statements about the variance in logits to statements about x-risk?

One is a statement about the output of a computation after a single timestep, the other is a statement about the cumulative impact of the policy over multiple time-steps in a dynamic environment that reacts in a complex way to the actions taken.

My intuition is that for any  bounding the variance in the logits, you could always construct a suitably pathological environment that will always amplify these cumulative deviations into a catastrophy... (read more)

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