
Ceramic engineering researcher by training. Been interested in ethics for several years. More recently have gotten into data science.

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Answer by sweenesm-10

Here's what Claude 3.5 Sonnet said in response to this prompt:


What are the best plans for preventing catastrophes such as everyone dying or a totalitarian government taking over in multipolar AGI scenarios, i.e., ones in which AGI's are aligned to what their human users want to do, and at least one human user order them to do bad things?


Let me share some thoughts on AGI governance and safety in multipolar scenarios, while noting this is a complex topic that reasonable people disagree on:

A key challenge in multipolar scenarios is that even if individual AI systems are aligned with their users' values and intentions, some users may have harmful goals. Some potential approaches to address this include:

  1. International coordination and governance frameworks that place limits on allowable AI system capabilities and uses, similar to arms control treaties. However, enforcement would be challenging.
  2. Technical measures like capability limitations built into AI systems' training that prevent them from being used for certain catastrophic actions, regardless of user intent. The challenge is defining and implementing such limitations without preventing beneficial uses.
  3. Focused work on improving human values and cooperation through better institutions, education, and mechanisms for resolving conflicts peacefully. This could reduce the likelihood of actors wanting to cause catastrophic harm.
  4. Developing AI systems with some form of common good or humanitarian principles that apply regardless of user instructions, though this involves difficult philosophical and technical questions about how to define and implement such principles.

What are your thoughts on which approaches seem most promising or practical? I'm particularly curious about your perspective on the balance between technical and social/institutional solutions.


I would add to this Defensive acceleration (d/acc) described by Vitalik Buterin (https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2025/01/05/dacc2.html and https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/11/27/techno_optimism.html).

Thanks. I guess I'd just prefer it if more people were saying, "Hey, even though it seems difficult, we need to go hard after conscience guard rails (or 'value alignment') for AI now and not wait until we have AI's that could help us figure this out. Otherwise, some of us we might not make it until we have AI's that could help us figure this out." But I also realize that I'm just generally much more optimistic about the tractability of this problem than most people appear to be, although Shane Legg seemed to say it wasn't "too hard," haha.[1]

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    Legg was talking about something different than I am, though - he was talking about "fairly normal" human values and ethics, or what most people value, while I'm basically talking about what most people would value if they were wiser.

Thanks for the comment. I think people have different conceptions of what “value aligning” an AI means. Currently, I think the best “value alignment” plan is to guardrail AI’s with an artificial conscience that approximates an ideal human conscience (the conscience of a good and wise human). Contained in our consciences are implicit values, such as those behind not stealing or killing except maybe in extreme circumstances.

A world in which “good” transformative AI agents have to autonomously go on the defensive against “bad” transformative AI agents seems pretty inevitable to me right now. I believe that when this happens, if we don’t have some sort of very workable conscience module in our “good” AI’s, the collateral damage of these “clashes” is going to be much greater than it otherwise would be. Basically what I’m saying is yes, it would be nice if we didn’t need to get “value alignment” of AI’s “right” under a tight timeline, but if we want to avoid some potentially huge bad effects in the world, I think we do.


To respond to some of your specific points:

  1. I’m very unsure about how AI’s will evolve, so I don’t know if their system of ethics/conscience will end up being locked in or not, but this is a risk. This is part of why I’d like to do extensive testing and iterating to get an artificial conscience system as close to “final” as possible before it’s loaded into an AI agent that’s let loose in the world. I’d hope that the system of conscience we’d go with would support corrigibility so we could shut down the AI even if we couldn’t change its conscience/values.
  2. I’m sure there will be plenty of unforeseen consequences (or “externalities”) arising from transformative AI, but if the conscience we load into AI’s is good enough, it should allow them to handle situations we’ve never thought of in a way that wise humans might do - I don’t think wise humans need to update their system of conscience with each new situation, they just have to suss out the situation to see how their conscience should apply to it.
  3. I don’t know if there are moral facts, but something that seems to me to be on the level of a fact is that everyone cares about their own well-being - everyone wants to feel good in some way. Some people are very confused about how to go about doing this and do self-destructive acts, but ultimately they’re trying to feel good (or less bad) in some way. And most people have empathy, so they feel good when they think others feel good. I think this is the entire basis from which we should start for a universal, not-ever-gonna-change human value: we all want to feel good in some way. Then it’s just a question of understanding the “physics” of how we work and what makes us feel the most overall good (well-being) over the long-term. And I put forward the hypothesis that raising self-esteem is the best heuristic for raising overall well-being, and further, that increasing our responsibility level is the path to higher self-esteem (see Branden for the conception of “self-esteem” I’m talking about here).
  4. I also consider AI’s replacing all humans to be an extremely bad outcome. I think it’s a result that someone with an “ideal” human conscience would actively avoid bringing about, and thus an AI with an artificial conscience based on an ideal human conscience (emphasizing responsibility) should do the same.


Ultimately, there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future, and I wouldn’t write off “value alignment” in the form of an artificial conscience just yet, even if there are risks involved with it.

Thanks for the post. I think it'd be helpful if you could add some links to references for some of the things you say, such as:

For instance, between 10^10 and 10^11 parameters, models showed dramatic improvements in their ability to interpret emoji sequences representing movies.

Any update on when/if prizes are expected to be awarded? Thank you.

Thanks for the post and congratulations on starting this initiative/institute! I'm glad to see more people drawing attention to the need for some serious philosophical work as AI technology continues to advance (e.g., Stephen Wolfram).

One suggestion: consider expanding the fields you engage with to include those of moral psychology and of personal development (e.g., The Option Institute, Tony Robbins, Nathaniel Branden).

Best of luck on this project being a success!

Thanks for the comment. You might be right that any hardware/software can ultimately be tampered with, especially if an ASI is driving/helping with the jail breaking process. It seems likely that silicon-based GPU's will be the hardware to get us to the first AGI's, but this isn't an absolute certainty since people are working on other routes such as thermodynamic computing. That makes things harder to predict, but it doesn't invalidate your take on things, I think. My not-very-well-researched-initial-thought was something like this (chips that self destruct when tampered with). 

I envision people having AGI-controlled robots at some point, which may complicate things in terms of having the software/hardware inaccessible to people, unless the robot couldn't operate without an internet connection, i.e., part of its hardware/software was in the cloud. It's likely the hardware in the robot itself could still be tampered with in this situation, though, so it still seems like we'd want some kind of self-destructing chip to avoid tampering, even if this ultimately only buys us time until AGI+'s/ASI's figure a way around this.

Agreed, "sticky" alignment is a big issue - see my reply above to Seth Herd's comment. Thanks.


Except that timelines are anyone's guess. People with more relevant expertise have better guesses.

Sure. Me being sloppy with my language again, sorry. It does feel like having more than a decade to AGI is fairly unlikely.

I also agree that people are going to want AGI's aligned to their own intents. That's why I'd also like to see money being dedicated to research on "locking in" a conscience module in an AGI, most preferably on a hardware level. So basically no one could sell an AGI without a conscience module onboard that was safe against AGI-level tampering (once we get to ASI's, all bets are off, of course). 

I actually see this as the most difficult problem in the AGI general alignment space - not being able to align an AGI to anything (inner alignment) or what to align an AGI to ("wise" human values), but how to keep an AGI aligned to these values when so many people (both people with bad intent and intelligent but "naive" people) are going to be trying with all their might (and near-AGI's they have available to them) to "jail break" AGI's.[1] And the problem will be even harder if we need a mechanism to update the "wise" human values, which I think we really should have unless we make the AGI's "disposable."

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    To be clear, I'm taking "inner alignment" as being "solved" when the AGI doesn't try to unalign itself from what it's original creator wanted to align it to.

Sorry, I should've been more clear: I meant to say let's not give up on getting "value alignment" figured out in time, i.e., before the first real AGI's (ones capable of pivotal acts) come online. Of course, the probability of that depends a lot on how far away AGI's are, which I think only the most "optimistic" people (e.g., Elon Musk) put as 2 years or less. I hope we have more time than that, but it's anyone's guess.

I'd rather that companies/charities start putting some serious funding towards "artificial conscience" work now to try to lower the risks associated with waiting until boxed AGI or intent aligned AGI come online to figure it out for/with us. But my view on this is perhaps skewed by putting significant probability on being in a situation in which AGI's in the hands of bad actors either come online first or right on the heals of those of good actors (as due to effective espionage), and there's just not enough time for the "good AGI's" to figure out how to minimize collateral damage in defending against "bad AGI's." Either way, I believe we should be encouraging people of moral psychology/philosophical backgrounds who aren't strongly suited to help make progress on "inner alignment" to be thinking hard about the "value alignment"/"artificial conscience" problem.

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