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then I am interested in hearing from you in the comments.

While I appreciate the mathy posts as well as I can, as someone without much training in mathematics I really enjoy these types of posts (I've got a large backlog of your more mathy posts bookmarked for me to work through, whereas your non-mathy posts I read as soon as they show up in my feed reader).

Let us have both!

Don't listen to the naysayers. I find your posts very thought-provoking.

In the previous thread I think the controversy arose because of the fact that so many people who do understand physics, still think QM is weird. As someone pointed out, just because we have as of yet not reshaped our intuition that doesn't prevent us from disregarding our intuition and understanding the subject at hand.

That point, coupled with what I think is your point...namely that if presented with a "fact", and our intuition disagrees with said fact, one of them is a fairly obvious conclusion to draw which probably confused people as to what you were actually saying. (Like if on a blog about construction someone made a post pointing out that nails are used to hold wood together. If the author of this post made drawn out, poorly fitting analogies, and this blog is known for well thought out points and arguments, readers would have a hard time realizing that the whole point was that nails hold wood together...they'd get lost in the trees looking for the meaning to a post where the appropriate response is "duh".)

This is one of the worst posts I've read here.

If you truly think "This person will never understand physics no matter how many books they read." then you are making great assumptions based on your personal prejudices.

If you don't find quantum physics weird (or at least understand why someone may), you don't have a grasp on current human intuition. Just because you recognize that quantum physics differs from everyday experience doesn't mean you can't understand quantum physics. It actually means you have a BETTER grasp on understanding human intuition, and has no bearing on whether you know (or have the capability of knowing) less or more about quantum physics.