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Perhaps our trivial but to us purposeful motions will be fun for ASI to watch and will continue to entertain.


This is something I see bandied about at different levels of seriousness, sometimes even as full defense of AI x-risk. But why would an AI experience entertainment? That type of experience in humans is caused by a feedback loop between the brain and the body. Without physical biological bodies to interrupt or interfere with a programmatically defined reward function in that way, the reward function maintains at state indefinitely. 


People Would Like a Better Explanation of Why People Are Worried That AI Might Kill Everyone


it seems to me like we need a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer limited to just patiently explaining to the user why AI Ruin. Where a link could be sent along with instructions to just, “Keep talking to this until it makes sense.” Which in turn seems like we absolutely have the technology currently to make,

I’d apply via the common application to develop this, but I only bring the project management skills (haven’t really coded in over 15 years), and I’m not sure how to hire the right programmers anymore, either. 

Answer by TimK10

This may be a flavor of Novelty.


4b. No, coordinating people is not a hard problem requiring unique solutions each time. Mega-project management is a science with a well-defined vocabulary and structure; there is very definitely a corpus of training data for it. It's also not necessary to know every single detail of any one mega-project in order to implement another one - the phrase "work unit" is used in project management to denote this principle. Your conclusions for this section are built on multiple misconceptions and category errors.


One way of thinking about mutually held exclusive beliefs in general is that in these instances, the person’s map cannot reconcile to a terrain but maps don’t need to.


Perhaps even more clearly would be: Law of the Phrase 'No Evidence'.

Answer by TimK40

Where I live (USA, Kentucky), we've been under something much like "shelter in place" without the scary name and been engaged in social distancing, event cancellation, bars and restaurants closed, non-life sustaining businesses closed, strongly encouraged work from home, etc., etc. for over a week now. Masks & googles are being strongly encouraged in Kentucky to be crafted, sourced and donated for front-line healthcare and emergency workers plus at-risk populations. We're hearing massive messaging about the grave risks of being indoors in a public, poorly-ventilated space. Critical retailers like groceries and pharmacies are closing to sanitize then offering their first hour of being re-opened to at-risk populations, mostly the elderly, to reduce airborne transmission.

Are we in the same USA?