
Still haven't heard a better suggestion than CEV.

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I think it's worth distinguishing between what I'll call "parallel SI" vs "collective SI".

Parallel SI is when you have something more intelligent because it has a lot of the same intelligence in parallel. Strictly parallel SI would need to rely on random differences in decisions and shelling points since communication between threads would not be possible.

Collective SI requires parallel SI, but additionally has organization of the work being done by each intelligence. I think how far this concept can be pushed is unclear, but I don't see any reason that sufficiently clever organization of human level intelligence couldn't achieve depth or even speed SI.

The idea is that the interaction of many human level intelligences can be made to emulate the mind of a greater intelligence. This means the evolved organizational structure found in corporations could potentially be SI in ways you don't get just from parallel SI.

✨ I just donated 71.12 USD (100 CAD 🇨🇦) ✨

I'd like to donate a more relevant amount but I'm finishing my undergrad and have no income stream... in fact, I'm looking to become a Mech Interp researcher (& later focus on agent foundations) but I'm not going to be able to do that if misaligned optimizers eat the world, so I support lightcone's direction as I understand it (policy that promotes AI not killing everyone).

If anyone knows of good ways to fund myself as a MI researcher, ideally focusing on this research direction I've been developing, please let me know : )

WRT formatting, thanks I didn't realise the markdown needs two new lines for a paragraph break.

I think CoT and its dynamics as it relates to review and RSI is very interesting & useful to be exploring.

Looking forward to reading the stepping stone and stability posts you linked. : )

Yes, you've written more extensively on this than I realized, thanks for pointing out other relevant posts, sorry for not having taken the time to find them myself, I'm trying to err more on the side of communication than I have in the past.

I think math is the best tool to solve alignment. It might be emotional, I've been manipulated and hurt by natural language and the people who prefer it to math and have always found engaging with math to be soothing or at least sobering. It could also be that I truly believe that the engineering rigor that comes with understanding something enough to do math to it is extremely worthwhile for building a thing of the importance we are discussing.

Part of me wants to die on this hill and tell everyone who will listen "I know its impossible but we need to find ways to make it possible to give the math people the hundred years they need because if we don't then everyone dies so theres no point in aiming for anything less and its unfortunate because it means it's likely we are doomed but that's the truth as I see it." I just wonder how much of that part of me is my oppositional defiance disorder and how much is my strategizing for best outcome.

I'll be reading your other posts. Thanks for engaging with me : )

WRT "I don't want his attempted in any light-cone I inhabit", well, neither do I. But we're not in charge of the light cone.

That really is a true and relevant fact, isn't it? 😭

It seems like aligning humans really is much more of a bottleneck rn than aligning machines, and not because we are at all on track to align machines.

I think you are correct about the need to be pragmatic. My fear is that there may not be anywhere on the scale from "too pragmatic failed to actually align ASI" to "too idealistic, failed to engage with actual decision makers running ASI projects" where we get good outcomes. Its stressful.

The organized mind recoils. This is not an aesthetically appealing alignment approach.

Praise Eris!

No, but seriously, I like this plan with the caveat that we really need to understand RSI and what is required to prevent it first, and also I think the temptation to allow these things to open up high bandwidth channels to other modalities than language is going to be really really strong and if we go forward with this we need a good plan to resist that temptation and a good way to know when not to resist that temptation.

Also, I'd like it if this was though of as a step on the path to cyborgism/true value alignment, and not as a true ASI alignment plan on its own.

I was going to say "I don't want this attempted in any light-cone I inhabit, but I realize theres a pretty important caveat. On it's own, I think this is a doom plan, but if there was a sufficient push to understand RSI dynamics before and during, then I think it could be good.

I don't agree that it's "a better idea than attempting value alignment", it's a better idea than dumb value alignment for sure, but imo only skilled value alignment or self modification (no AGI, no ASI) will get us to a good future. But the plans aren't mutually exclusive. First studying RSI, then making sufficiently non-RSI AGI with instruction following goals, then using that non-RSI AGI to figure out value alignment, probably using GSLK and cyborgism seems to me like a fine plan. At least it does at present date present time.

I like this post. I like goals selected from learned knowledge (GSLK). It sounds a lot like what I was thinking about when I wrote how-i-d-like-alignment-to-get-done. I plan to use the term GSLK in the future. Thank you : )

"we've done so little work on alignment that I think it might actually be more like additive, from 1% to 26% or 50% to 75% with ten extra years relative to the real current odds if we press ahead - which nobody knows." 😭🤣 I really want "We've done so little work the probabilities are additive" to be a meme. I feel like I do get where you're coming from.

I agree about pause concern. I also really feel that any delay to friendly SI represents an enormous amount of suffering that could be prevented if we got to friendly SI sooner. It should not be taken lightly. And being realistic about how difficult it is to align humans seems worthwhile. When I talk to math ppl about what work I think we need to do to solve this though, "impossible" or "hundreds of years of work" seem to be the vibe. I think math is a cool field because more than other fields, it feels like work from hundreds of years ago is still very relevant. Problems are hard and progress is slow in a way that I don't know if people involved in other things really "get". I feel like in math crowds I'm saying "no, don't give up, maybe with a hundred years we can do it!" And in other crowds I'm like "c'mon guys, could we have at least 10 years, maybe?" Anyway, I'm rambling a bit, but the point is that my vibe is very much, "if the Russians defect, everyone dies". "If the North Koreans defect, everyone dies". "If Americans can't bring themselves to trust other countries and don't even try themselves, everyone dies". So I'm currently feeling very "everyone slightly sane should commit and signal commitment as hard as they can" cause I know it will be hard to get humanity on the same page about something. Basically impossible, never been done before. But so is ASI alignment.

I haven't read those links. I'll check em out, thanks : ) I've read a few things by Drexler about, like, automated plan generation and then humans audit and enact the plan. It makes me feel better about the situation. I think we could go farther safer with careful techniques like that, but that is both empowering us and bringing us closer to danger, and I don't think it scales to SI, and unless we are really serious about using it to map RSI boundaries, it doesn't even prevent misaligned decision systems from going RSI and killing us.

Yeah, getting specific unpause requirements seems high value for convincing people who would not otherwise want a pause, but I can't imagine actually getting it in time in any reasonable way, instead it would need to look like technical specification. "Once we have developed x, y, and z, then it is safe to unpause" kind of thing. Just we need to figure out what the x, y, and z requirements are. Then we can estimate how long it will take to develop x, y, and z, and this will get more refined and accurate as more progress is made, but since the requirements are likely to involve unknown unknowns in theory building, it seems likely that any estimate would be more of a wild guess, and it seems like it would be better to be honest about that rather than saying "yeah, sure, ten years" and then after ten years if the progress hasn't been made saying "whoops, looks like it's going to take a little longer!" As for odds of survival, my personal estimates feel more like 1% chance of some kind of "alignment by default / human in the loop with prosaic scaling" scheme working, as opposed to maybe more like 50% if we took the time to try to get a "aligned before you turn it on" scheme set up, so that would be improving our odds by about 5000%. Though I think you were thinking of adding rather than scaling odds with your 25%, so 49%, but I don't think that's a good habit for thinking about probability. Also I feel hopelessly uncalibrated for this kind of question... I doubt I would trust anyone's estimates, it's part of what makes the situation so spooky. How do you think public acceptance would be of a "pause until we meet target x and you are allowed to help us reach target x as much as you want" as opposed to "pause for some set period of time"?

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