
Front-end developer, designer, dabbler, and avid user of the superpowered information superhighway.

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I think people seem to downplay that when artificial intelligence companies release new models/features, they tend to do so with minimal guardrails.

I don't think it is hyperbole to suggest this is done for the PR boost gained by spurring online discussion, though it could also just be part of the churn and rush to appear on top where sound guardrails are not considered a necessity. Either way, models tend to become less controversial and more presentable over time.

Recently OpenAI released their GPT-4o image generation with rather relaxed guardrails (it being able to generate political content and images of celebrities without consent). This came hot off the heels of Google's latest Imagen model, so there was reason to rush to market and 'one-up' Google.

Obviously much of AI risk is centred around swift progress and companies prioritising that progress over safety, but minimising safety specifically for the sake of public perception and marketing strikes me as something we are moving closer towards.

This triggers two main thoughts for me:

- How far are companies willing to relax their guardrails to beat competitors to market?
- Where is 'the line' between a model with relaxed enough guardrails to spur public discussion but not relaxed enough to cause significant damages to the company's perception and wider societal risk?


I went along to the VRChat meetup. Was absolutely wonderful to meet people, chat rational, discuss HPMoR, and generally nerd out for a while.

Thanks very much to everyone who organised events and helped with coordination!


Speaking as a fellow Declan, I'm wondering if an unhealthy love for peanut butter is a "Declan-thing"...


Really appreciate the pointers. I spend a lot of time lurking here but not much time posting. I'll definitely keep all your suggestions in mind next time I post. Cheers!


if people had been playing with carbon fiber hair historically I really doubt horsehair would take off today.

I do oft wonder how many things we interact with are only the way they are because that's the way they've always been. Tangentially, how much of the world is just vestigial and nobody has thought to question it?


Personally, I've had my Caps Lock key bound to Escape for quite a while (I'd suggest a few years now?). It has been lovely and fits perfectly with my keyboard-driven workflow. Pairs great with Colemak-DH, which is my layout of choice.

I haven't found myself ever missing the Caps Lock key's original functionality, and my blank laptop keycaps mean I can have it bound without mental annoyance.


The cost and time will gradually deter you and inherently create a scarcity mindset, sabotaging your creativity and playfulness and willingness to go "wouldn't it be fun if...?".

You caught something here with my own thinking. I have limitations associated with my own static site generator that acts as a simple barrier of just enough strength to deter my will and likely hinder output. I hadn't really concidered or thought of it at detail.

It isn't financial, but it is a time/mental tax I must pay to create, which should be eliminated. I'll aim to mentally emphasise it's credence as an issue requiring a solution.

Thanks for prompting the thought.