Two opposing attributes of data that cause some change in belief:
Positive Evidence / Lack of evidence
Probability-increasing / Probability-decreasing
Then cross the two to make:
Positive Evidence + Probability-increase = Proof
Lack of Evidence + Probability-increase = Co-proof
Positive Evidence + probability-decrease = Disproof/Counterproof (?)
Lack of Evidence + probability-decrease = Co-disproof? (Probably not)
Two opposing attributes of data that cause some change in belief:
Positive Evidence / Lack of evidence
Probability-increasing / Probability-decreasing
Then cross the two to make:
Positive Evidence + Probability-increase = Proof
Lack of Evidence + Probability-increase = Co-proof
Positive Evidence + probability-decrease = Disproof/Counterproof (?)
Lack of Evidence + probability-decrease = Co-disproof? (Probably not)