William the Kiwi

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Is humanity expanding beyond Earth a requirement or a goal in your world view?

A novel theory of victory is human extinction.
I do not personally agree with it, but it is supported by people like Hans Moravec and Richard Sutton, who believe AI to be our "mind children" and that humans should "bow out when we can no longer contribute".

This would depend on whether algorithmic progress can continue indefinitely. If it can, then yes the full Butlerian Jihad would be required. If it can't, either due to physical limitations or enforcement, then only computers over a certain scale would be required to be controlled/destroyed.

There is a AI x-risk documentary currently being filmed. An Inconvenient Doom. https://www.documentary-campus.com/training/masterschool/2024/inconvenient-doom It covers some aspects on AI safety, but doesn't focus on it exactly.

I also agree 5 is the main crux.

In the description of point 5, the OP says "Proving this assertion is beyond the scope of this post,", I presume that the proof of the assertion is made elsewhere. Can someone post a link to it?

I'm thirty-something. This was about 7 years ago. From the inhibitors? Nah. From the lab: probably.

We still smell plenty of things in a university chemistry lab, but I wouldn't bother with that kind of test for an unknown compound. Just go straight to NMR and mass spec, maybe IR depending on what you guess you are looking for. 

As a general rule don't go sniffing strongly, start with carefully wafting. Or maybe don't, if you truly have no idea what it is.

Most of us aren't dead. Just busy somewhere else.

I used to work in a chemistry research lab. For part of that I made Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for potential treatment of Parkinson's Alzhiemer's. These are neurotoxins. As a general rule I didn't handle more than 10 lethal doses at once, however on one occasion I inhaled a small amount of the aerosolized powder and started salivating and I pissed my pants a little. 

As for tasting things, we made an effort to not let that happen. However as mentioned above, some sweeteners are very potent, a few micrograms being spilt on your hands, followed by washing, could leave many hundred nanograms behind. I could see how someone would notice this if they ate lunch afterwards. 

While tasting isn't common, smelling is. Many new chemicals would be carefully smelt as this often gave a quick indication if something novel had happened. Some chemical reactions can be tracked via smell. While not very precise, it is much faster than running an NMR. 

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