All of wmorgan's Comments + Replies


Here we are. We buy and sell Magic cards.

Attn Magic: the Gathering players

If you want to buy something, send me a PM and I'll send you a coupon code for a LW discount.

If you have MTG cards you want to sell, I want to talk to you. Our buy prices are competitive and we will buy most everything. Drop me a line with what you've got and I'll get back to you quick with an itemized spreadsheet breakdown.


Goal: Money

So I moved to Austin for an adventure with three or four half-plans for making money which all fell through, plus unexpected expenses hit me hard. A few months ago I read the writing on the wall and set about finding a Real Job. Interviewed at a local startup; they didn't want me. Went to some programmer meet-ups, gave a couple talks, stuck around afterwards to ask who was hiring. Found a great company that way, so starting this month I'm living in L.A., working for a funded startup in a skyscraper.

My buddy and I continue to grow our e-commerce ... (read more)

Sorry if playing marketing guy is too wide the mark on norms here, but my gut says if you have a young business promote it to everyone who'll listen and some people who'd rather not: whatcha selling and if one of us likes it how do we buy it?

I left my family, my job, and my girlfriend to move across the country, to Austin, to explore the world, to work for myself, and to become a Complete Social Creature, aka a Normal Person, aka an Adult.

Progress. Being so far from home has freed me to act like who I want to be, rather than who people expect me to be. This is coming at the same time that social interactions are making much more sense than they did when I was younger. I understand what I have to offer and what others have to offer me, and how to frame our interactions like that. Dating is easi... (read more)


I'm coming around on the stronger version of the Efficient Market Hypothesis that says, "you can't buy and sell equities in a way that beats the market in the long run. Just invest in an index fund, pay low fees, and don't try to pick stocks." I'm not sure I believe this any more, for a few reasons.

One is that I lived with a guy who traded professionally and we had a series of conversations where he explained about stocks to me, specifically why information-efficient prices don't automatically imply an unbeatable market.

Another is that the outsid... (read more)

Of some related interest: Parrondo's Paradox
"don't bet against the house, bet against other players"
Thanks very much!

My goals are money, power, and romance. Some good news on all three, finally!

Money. I'm bankrolling my buddy in a high stakes poker game. He's highly skilled but rather risk-averse, so we negotiated the following deal: I provide his buy-ins, he gives me 40% of his winnings and keeps the rest. It's been a great year so far, netting me about a year's worth of living expenses for basically zero time investment. As an unexpected side effect, by talking over hands and general strategic concepts with him, I've absorbed some of his poker skills, which I've tested... (read more)


Some great resources on poker AI: University of Alberta Computer Poker Research Group. Papp 1998 in particular goes into detail about what makes it difficult, briefly: multiple opponents, imperfect knowledge, risk management, agent modeling, deception, and dealing with unreliable information. To these I would add the distinction between optimal and maximal play:

In chess AI, it never really matters what you expect your opponent to do like it does in poker. In chess, you just always try to move the board into the most favorable possible state. A win is a win... (read more)


Agreed about reading random source code files. I popped open the first .py file I found on the django project and got this:

which I would say is a little esoteric for even the most precocious non-programmers.

But I also agree that investigating one's programming aptitude is a great low-investment high-reward endeavor. It does seem to be the case that many people just "get it". This thread offers some great suggestions on how to check: Checking for the Programming Gear.


I was on the subway the other day and Sovereign Bank had bought up all the ad spots advertising in big print "MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT. 0.6% APY. $100,000 MINIMUM." The interest rate offered on a smaller deposit is presumably less than that, and yet the bank thought this deal would be appealing enough to advertise. This makes a year of "emergency fund" holdings in a money market account approximately worth the change in the couch. I don't see how that's enough of a difference from a checking account to worry about.

Capitol One offers savings accounts yielding 0.75% APY with no minimum deposit. I've used them for over 10 years with no hassles. Your general point about low yields still applies, though. I would estimate an opportunity cost of 3 hours per year to set up the account, shuffle money around, periodically monitor the balance, and pay taxes on the interest. This opportunity cost will vary depending on how efficient one is with paperwork. Whether this is worthwhile depends on the size of the emergency fund and the alternative options for increasing marginal income via an equivalent time investment.

New England guy here. I was surprised when I read OrphanWilde's comment yesterday; I went out last night and observed. These are the rules most of us follow:

  1. Someone trying to initiate eye contact wants to talk to you -- even just "hey, how are ya" or a gesture of acknowledgement like when you pass them on the street. But the eye contact is always a prelude.
  2. If you don't want to interact, look in their general direction, but not into their eyes. If you do catch their eye, either look away fast or give 'em a nod or make your eyes wide or somethin
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This sounds like an exactly correct description of the phenomenon (although when you dismiss the connection to aggression and creepiness, consider the ramifications of somebody -not following these rules-, and even apparently flaunting them, on other people). It does not describe most other cities in the US, although I suddenly realize that anybody who follows these rules would never notice they weren't being followed. (Some variant on acknowledgment inverse proportionality to number of people rules are followed, but nowhere else in the nation do people treat eye contact in the transactional manner you seem to here).
This matches my experience in several large cities in several different countries, so this is probably a default, not anything peculiar to Boston. And in rural areas people tend to react to eye contact more, regardless of location. Even hikers on a trail do.

Always negotiate on salary, i.e. ask for more than their initial offer. Patrick McKenzie explains why.


Have you ever tried writing software? Like they say: "a programmer is a machine that turns coffee into money," or something like that.

I wrote software professionally for almost 20 years, from age 14 to age 33. Then I had a mental breakdown due to nearly 20 years of abusive employee/employer relationships, coupled with a rapid series of devastating life changes. I'm afraid I'm virtually unemployable now, and can't really manage to do any kind of quality work even if someone wanted to pay me for it.

I'll give it a shot.

In poker you want to put more money in the pot with strong hands, and less money with weaker ones. However, your hand is secret information, and raising too much "polarizes your range," giving your opponents the opportunity to outplay you. Finally, hands aren't guaranteed -- good hands can lose, and bad hands can win. So you need to bet big, but not too big, with your good hands.

So my buddy and I sit down at the table, and I get dealt a few strong hands in a row, but I raise too big with them -- I'm overconfident -- so I win a... (read more)


I don't know anything about programming Macs, but here are some thoughts for anyone who wants to try this:

  1. DDHotkey can register global hotkeys.
  2. The current working file of a window is called the "represented file." You can get the path to it by calling representedFilename of the active NSWindow (I couldn't figure out how to get the active NSWindow). I didn't try to find out how to get the currently selected file in the Finder.
  3. Cyberduck is scriptable with AppleScript, I think. It has an "Upload" entry point. See here. It has a single
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Dating. Progress from June, February, December, October.

A year into my experiment, I'm glad to finally report some success: I asked a girl out and she said yes and we had a very nice time together ending in my first real sexual intimacy. I tried to see her again, and she was enthusiastic about the prospect for a week or so, but things cooled after that. I think she moved on.

For a long time before this I had to seriously consider some scary hypotheses about myself, many along the lines of "you are so X that you'll never Y." I've updated all of tho... (read more)

One thing that made a huge difference for me: record yourself when talking to strangers and listen to it afterwards. Unbelievable how much insight I got and awareness of my own clumsiness/mistakes once I listened to myself talking. The way I do it is I carry a small digital recorder under my shirt and just press record before I start talking.

The article you linked talks a little bit about modeling admissions officers. One nonobvious thing to consider:

There's a very good chance that the only person who will ever read your college essay is 25 years old.

Some unsolicited advice: private universities are way overpriced right now, and 17- & 18-year-olds are regularly encouraged to take on massive nondischargable debt in a way that many consider exploitive. Stanford's tuition broke $40K this year...have a plan, is all.

Yikes, good point. Especially if I'm going to study something like engineering, which is going to be pretty similar across most colleges, it might not even be worth the money. My parents are also pushing me into this, though, and they would be perfectly willing to help out financially, even if it would wound my pride not to be able to take care of that myself.

What you're saying rings true, and a lot of people agree with you, but is it actually right? Is it testable? I can think of plenty of counterexamples, by people who look like they know they're doing. But I can't think of anyone whom I just want to grab and yell at: "you'd be so effective if you'd just shut up about the signaling already!"

I can think of one, buts its not a great example.

Don't sell your reflexes short. Our brains were executing complicated plans for millions of generations before acquiring explicit reasoning, i.e. language. Lately I've been leaning towards the Elephant and Rider model of decision-making, or drawing from this pithy tweet by Stephen Kaas. In your case, I think, your elephant wants to surf the web, and it has a lot more brainpower than your goal-setting rider who wants to finish the paper.

In a practical sense, I think this means you want to put yourself in situations where success is the default, expected res... (read more)

This is a little like "burning the boats."

The Twitter devs vetoed that idea back in 2009 -- too much spam potential. Here's my 5-minute effort anyway:

I don't have a Twitter account so the page isn't tested, but it looks like it works -- give it a second to load, though.

Edit: The following JavaScript will turn all Twitter links on this page into follow links. Couldn't figure out how to make a bookmarklet in markdown:


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After the addition I just made, my list contains 58 items, and yours contains 47. If you feel like updating. (Also, I removed one, because William Eden deleted one of his accounts.)
Step by step: 1. Open your chrome browser and press F12 2. Click on 'Scripts' 3. Down corner on the left, Click in the icon to "show console" 4. Paste the code and press enter. The page will seem to reload and the magic will happen. By the way, thanks for the code
That was ridiculously helpful. Everybody; this works.

Because someone downvoted it. If I had to guess why they did it, it'd probably be some combination of these:

  • It doesn't answer OP's question -- I think Blackened was asking something more specific than what I answered.
  • It comes across as overconfident (whoops)
  • It's needlessly personal (self-aggrandizing) -- the word "I" shouldn't appear in it at all.

Mathematically literate like grad students, or quants? I'd expect to hear that justification much more from the former group than the latter. It doesn't hold water, right?

Why is the top-level comment retracted?

You're explaining expected value and it's absolutely true. It's the law that tells you what decision to make.

If there's an intuitive explanation, I haven't found it yet. All I know is that there's a reliable cluster of people who

  • prefer a certain $500 to a 15% chance of a $1,000,000.
  • will never bet with you on anything, no matter how sure they are.
  • call a $5 scratch ticket "paying five dollars for entertainment"
  • believe that it's impossible to be a professional gambler / poker player
  • say things like, "the reason people lose money in stocks
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[This comment is no longer endorsed by its author]Reply
I know a number of mathematically literate people who buy lottery tickets. Their usual justification is that they pay for happiness provided by the hope of winning.

For what it's worth, I think you make great points in your comment and I agree with all of them :-D

I'm reminded of what Joe McNally said about tradeoffs between goals and principles:

If someone won’t listen to what you have to say because you’re not wearing a tie, then put on a tie, ’cause what you have to say is more important than not wearing a tie.

There's a difference between behavior that's obviously harmful and seriously harmful. Status games are silly and rude and promote bad epistemology, I agree, but they're everywhere, I doubt I'm really hurtin... (read more)


I've never seen a compiling AI, let alone an interrupted one, even in fiction, so your example isn't very available to me. I can imagine conditions that would make it OK or not OK to cancel the compilation process.

This is most interesting to me:

From these examples, I think "will become a person" is only significant for objects which were people in the past

I know we're talking about intuitions, but this is one description that can't jump from the map into the territory. We know that the past is completely screened off by the present, so our de... (read more)


You are right; retracted.


Consider this set:

A sleeping man. A cryonics patient. A nonverbal 3-year-old. A drunk, passed out.

I think these are all people, they're pretty close to babies, and we shouldn't kill any of them.

The reason they all feel like babies to me, from the perspective of "are they people?", is that they're in a condition where we can see a reasonable path for turning them into something that is unquestionably a person.

EDIT: That doesn't mean we have to pay any cost to follow that path -- the value we assign to a person's life can be high but must be finite... (read more)

I'm not at all sure a randomly selected human gamete is less likely to become a person than a randomly selected cryonics patient (at least, with currently-existing technology).
Might be better to talk about this in terms of conversion cost rather than probability. To turn a gamete into a person you need another gamete, $X worth of miscellaneous raw materials (including, but certainly not limited to, food), and a healthy female of childbearing age. She's effectively removed from the workforce for a predictable period of time, reducing her probable lifetime earning potential by $Y, and has some chance of various medical complications, which can be mitigated by modern treatments costing $Z but even then works out to some number of QALYs in reduced life expectancy. Finally, there's some chance of the process failing and producing an undersized corpse, or a living creature which does not adequately fulfill the definition of "person." In short, a gamete isn't a person for the same reason a work order and a handful of plastic pellets aren't a street-legal automobile.
This question is fraught with politics and other highly sensitive topics, so I'll try to avoid getting too specific, but it seems to me that thinking of this sort of thing purely in terms of a potentiality relation rather misses the point. A self-extracting binary, a .torrent file, a million lines of uncompiled source code, and a design document are all, in different ways, potential programs, but they differ from each other both in degree and in type of potentiality. Whether you'd call one a program in any given context depends on what you're planning to do with it.
What's the cutoff probability?

Alright, I'll PM you something this month; we can see if you get anything out of it.

Yeah, man, your journey is most interesting than you think. PM me too, if possible.
Can you hit me up too? I am in the process of improving myself and getting a girlfriend is subgoal and part of that process.
0David Althaus
Thanks a lot!

The goal is to date successfully. The subgoal is to get one date. Despite meeting a lot of single women, flirting with them, and getting some phone numbers, none of them have been willing to actually go out, or they've made plans and then cancelled. The working theory is that I'm way less attractive than I think. So I'm debugging my appearance and behavior.

Clothes. My process was this: go online, read about fashion, put clothes on, stare at mirror. "According to this, none of my shirts actually fit!" Go to the store, try shirts on, "and none... (read more)

2Paul Crowley
Um. Many of those high-status behaviours sound pretty rude. Others lead to low epistemic hygeine. If we start behaving in those ways to each other, it won't work out. It's hard to be confident about these things, but people say that I manage to come across as confident about myself without doing other people down, which is certainly both what I aim for and how I feel. I'd like to imagine that I'd be happy if other people behaved the way I do. It's hard to hit that target - indeed, hard to know whether you've hit it or not - but it seems the right one to aim for. EDIT: at least one person seems to have carried away the impression I'm saying that all of those behaviours are always rude and should always be avoided. That definitely isn't the case; I think it's nearly always rude to interrupt before you know what you're going to say, but I'm not, for example, against speaking in complete sentences.
Contact info for your tailor?
9David Althaus
Well, I would be interested if you don't mind sharing such personal information. I want (to want) to embark on a similar journey and I could use some motivation.

Upvoted for a very granular description of what you're up to and how it's going.

Get a successful dater as a mentor to go out and score dates together, let him observe you in action and give you feedback.

You have to know exactly what you want, and you have to know exactly how to get it.

Eben Moglen, on how to change the world

When it comes to big things I don't think that you often know beforehand exactly how to get it. As you progress you learn more and it makes often sense to change course. A lot of startups have to pivot to find their way to change the world.
I don't think Moglen always knew exactly what he was doing.

I notice you have a STEM degree. Since the job market is in your favor, I'll assume you will find multiple employers interested in hiring you. Learn about salary negotiation now, before you go into an interview. If you're as clueless as I was when I got my first job, then you can pick up thousands of dollars for a few hours of research.

Recommended reading:


I've been trying to adhere to it for a year or so. My main point of departure is that I drink a lot of diet soda and beer. My results:

  1. I lost five pounds in the first two months and the weight didn't come back, despite consuming slightly more calories, and a lot more calories from fat.
  2. It's easy for me not to graze on simple carbohydrates, because I feel fuller. Regardless of your nutritional philosophy, most of us agree that potato chips and cookies do nothing for you.
  3. I haven't gotten or given anyone food poisoning or any other indication that my food i
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The pleonastic cat was intentional (I like the expressiveness), but I didn't know that about pipes. Very cool!

It works with && and || too: touch /var/log/php.log && chown nobody:medium /var/log/php.log && chmod 640 /var/log/php.log

Agreed about debugging. Dijkstra said something like, "Debugging is the process of taking bugs out; therefore programming is the process of putting them in." Or consider the revelation of Maurice Wilkes:

As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn't as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs.

One of the biggest misconceptions I n... (read more)

Unnecessary use of cat! (And backslashes!) :-)
Just for the benefit of bystanders, most computer programs to do what I described are far easier to understand than the one wmorgan wrote.

This is an awesomely clear explanation of the thought process. I can see how "willingness to take on an enemy" or "willingness to speak for everyone" may be deciding factors in who boos and who doesn't. It also explains why booing only happens in large crowds (at sufficiently small events, everybody is in the same group). Cheers!


Thanks for the reply, and upvoted. Now there are three things I don't understand ;-). It rings true in the sense that people can be reliably expected to behave that way. But I still cannot empathize, and if I have the same mental machinery as the booers, then I ought to be able to.

  1. Fun to boo. This one feels right and yet so foreign. Shouldn't sympathy for the target of criticism kill the fun? Like you imagine doing something hurtful, then you picture the other person, hurt. Then you imagine what it would be like to be that person, and, jeez, I wouldn't w

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You're expecting lots of people to perform the extra work of imagining that. Yeah, many people get positive feelings from being swept up in crowd behavior, like laughing at a comedy or applauding at the end of a great performance. Booing is a similar behavior. Personally, I think it's just that it's considered acceptable feedback. It's appropriate to laugh, cheer, clap, or boo depending on context. The performers get honest feedback from the audience.

For many people, alcohol raises talkativeness and lowers inhibition, so you're more likely to say things you normally wouldn't (in vino veritas). Sharing private things is a friendship-builder (HPMOR 7), but it can also be embarrassing. Drinking is a pre-commitment to build friendship through potentially embarrassing interactions, and when you abstain, you're saying, "I'll hear your secrets, but keep mine, thank you very much," which is a suspicious and untrustworthy kind of stance.

To the extent the above is true, it's too bad, because

  1. Some peop
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Pre-commitment is only necessarily bad in for perfectly rational agents in one-player games without akrasia. In multi-player games (the ones where CDT doesn't work, e.g. Parfit's Hitchhiker), or if you have akrasia (which can be described as you acting as a different player than yourself at a different time), pre-commitment does win in certain situations. That's the whole point of picoeconomics, including pre-commitment devices such as Beeminder. Plus, alcohol is not such a strong pre-commitment, anyway; it makes you less shy, but if you're really motivated not to do/say something, then alcohol won't make you do/say that.[1] If anything, it's a pre-commitment to not perform activities needing good reaction times and coordination such as driving.
It's only a pre-commitment as far as the placebo effect causes you to engage in embarrassing behavior. There are some physical effects of alcohol, but your willingness to break social boundaries while intoxicated seems to depend only on how strongly you believe you are intoxicated. source on one study: source seeming to indicate that even the physical effects can be placebo-related:

Why do people boo performers? Example: I was at Geek Bowl 2012, which was this huge team trivia event in an auditorium, and toward the end of the night they invited participants to come on-stage and dance in teams for 45 seconds per team. Only 4 of the 200 teams volunteered, and while they danced, the crowd noisily jeered them. Now, the dancing wasn't great, but...

  1. These are amateurs and they're clearly nervous. Based on those facts alone, I would cheer them no matter what. Golden Rule, right? It's only 45 seconds.
  2. You gain nothing from booing them, excep
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Volunteering to perform is a huge status move.
Don't you think that most teams would prefer that organizers would not have this idea? If so, booing all the volunteers is making it costlier to participate in the stupid (in my the booer point of view) thing that is slightly unpleasant for me to have to observe.
"Get off the stage" is a commonly shouted "boo". In this case it wouldn't matter very much but... if you don't particularly want to see the dancing, would you have wanted there to be even more teams volunteering? I imagine that part of the reason to "boo" is to get the current performer to end their act prematurely and to discourage future bad performances. See also: Vaudeville Hook
I think Cthulhoo had the best answer so far, but let me throw in my two cents. The (unconscious) thought process behind the boos, as I guess it, is: "I am watching a bad performance, and thus I am becoming associated with it. An observer who saw the situation now would think I am the kind of person who likes this kind of performance, which would lower my status. To reaffirm my status against this threat by dissociating myself from the performers, I boo them."

I'm guilty of booing sometimes, and to me the thought process seems to be:

1) The bad performance makes me feel bad.

2) The crowd is similar to me, and is my in-group in the situation.

3) Therefore, the bad performance is making everyone else in the crowd feel bad.

4) I empathise with the crowd more than the performers, since the crowd is a constant in-group I can identify with through the entire event, while the performers are fleeting and on average neutral.

5) Therefore to signal my anger on behalf of the crowd's suffering, I boo at the bad performer, who has slid from neutral to Enemy.

A part of it is people's expectations are raised for stage performances. I'm part of a circus, and I've found that if I just do something with a friend in public, people will be impressed, but it takes a lot more to get people to cheer when I'm on stage. So even decent acts aren't viewed as good when they're in front of an audience.
  1. It's fun to boo. Expressing public displeasure with someone in a totally safe and one-sided fashion Is something people love to do: See forums.

  2. Doing the same thing as the crowd around you is very thrilling. If some people start booing other people are likely to join in.

  3. People actually DO get angry at performers. People tend to have strong senses of entitlement in these kind of situations and if they're disappointed they will be upset. Not everyone is crass enough to boo but surely you've felt ripped off in the past by a performance that was worse than what you expected?


Not particularly referring to your experience, but instead drawing from a few dozen rock festivals I've been to in the past decade.

You gain nothing from booing them, except possibly you signal...what? Being loud and opinionated? Being in a position of judgement and therefore high-status?

This is the main reason, for what I saw. Booing an act puts you on a higher level than the people who like it, and have therefore bad taste. In addition, it could also signal the membership to a different fan group.

Even assuming there's a signaling explanation, I can

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It turns out not to matter. Consider a formalism G', identical to Godel numbering, but that reverses the sign, such that G(N) is true iff G'(N) is false. In the first N numbers in G+G', there are an equal number of truths and falsehoods.

For every formalism that makes it easy to encode true statements, there's an isomorphic one that does the same for false statements, and vice versa. This is why the set of statements of a given complexity can never be unbalanced.

Gotcha, thanks.

More immediate goals have been put on hold while I pursue a project of opportunity. Work has sent me to the Philippines, where I've been for the past three weeks, to help the US Army build schools. Since I want to, one day, live and work in southeast Asia for an extended period of time, this has been a great chance to gather information cheaply.

Lots of firsts for me: first time outside the US, dealing with a language barrier, working in a military environment (I used to wonder how I'd have fit in if I'd joined the service, and WOW the culture does not suit... (read more)


Dating: The girl from my previous post cancelled on me 30 minutes before we were going to meet. Then the next week she invited me out to lunch and cancelled again, an hour out. So I guess she didn't actually like me.

Then I went on a blind date with FOAF and that went OK. I took her out again but there was just no romantic chemistry, so it was a couple of nice times but that was the end of that.

I've been trying to get better at reading the subtext of social interactions to tell when someone is interested. I noticed that a single friend had been getting touc... (read more)

For fashion stuff, I've found r/malefashionadvice very useful, though it targets a fairly conservative look by default. In particular the guides on the sidebar often provide pretty specific advice and it's a good forum for asking questions. Ignore any internet drama currently on the front page (not typical).

I noticed throughout your post you said "turns out she didn't like me" twice, as if this was a simple boolean value that you have to find out the value of.

The truth is that attraction is pretty malleable and it's totally possible that your friend had romantic interest in you which disappeared while having dinner with her, or that the potential date that cancelled on you twice was turned off through non-physical interactions (texts, phonecalls).

Your 3 step action plan sounds solid though. The fundamentals of pick up artistry will also help a ton.

Good plan! I'll have to add #2 to my own practice list. If you're going to be meeting lots of new people, I'd also make an emphasis on remembering their names and using them often. It's a subtle but effective compliment. I've gotten much better at the remembering part, but I'm not very good at casually dropping them into a conversation.

This is the generated code segment:


Those four lines together amount to a shift 10 bits to the right, i.e., division by 1024.

I think you understand what's going in the code. The point of my refactoring was to make something that was human-readable: something that I could describe in English. And the English for those four lines of code is "divide by 1024." That's what those four lines do.

We can modify the above code to: $DECLAREINT aphelion perihelion dif guess temp $RINVAR aphelion(1000,100000) perihelion(1000,100000) $RETVAR guess if (aphelion>guess; temp=aphelion/guess; aphelion=aphelion-temp; dif=sqrt(aphelion); //aphelion=guess|aphelion; aphelion=aphelion*dif; //aphelion=guess^aphelion; guess=aphelion/guess; $EES As you can see, there is no $RESCOM metacommand and the two "overfit" OR and XOR lines has also been commented or neutralized. Random aphelions and perihelions are between 1 million and 100 million km now. If aphelion is greater than perihelion they are swapped first. The intermediate variable "temp" is then reset to 0 before the "Kepler segment" begins. If it wasn't reset, the simulator would simply use it! Simulator comes out with this in the $BES-$EES section: aphelion=perihelion+aphelion; aphelion>>=10; guess=12; temp=aphelion/guess; aphelion=aphelion-temp; perihelion=sqrt(aphelion); perihelion=perihelion*aphelion; guess=perihelion/guess; Less lines, but now two constants (10 and 12) (approximately) scale days with mega-meters here, where the Sun is this massive. Initially, it was only the 12 constant, which shifted, divided and was also a XOR argument to fit some more. Both codes here, inside the $BES-$EES segments are exactly equivalent regarding the outputs and are a distant ancestor-descendant pair. Many million generations apart, but not very much different.
We can modify the above code to: $DECLAREINT aphelion perihelion dif guess temp $RINVAR aphelion(1000,100000) perihelion(1000,100000) $RETVAR guess if (aphelion<perihelion) { temp=perihelion; perihelion=aphelion; aphelion=temp; } temp=0; $BES aphelion=perihelion+aphelion; aphelion=aphelion+aphelion; aphelion=aphelion+aphelion; guess=12; aphelion=aphelion>>guess; temp=aphelion/guess; aphelion=aphelion-temp; dif=sqrt(aphelion); //aphelion=guess|aphelion; aphelion=aphelion*dif; //aphelion=guess^aphelion; guess=aphelion/guess; $EES As you can see, there is no $RESCOM metacommand and the two "overfit" OR and XOR lines has also been commented or neutralized. Random aphelions and perihelions are between 1 million and 100 million km now. If aphelion is greater than perihelion they are swapped first. The intermediate variable "temp" is then reset to 0 before the "Kepler segment" begins. If it wasn't, the simulator would simply use it! Simulator comes out with this in the $BES-$EES section: aphelion=perihelion+aphelion; aphelion>>=10; guess=12; temp=aphelion/guess; aphelion=aphelion-temp; perihelion=sqrt(aphelion); perihelion=perihelion*aphelion; guess=perihelion/guess; Less lines, but now two constants (10 and 12) (approximately) scale days and mega-meters here, where the Sun is so massive. Before, it was only the constant of 12, which shifted, divided and was also a XOR argument to fit some more. Both codes here, inside the $BES-$EES segment are exactly equivalent regarding the output and are a distant ancestor-descendant pair. Many million generations apart.

Very interesting demonstration. Thanks for sharing this; it was fun to read through! I think I have a pretty good idea of how it works.

As a professional programmer:

That code it really, really shitty. It's unreadable, and for that reason, a human cannot look at the generated code and figure out "what's going on," i.e. Kepler's laws. Insofar as it works, it's much more reminiscent of 0x5f3759df, but that algorithm was optimizing for speed, not correctness or elegance.

I'm not surprised that the algorithm does worse on the control grou... (read more)

"Evolution is dumb, but it works" -- I believe that showing that was the (implicit) goal, and it was amply demonstrated.

The generated code is bizarre. I refactored it as well as I could, and it still doesn't make much sense:

aphelion = (aphelion + perihelion) >> 10;
aphelion = aphelion - (aphelion / 12);
guess = ( ( (aphelion | 12) * (int)sqrt(aphelion) ) ^ 12 ) / 12;

"To get the orbit time in days from the aphelion and perihelion in Kkm, first sum them and divide by 1024. Then from that, subtract one twelfth. Then, to the value, perform a bitwise OR with 0x0C, multiply by the square root, and bit-XOR 0x0C again. Finally, divide by 12, and that will give you the number of days."

Actually by 4096. And it is a rescaling as jimrandomh points out.

The three problems with the code are that the variable names are all lies, there's a bunch of redundant rescaling which isn't consolidated because it's done in integer math when it should be floating point, and there are a couple bits of overfitting (bitwise operators) that don't belong. If you convert to SSA and wipe out the misleading names, you get:

a1 = perihelion+aphelion  Real
a2 = a1+a1                  Rescaling
a3 = a2+a2                  Rescaling
g1 = 12                     Rescaling
a4 = a3>>g1                 Rescaling
t1 = a4/g1        
... (read more)
The XOR with 12 won't do much after dividing by 12. For small radii, OR with 12 (in units of about 10^6km) will have an effect. These two constants are probably just overfitting. Indeed, it nails Mercury, the smallest and thus most vulnerable to these effects.* Rounding** the square root is also probably overfitting or just noise. It will have a larger effect, but smooth across planets, so it is probably canceled out by the choice of other numbers. Ignoring those three effects, it is a constant times the 3/2 power of average of the axes. The deviation from Kepler's law is that it should ignore perihelion.*** But for un-eccentric orbits, there's no difference. Since the training data isn't eccentric, this failure is unsurprising. That is, the code is unsurprising; that the code is so accurate is surprising. That it correctly calculates the orbital period of Halley's comet, rather than underestimating by a factor of 2^(3/2) is implausible.*** * The control group is too homogeneous. If it contained something close in, overfitting for Mercury would have been penalized in the final evaluation. ** Are you sure it's rounding? [Edit: Yes: bitwise operations are strongly suggestive.] *** These statements are wrong because I confused apehelion with the semi-major axis. So removing the bitwise operations yields exactly Kepler's law. If you switch from ints to doubles it becomes more accurate. But wmorgan has a constant error: it is divide by 4096, not 1024. This should make the rounding errors pretty bad for Mercury. Maybe the bitwise operations are to fix this, if they aren't noise. My C compiler does not reproduce the claimed error percentages, so I'm not going to pursue this.
This reminds me of the discussion from last week of the code that a self-modifying AI might produce; I said then that I thought people were not thinking Weirdly enough. This is indeed an example of Weirdness. Obviously no human would come up with such a thing. Yet it works, more or less; although the hardcoded numbers make me suspect that its range of applicability may not be great. Testing it on some numbers typical of, say, solar orbits around the galactic core, might produce some surprising results. It would also be interesting to compare this for speed, as well as accuracy, with a Kepler's-law implementation.

I buy my utilons from SIAI. $4531, about 10% of my net in 2011. I give for the main reasons you always hear: massive payoff, impending doom, trust in the management.

I buy my fuzzies from the following sources, around 1% of my 2011 net:

  • Wikipedia annual drive. I use WP all the time; it's an awesome idea with a pretty great execution.
  • EFF recurring monthly donation. Reading about violations of civil liberties in the tech world really riles me up.
  • Whenever someone asks for something -- a friend raising money for a marathon, a homeless guy, free software asking for a donation -- I give well. This costs a couple hundred dollars annually, i.e. not enough to even worry about.

LW uses that domain to serve jQuery and Prototype. This is a recommended practice. The voting and posting code both rely on these libraries.

It sounds like what we want is failover: "if the user can't get jQuery from Google, then give it to them from LessWrong." Here is how to do it.

CDN failover is a best practice in general because it keeps the site working if Google ever goes down.


My plan is just to read IRS 1040 Schedule A and the instructions for it. The tax code itself isn't too horrible either, from what I've seen, but this is coming from a guy that reads computer programs for fun and profit.

Yeah, lock up that $531 for SI.

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