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There is a typo: "idenfitier" instead of "identifier"

Thank you very much for your motivation and advice!

I will follow your suggestions and read about those two you mentioned.

I have read two books which cover the memory palace. One of them was written by Dominic O'Brien and I am pretty sure it was 'How to Develop a Perfect Memory'. It covers awesome memory techniques.

Than the other one:


It was written by Barbara Oakley. It does not goes far into memory palaces I believe (I read them years ago), but it changed the way I think about my memory, therefore it has been a very valuable book. I have not read much more about those topics though (therefore recommendations are always appreciated).

The way I build my own palace is quite different though than what I have read:  My palace is made out of places I liked a lot (from real life, video games, ones I came up with etc.). You could say it is made out of two parts: The main memory palace, (for everyday tasks like chores, grocery list etc.) I use it, 'reset' and than I use it again. I had a vague idea on how it should look like and than I quickly sketched it out (just for aiding, it was lots of fun). Than it branches off in many smaller memory palaces, which are only used for a certain thing. There is a place for physics, life plans, Alicorn's techniques from the luminosity sequence, how to write a good essay, rationality tools, reminders, words I want to learn etc. etc. I create those rooms spontaneously and I only rarely throw something out of there: For example if I have found a better mind tool than the previous one. 

This works really well for me. Now I just need way more rooms for the calendar project (this and the one with the language learning is from O'Brien's book) -> for every month one road and 'rooms' for every single day (it should be an open place so you can easily look back on how the month went) and I need to use it more for dailies and recipes instead of the old way I memorized things, but this is just a matter of practice.

So in my experience, it is the most important thing to be playful about it.

I hope that I was able to help you :)

Answer by WrongPlanet100

I want to spend time with more meaningful things, therefore: 

50 ways to simplify life/save time (some of these things solve the problem indirectly. For example going out of my comfort zone and making communicating routine results having it easier in future social situations etc.):

  1. Delete unnecessary accounts
  2. Use password manager
  3. Delete unnecessary apps/programs
  4. Unsubscribe from newsletters, instead read in-depth literature on things I want to learn
  5. Delete screenshots of e-book pages (after I noted the relevant part down)
  6. Do stuff from the doing later list now
  7. Keep only the most important bookmarks
  8. Use mind palace for daily chores, as a calendar, to memorize recipes etc.
  9. Learn shortcuts
  10. Less light information sources
  11. Spend more time with people I love or find interesting (less with others)
  12. Create a capsule wardrobe
  13. Start onetime projects and finish them fast if they bring joy/are useful
  14. Otherwise discard them
  15. Get another plant within next five days or gift the pot (reminds me otherwise of my old one ;-;)
  16. No mindless browsing allowed
  17. Search for feedback (so I do less unnecessary work)
  18. Raise my hand in class every time I think of an answer
  19. Try things from my try-things-list
  20. Write regularly on LessWrong
  21. Become a Toastmaster and regularly attend events
  22. Participate in competitions
  23. Learn another memory technique (forgot the name)
  24. Find out what others think of me
  25. Start to think more realistic about myself
  26. Donate and gift a lot of my stuff
  27. Break big things into smaller and easier things
  28. Spending 10 min fully focused on a thing I want to learn everyday (increase to more things/more time)
  29. Write down things I want to do, learn etc. Assign numbers from 1 to 10 according to how important they are. Discard the things on the end of the list.
  30. Assign to the rest of the list numbers according to how easy they are and start doing  them
  31. Read books about how to efficiently interact with other people, mental math and other mind tools etc.
  32. (After I read through most of the books I have) Create an account on goodreads
  33. Establish rules for when buying things (for example a certain price, certain colours, only necessary things etc.)
  34. Delegate tasks
  35. Learn how to focus better (reading about it, experimenting)
  36. Set timers when working on tasks
  37. Remove everything which could distract me
  38. Own only a few things so that cleaning will never be a problem again, cause any arrangement out of all the things I own looks cool and creative
  39. Tell others to gift me only non-consumer things
  40. Meditate lots and become enlightend
  41. Figure out how to become more effective and rational
  42. Live from now on like a cave woman
  43. Act like crazy and get into a psychiatry
  44. Commit a serious crime and get caught
  45. Die
  46. Marry somebody rich who is completely okay with... well, me
  47. Almost die and as a result stop being able to care for myself
  48. Program the ultimate AI companion
  49. Help humanity so that humanity owes me and I never have to do a thing myself ever again muhahahahaha
  50. Define existing as meaningful

Time it took: When I remove the time I spend on writing something down, getting up and doing it and than coming back to delete the thing I wrote (sometimes, sometimes not) .... It took me less than... forty/fifty minutes?

Thank you very much jacobjacob.

It was lots of fun and I am excited about the other babble challenges!

Answer by WrongPlanet90

So, my first "actual" comment:

  1. Implant the pen into my body.
  2. Hide it in an umbrella, but also integrate a weapon (Mycroft Holmes Style) to have good non-pen reason to carry it allround all the time.
  3. Every few months change one's identity and the hiding spot.
  4. Struggle to keep it hidden till Einstein is of age to think about a good solution. Ask him inderectly.
  5. Charm the pen with partial transfiguration since it is known for being not possible. Therefore it cannot be the pen.
  6. Make it look like something else: stick, wand etc.
  7. Weren't there somebody who could swallow various items and get them easily back out? Learn that skill to hide the pen.
  8. Contact a ravenclaw, ask for help, in exchange they will be able to read the miracle papers.
  9. Build a time machine or accidently find one which somebody lost, notice confusion & be curious, push a few buttons, land in 2020, survive, find out about computers, the internet and LessWrong. Ask the community indirectly about hiding ideas for Einstein's pen (for example you could create bubble challenges)
  10. The Effective Altruism Community might also be a ... äh... "Anlaufstelle".
  11. With the help of an magic hat turn the pen into a white rabbit, change it back and forth now and then to prevent it from dying,
  12. Buy lots and lots of pens, keep the original and drop/trade/gift /whatever them (afterwards you have to clean up of course).
  13. Glue a flower on it and wear a bun with your self made hairstick.
  14. Make a fire and "burn" the pen (the thing where the fire is on top should have a hole somewhere, where it can be dropped in), while laughing evilly. Use the moment of confusion and make a run for it. Carry on for fifty years.
  15. Put it in the ground and let plants grow over it.
  16. Sew secret pockets in your clothes.
  17. If it is likely that the evil forces find and torture you one day: Give your best friend a letter which she will return in fifty years, which asks you to find something and sell it to someone. In exchange you will get reward. Hide the pen and than get wasted. Live peacefully as much as possible.
  18. Put it in a safe.
  19. Put it in a hollowed-out book and hide it in your library -> evil forces are not truth seeking fellows.
  20. Hide it in a grave.
  21. Let it be blessed by a priest or something.
  22. Pour it in resin. For example as a table top.
  23. Do not do anything, let time travelers solve the problem which lead to their future misery/slow progress.
  24. Everytime the evil forces come too close, I just sing to keep them away.
  25. Try to sell it to the evil forces but change the conditions last minute everytime or make the conditions not obviously impossible, so that they try fifty years to meet them.
  26. Hide it in your diary.
  27. Hide it under you pillow.
  28. okay this one is weird... (I forgot what was weird so here is another one): Have a house, remove loose brick, insert pen, insert brick.
  29. Hide it on the doorframe or under the door rug (works always).
  30. Put it in an handbag of an old woman (if you feel bad for the old woman: be the old woman)
  31. Make the best of the situation and decide to finally go see the world (constantly move around)
  32. Marry a rich and important person, use them to your advantage.
  33. Hide it in those big gowns, your own or seduce somebody.
  34. If the pen is not really big you can hide it in those special belts.
  35. Use it as the starter for a bomb (if it gets removed, the bomb explodes(under the condition that the evil forces are not immun and not suicidal)), expiry date in fifty years.
  36. Send it around, but make the evil forces believe that you still have it on yourself.
  37. Put it in the ground, where a house is supposed to be build.
  38. Wear it as a necklace hidden under your clothes.
  39. Get a witch to help you. Might be interested in miracle papers.
  40. Learn how to hold great speeches. Manipulate other people so they fight and distract the evil forces.
  41. My dog can teleport himself. He should be easily able to fend evil forces for fifty years off.
  42. Wear boots, put pen inside.
  43. Hide it in a picture frame.
  44. Hide it in the thing a horse wears, train it so that it kicks everything and anyone who is not you.
  45. Get Sherlock to help you.
  46. Hide it inside the bible or crucifix.
  47. Get people to worship and defend the pen at all costs in combination with a prophecy about you getting it back in fifty years.
  48. Hide it in a secret space in the floor.
  49. Put a note on it "Not of interest in any way" or charm it in a way that evil forces cannot perceive it in any way.
  50. Put it like a candle in a chandelier.

I hope this is okay :)

Hello there! :)

For about a month I have been reading lots on LessWrong and correlating websites/blogs. Now I finally want to become active and maybe in the future if it ever comes down to that contribute in some way... But first I will introduce myself:

I am 17 years old, currently I want to dedicate my future for AI stuff and also for making the world a better place. I found LessWrong by accident and was so delighted to find out that there is such a huge community about rationality, effective altruism, and other things. The way the people treat each other here is rare to find somewhere else (-> awesome community -> You - yes you - are a great person). Also many users of LessWrong have awesome blogs themselves or are fans of other awesome stuff. As a result, I learned so much and it changed my life in many aspects :)! At first I was hoping to contribute with essays that I wrote for myself about systematic approaches to improve one's life, biases, effective altruism etc. which I wrote before finding out about Lesswrong. After starting reading the sequences and other posts I had decided that I should probably read more, write completely new essays, throw my old ones away... :'P So just writing comments, maybe short posts and getting lots of feedback seems like the best way to go right now... If you have tips for improving my writing style, that would be awesome!

I want to further improve myself, update my beliefs, integrate Bayesian theory, etc. into my thinking, help where I can -> become an overall more rational being, therefore feedback is greatly appreciated :D

Any questions or recommendations etc.? 

Thanks for taking your time to read this :)

Talk:Litany of Gendlin


Does anyone know where in Gendlin's writings this can be found? In particular, I'm wondering if it was a poem (or "litany") originally, or if it's just been formatted that way. 

--Zeke 20:03, 28 September 2011 (UTC)

Page 140 of the 2nd edition of Focusing. It was not a poem originally.

--Vaniver 17:31, 11 June 2012 (UTC)

Talk:Least convenient possible world

This article would probably be improved by an example of how to apply the technique. I would have added one, but I didn't want to just copy and paste from Yvain's post, and I couldn't immediately think of a simple demonstration of the idea that wouldn't distract with irrelevant aspects (i.e., technical debates and political issues probably make poor examples). --A soulless automaton 00:55, 7 April 2009 (UTC)

Talk:Costs of Rationality

The tone of this page seems overly dramatic: "Be sure that you really want to know the truth before you commit to finding it; otherwise, you may flinch from it."

What is worse:

flinching from the truth initially but eventually embracing it.
Flinching form the truth and never embracing it.
Never finding the truth so there was never something to flinch from.

What purpose does this quote serve other then:

Scare people way.
be a self aggrandizing statement.

-- Davorak

The purpose is in honest communication of consequences of finding out the truth. If people should be scared, it's right and proper to scare them. It's not clear what is worse among the options you've listed, at least a priori. You only know what is worse (under given assumptions) by actually asking the question and attempting to answer it. After you answer the question, you can skip asking it again, but not before. This page is about that question. --Vladimir Nesov 22:57, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Agreed with above^

This post is literally almost pointless to me. Before I criticize any post, I find it very important to understand the other person's point of view. That being said: I greatly understand where you are coming from. People should absolutely be sure that they indeed want to find out what is real truth before they investigate, as the information they gather may conflict with previous beliefs, regarding both spiritual and moral.

However, our job here is to encourage the process of facilitating the mindset to accurately create a logical and rational decision or belief. For this to happen, we need truth. Truth is a difficult subject, and one that, because of the last sentence in the paragraph above, must be approached with an open mind. If one goes in with a hard heart, and is solely looking for ways to prove people wrong in their search of truth, they will probably be disappointed, because truth takes no side. Truth is it's own side, and doesn't bother around with pissy little trivial argument on the internet. All that being said, you are right in that people need to be careful. I would just request that you add a little more information regarding the PRO's and the CON's of rationality. By only giving one side of the topic, you are setting yourself up for failure. In addition, the purpose of the Wiki is to give information. One to two sentences are simply nowhere near enough to explain your purpose in adding this topic.

I like the topic; don't get me wrong, but I feel the way it's being presented is sententious and lacking of any useful information. If you like, I would gladly fill in the gaps here, as just sitting here, I've expounded many ideas of things to include in this article. But, out of respect for you, and an attempt to ensure you know why I'm doing it, I'l give you a few days before I put a little more info up for you to edit however you like.

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