Two thoughts:
Many with unusually high "g"appear to have a tendency toward social blindness and trouble with "theory of mind" and tracking others internal states. I wonder if many have reminded themselves to consciously track any cues to other's internal states. Example: hmm that person is exhibiting signs of boredom and body language indicating a desire to flee when I discuss the coding problem I've been struggling with.
As someone prone to impulsivity in youth I've come to appreciate a tendency toward intrusive terrible images or "intrusive thoughts". They dont require any conscious effort but if I'm engaged in something where a lack of attention or a wrong move could cause devastation my mind will happily flash a fully formed detailed image of an intense, exaggerated unpleasant potential outcome. Though I have had to develop ways to dissipate the images so they don't cling.
I have a friend who owns a business that they ran for years as a female then transitioned with hormones. Over a short time they appeared very obviously male to everyone they met. He said that people stopped questioning everything he said and just believed him. Like, he would make a reasonable informed statement and that would be it, people accepted it as the truth. I've heard this is a universal experience of transmen, which is interesting as they are often shorter and smaller yet still find this advantage.