All of Xom's Comments + Replies


While you're at it, you might as well practice getting up, getting dressed, making the bed, starting the kettle (or whatever you would do for breakfast), etc.

(Disclaimer: I haven't done this; I've only read about doing it.)

You might want to make the habit a bit shorter than that so that it is easier to practice and repeat a lot.

On the other hand, LW!Hermione failed to reproduce this experiment

I'm not sure how wide of an audience this post is targeting, but the !-notation feels gratuitous here. How about:

On the other hand, Hermione (LW user) failed to reproduce this experiment


This is sort of what I say to remind myself that having read some of something isn't a sufficient reason to finish it.

I pasted it into Google just now and found this article quoting it in a similar context.


Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now, it's complete because it's ended here."

~ Collected Sayings of Muad'Dib, Irulan, Herbert elder

4Eliezer Yudkowsky
Upvoted because I actually think this phrase as my reminder-keyword on appropriate occasions. E.g. publishing an MOR chapter.
Is this a recommendation or a warning?

I've never been able to make sense out of that. It sounds very tough and definite, but what does it mean?


Sometimes, you can spend an expensive five hours hunting on the web for data that a research librarian could retrieve from a reference book in minutes.

~ Pat Wagner

Who cares about "sometimes" when making a decision? What counts is the expectation, what happens on average. Yes, sometimes investing all your savings in a single high-risk stock picked at random while drunk works better than listening to various experts, researching the relevant literature and diversifying your investments. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Which occasions? If this were a rationality kata I would immediately ask, "What trigger condition does the person need to recognize that chains into using this technique?"

This quote seems to be losing its relevance, since even when I was a college senior you could get help from research librarians via web chat.
We will have to make the web better, then.

Wait a while for me to plan the event

This answers what I meant, thanks.


Would anyone be interested?

Yes. But what's the next step?

I'm not sure what you mean. (Wait a while for me to plan the event, and perhaps suggest weekends when you're available? And/or do exercises from existing drawing textbooks on your own in the meantime? Or did you mean after the workshop?)

Please talk to David McRaney ( to see if he'd be interested. His recent book, while far from comprehensive, has become the first place I look whenever I want to reference an accessible explanation of a particular cognitive bias.


I read this as concerning organization instead of capacity.

relevant: Your inner Google


Perhaps you are beginning to see how essential a part of reading it is to be perplexed and know it. Wonder is the beginning of wisdom in learning from books as well as from nature.

~ Mortimer J. Adler, How to Read a Book


Every Sauron considers himself a Boromir.

~ Mencius Moldbug

That doesn't seem like the right pair of characters for making the intended point. Here is the context: Boromir himself was an example of a character who was doing bad but thought (until just before the end) that he was doing good. So, to consider oneself to be a Boromir is to consider oneself to be fooling oneself in just the way that Moldbug describes. Boromir already is just the kind of self-deluded person that Moldbug is saying that powerful people are. It would have made his point better to say that "Every Boromir considers himself a Faramir". Or, "Every Sauron considers himself a Gandalf".
Saruman, in this image at A Tiny Revolution.

Piotr Woźniak doesn't seem to think lucid dreaming is worth pursuing.

Though speaking from my personal experience, it's pretty fun, and for that you don't have to be good at it; my control was pretty limited (flying is easy).


This feels like it should be a separate post to me.


"FAI" here generally means "Friendly AGI", which would make "FAI is harder than AGI" trivially true.

Perhaps you meant one of the following more interesting propositions:

  • "(The sub-problem of) AGI is harder than (the sub-problem of) Friendliness."
  • "AGI is sufficiently hard relative to Friendliness, such that by the time AGI is solved, Friendliness is unlikely to have been solved."

(Assuming even the sub-problem of Friendliness still has prerequisite part or all of AGI, the latter proposition implies "Friendliness isn't so easy relative to AGI such that progress on Friendliness will lag insignificantly behind progress on AGI.")


This is (morbidly) fascinating, please keep at it.

Your comment inspired me to buy a notebook and dive back into Derrida. It's sort of painful.
:-D "Morbid fascination" is about how I feel about it. Bits of this stuff are still buzzing about in my head and I'll see if I can get more into written form. Not promising any time frame, you understand. But I do suspect I should be progressing rather faster ...

What is your information diet like? (I mean other than when you engage in focused learning.) Do you regulate it, or do you just let it happen naturally?

By that I mean things like:

  • Do you have a reading schedule (e.g. X hours daily)?
  • Do you follow the news, or try to avoid information with a short shelf-life?
  • Do you significantly limit yourself with certain materials (e.g. fun stuff) to focus on higher priorities?
  • In the end, what is the makeup of the diet?
  • Etc.

Inspired by this question (Eliezer's answer).


This is not much about Singularity Institute as an organization, so I'll just answer it here in the comments.

  • I do not regulate my information diet.
  • I do not have a reading schedule.
  • I do not follow the news.
  • I haven't read fiction in years. This is not because I'm avoiding "fun stuff," but because my brain complains when I'm reading fiction. I can't even read HPMOR. I don't need to consciously "limit" my consumption of "fun stuff" because reading scientific review articles on subjects I'm researching and writing
... (read more)

I couldn't find a better place for this, but today I learned this tip:

A book's table of contents shows you its structure, but don't forget to skim the index too, to get a second look at how its content is distributed.


In prose, the worst thing one can do with words is surrender to them. When you think of a concrete object, you think wordlessly, and then, if you want to describe the thing you have been visualizing you probably hunt about until you find the exact words that seem to fit it. When you think of something abstract you are more inclined to use words from the start, and unless you make a conscious effort to prevent it, the existing dialect will come rushing in and do the job for you, at the expense of blurring or even changing your meaning. Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations.

~ Orwell

This is the exact opposite of my experience- I think wordlessly with both abstract and concrete things, and hunting for words might work for the concrete things occasionally, since they are mostly the same, but for almost all abstract things there simply does not exist any word even close to what I want to say, so surrender - the hard kind, accepting defeat and humiliation, like that class scene in MoR - and making do with unbearably clumsy, confusing and muddled metaphor is exactly what I have to learn in every case I don't know the exact mathematical notation to formalize my thoughts.
"Politics and the English Language", 1946.

The DH tier seems to correspond to an upper-bound on the effectiveness of an argument of that tier.


People affected by Charles Bonnet syndrome, according to Wikipedia, are often sane and able to distinguish their hallucinations as hallucinations.


A certain amount of knowledge you can indeed with average faculties acquire so as to retain; nor need you regret the hours you spend on much that is forgotten, for the shadow of lost knowledge at least protects you from many illusions.

~ William Johnson Cory


It took me FOREVER to find from this page. Is there a way you can edit a link into the OP?


Time affluence is like a wonder drug. It eliminates stress. It increases happiness. It helps you engage the world and increases the chance that you'll stumble into something interesting.

~ Cal Newport


Opinions are like sex, you should change your positions if it feels wrong

~ garcia1000, Witchhunt game

It would be more accurate to say that you should critically look over the evidence again if your position feels wrong. A belief can be justified by logic and still be at odds with intuition, making it still feel wrong. Example: There are compelling arguments that simulation hypothesis is at least somewhat likely to be correct. However, my intuition tells me that the simulation hypothesis is just plain false. I know that this is a subject that my intuition is poorly suited for, so I follow the logic and estimate a non-negligible chance of being in a simulation, despite it feeling wrong.

But unlike sex you shouldn't change positions just for fun and novelty.