Zmavli Caimle


Making A Logical Language

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It didn't work when I tried it again when I received your message, but I tried it again now and it's working.

The Google Drive link containing information about the organizations is broken.

I'm the opposite. My first two languages are VSO, so VSO ordering (function first, then arguments) comes naturally to me. Some languages are SOV -- Japanese is the most prominent example. Don't think I know of any proglangs with that form of syntax, though.

There is also r/TheMotte, which formed from a schism in r/slatestarcodex. It mostly discusses culture war issues. The reason they split is that Scott was getting concerned that culture war discussion in his subreddit would attract the Eye of Sauron, which is why he asked people to make a new subreddit to discuss culture war (and also made it such that culture war discussion was now prohibited in r/slatestarcodex). Recently, however, the Reddit admins have been making moves to potentially ban the subreddit, so they are thinking about moving elsewhere.

Most of their content is centered on the Culture War Roundup thread, which refreshes weekly. Several posts are made per day.

Your links are broken and lead me to an "onboarding" page. The links when I use the original page on Blogger do, however.

If you however put effort into thinking through the primitives of your language, you can actually easily make words that are understood without having to be learned specifically.

I highly doubt this is true or possible in any meaningful degree. There have already been several conlangs that try this -- Lojban is one with its compounding system, another is Toki Pona. While it's definitely possible to have compounds whose meaning is related to their components, each context a specific component is going to have to be interpreted in its own special way. Again, because of context. You're going to have to learn something explicitly regardless.

English is the current "language Z" currently, but I agree that the language Z could be better. Are you planning on designing an IAL? I only do loglangs, so I can't help (or help to a meaningful degree), but I'm interested in reading your plans if you do have plans.

Hm, you're right about the apostrophe. Toaq and Eberban use the apostrophe for the glottal stop. Lojban uses the period. What other glyph do you suggest? x? Of the letters in the English alphabet, the following are not used by Sekko: j f v w x.

In truth, the phonology is unimportant for making a loglang. For making an artlang or an auxlang (auxillary language), phonology is very important -- but not for loglangs. It's more of an aesthetic choice. Also, I'm not very good at phonology. I used to have a loglang partner who co-created the language with me, but she left early on because of mental health issues.

Conlang making is weird because it's less "design" and more like...feeling what feels right. There are certain things that seem correct and certain things that feel wrong based on which elements you've put down previously. You "fix" some points, and the rest of the design falls into place. In that sense, it's more like discovery. I'll tell you a little history about Sekko's phonology, though.

Sekko originally had a Finnish-esque phonology. Voicing distinction on plosives and affricates (we had tʃ dʒ), no voicing distinction on fricatives. At that time, we also had the labiodental fricative f. Vowel and consonant length distinction were already present. The approximants j w were treated as separate consonants and not treated as diphthong allophones -- diphthongs were instead pronounced with hiatus. The palatal nasal ɲ was also a separate consonant and not an allophone.

There was no voicing distinction on fricatives because we didn't want a v-w distinction (and because Finnish didn't have it either, but we soon stopped caring about faithfulness to a Finnish-esque phonology. Now it's more of a weird mix of Japanese and Mandarin because of the labialization and palatization of consonants).

Now, this was all fine, except that I didn't like how diphthongs had to be pronounced with hiatus. It's much better to permit them to be said with glides. That entailed removing j w as true consonants.

I didn't like that we had no ʒ but we had dʒ. The labial fricative was removed, and voicing distinction for fricatives permitted.

Because consonants can be palatized now, we had a tj tʃ distinction (think of English "tube"). I didn't like this, so the affricates also lost their status as true consonants and became allophones.

Now there was less reason to remove ʃ and ʒ (I actually might re-add them). It's the same situation as before, where there was a sj ʃ ʃj distinction. I didn't like that very much, so the post-alveolar fricatives had to go.

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